Double J's Helper Application

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STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:53480272

IN-GAME NAME: Jimmy Jackson

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I would like to be a helper because I want to give back to the community. For some time, this community has been giving me a reason to stay. The dedication of the staff team and other players who strive to help people, this is something I really would like to be apart of. After constant consideration of whether to apply or not, as I understand that most community members may have a negative opinion of me, and that is completely fine. I have been helping a lot more around the server, I've answered as many /helps as I can, Helping people in-game and showing an active presence on the forums and TeamSpeak. I Have been in the community for a long time, Pretty sure since Paralake V2, In which I have made friendships and enemies. Since this role opened, It has interested me as I feel I could really do something good in the role, without the activity requirements, even then, I am on pretty much every day for 4 hours+.

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU?: I feel that you should choose me for this role because I am helpful around the server, assisting newer players, helping around the PD with training and mentoring of Lower ranked officers. Not to mention, I have tested around 2-3 Updates that have come out, in which I gave constructive and helpful feedback to the developer(s) who worked on that project. A Lot of the time people say that I am a ''Cop Main'' Which is true, and I know it. However, this just gives me an advantage when it comes to any questions regarding the Police Department. I also am willing to answer questions when it comes to illegal activities (In the server of course). I Have actually been doing some criminal roleplay. Some of you may not see this, however, as this tends to happen when not many players are on, or for a short space of time before I go back and continue roleplay as a Police officer. I Can go ahead and list qualities that I possess to help you understand about me:

  • I am not Bias. I will forget about friendships/rivalships when it comes to rule breakages.
  • I understand the rules and laws and have extensive knowledge of them when it comes to enforcing them.
  • I am dedicated, I will always do tasks that are asked of me and perform them to the best of my ability.
  • I am able to take feedback, whether it be negative or positive, and use that to improve.
  • I understand when someone has broken a rule on purpose, or on accident and willing to help them when it comes to understanding it further.
  • I am active, I am always on the server, and usually for around 4 hours or more.
  • I Have a lot of experience in well-known communities when it comes to staffing.
DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: I Will go ahead and list the servers, the position I held and for how long.
.XYZ PoliceRP - Junior Administrator/Senior Moderator - Nearly over a Year before I resigned. (The other staff members were quite toxic, @flugs knows this is true).
Icefuse Networks - Senior Moderator - Over a year and a half in their staff team before I resigned.
AeroMatix Networks (The Server did not last very long) - Head Administrator - Around 6 months
Polar Servers - Head Administrator - 1 Week - (Server closed quite quickly).
SC3 Jailbreak (A Long time ago, around 6+years). - TrustedVIP - 6-8 Months, Similar to a helper, Just like a Trial-Trial moderator.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I understand that a lot of current, new and old, community members will have different opinions about me and understand that I will receive negative and positive feedback. I am also willing to improve based on feedback I am given by said people.


In order for your application to be considered you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week (press Q in-game to check this) It is indeed over 1 week, around 4 months 8 days.
  • No warnings within the last month or bans within the last month, this includes both the forums and the server. - It has been a whole month since my last warning.
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. - I do.
  • You must have access to and use a consistently clear and audible microphone. - I do.
  • You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server - Always been on TeamSpeak
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Incoming, YOU CAN'T JOIN THE STAFF TEAM! YOU'RE A COP MAIN! I believe you would be able to be a brilliant helper. You're always being helpful either in /help, /ooc or just in game. You are a good person and not built up with ego. Massive +support!
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You're a nice guy Jimmy don't know if I've seen you helping out much in OOC though? Correct me if I'm wrong I don't always see messages in ooc
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I’m sure ur a nice guy when u want to be but i think u need to start working on general appeal to the majority of the server so there isn’t people against you and stop doing stuff that would turn people against you

Like you literally made a report on me for threatening to DDoS you when it was clearly a joke and everyone else there was laughing. Bit sus but yeah i think u need to work on urself before starting to go for helper
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Don't mean to take any validility (if thats a word) away from your post but
"made a report on me for threatening to DDoS you when it was clearly a joke"
Surely you realise thats quite a serious thing to say and people will take it badly whether a joke or not?

Deleted member 5577

-support I just don’t think you’re the right person for this role at all, you come across very closed and very whiney and I haven’t seen you be very helpful. Maybe if you improve your attitude and be less grumpy but definitely not at the moment. Edit: While I haven't been active in-game I have been on the forums and talking to people who still play this and your reaction score of -106 I feel substantiates my claims.
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Personally, while I would love to see Double J in the helper role, I do agree with some of the criticism here, however, the helper role shouldnt be something people are only accepted into if they're an exact perfect candidate for the role. I believe it should be a role that helps build you, where you can learn and improve until you're ready for enforcer and other later roles.
That being said, personally i think youd make a great staff member as you've been in the community so long.
+ Support
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Validility isnt a word but Validity is

Not really, he’s the only one who took it like that.
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I'd like to add here that you have not been on the server in the past few months. EDIT: A reaction score means nothing on the forums... All it shows is, Who doesn't like and Who likes your content. It is irrelevant when it comes to applications. Yes, I agree I posted dumb stuff some time ago, but at the end of the day. Some of those were from suggestions. Which allows Senior Administration to determine if that suggestion is needed or not.
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Thank you for the Feedback Aquaa. I do have to agree, I maybe should continue working on my General Appeal to the rest of the community.
I Understand where you are coming from, It may have been a petty thing to report, when it was a joke, However, At the end of the day, a DDoS Threat is serious, and I'd thought I'd mention it to staff in case another situation arose.
Also, I'd like to point out where Chris Jenson has said that this role should also be seen as a way to help build you up more. (No not a bulky football player like you) but to where the community sees your capability and then gives you that feedback when you go to apply again or apply for enforcer.
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Thank you for the feedback, I try to help out as much as possible, At times I do miss OOC Messages as I tend to look out for /help messages as they are easier to notice.
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I rated disagree because to put it simply, I don’t believe you possess the skills and general mentality to be anywhere near a staff rank as it stands. You have a fair bit to work on and I shouldn’t have to be called out publically on the forums for rating your application negatively without giving any feedback? I reckon you could work on your general conduct and maybe I’d be ok with you joining the staff team.
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You cannot take a joke, I said something to you on ts as a joke, (I forgot what it was but it was really petty) you then had a massive fit and got me banned, no thanks.
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You’re chill now, but you don’t have the mentality to be a helper. You have a temper of a two year old, you will go absolutely ballistic if someone makes a joke about you and start reporting them.

I rated you dumb a few times when the rating was still there, and the amount of times I got messages from staff saying “Why did you rate Jimmy dumb” is actually depressing, you were un able to be rated negative and would start throwing a fit and reporting them.

Give it a few months and change your attitude
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