Enforcer Application V2 (Dave)

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Weeaboo headquarters
I think you raise a fair point and I understand the principle of it. However, Dave was an excellent Moderator who I have seen first-hand be incredibly reflective on what led to his demotion. I haven't a single doubt in my mind that he regrets it and has learned his lesson. I fail to see how making him wait simply out of principle is productive and could ever be in the interest of the community. Sure, a month isn't a very long time, but the overwhelming support he has already received speaks levels about the massive impact he had on our playerbase. Denying this application wouldn't increase any real confidence in the staff team or reinforce any sort of strength because it's apparent that's not what the vast majority wants. Staff members are fallible, Dave made a mistake, sure, but how maturely and proactively he has strived to rectify this mistake is a clear show of his character and demonstrates all that needs to be seen.

The powers that be will inevitably do what they are going to do and I can see this side of the argument but I really do hope they opt to give Dave a second chance as I definitely think he deserves one.
I dont know the guy, I just want to be clear. Nor do i actually even know what he was demoted for... But.
People can say all they want, although the people in charge thought that what he did warranted his demotion from Senior Mod and a month of "I'm sorry :( ", for me, just doesnt cut it.
Im sure the people saying he is a great guy and all are genuine, but at the end of the day, as a Senior Mod, he shouldve known better than purposefully do things that are bad enough to get you demoted
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Great Britain
I dont know the guy, I just want to be clear. Nor do i actually even know what he was demoted for... But.
People can say all they want, although the people in charge thought that what he did warranted his demotion from Senior Mod and a month of "I'm sorry :( ", for me, just doesnt cut it.
Im sure the people saying he is a great guy and all are genuine, but at the end of the day, as a Senior Mod, he shouldve known better than purposefully do things that are bad enough to get demoted
Whilst I won't comment on the circumstances surrounding his demotion, I do get what you're saying and I would ordinarily agree. Dave hasn't just been repeatedly saying sorry as some would. In fact, instead of getting caught up in a childish loop of apologies and constantly dwelling on what happened, he took his demotion like a man and immediately began focussing on what he could do in the way of reparations. He has dedicated a lot of his time to improving the server's environment including overhauling a number of outdated guides, helping our new additions and doing his part to ensure swift justice by reporting pesky rulebreakers in really crucial detail. What I am trying to make clear is where some people would lie in a puddle of tears and salt, Dave accepted what happened and took direct action to earn his place back on the team and show his true intentions. I wouldn't have anywhere near this level of support or respect for someone who hid away for months before reapplying as opposed to someone who put in actual, continuous work to prove their real desire to come back.
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United Kingdom
- Support its to soon imo for him to return to staff. There isn't much trust atm at least for me considering he just got demoted for fucking up. I like Dave but I think its to soon for him to return to staff
He was demoted for such a minor major thing (yes i was demoted for the same) but it wasn’t an abuse of power as such, more just failing to report/abide by the rules. I can guarantee you now 95% of the server breaks the same rule he was demoted for (including staff owners ect) as much as people will “deny” it

As for dave he deserves role back, he could have minged after being demoted but didn’t and i’m sure a lot of staff expected him to. He stuck by it and abides by rules/reports players. He knows the system work since being staff for several years

@Franko look you took away this guys job :(
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He was demoted for such a minor major thing (yes i was demoted for the same) but it wasn’t an abuse of power as such, more just failing to report/abide by the rules. I can guarantee you now 95% of the server breaks the same rule he was demoted for (including staff owners ect) as much as people will “deny” it

As for dave he deserves role back, he could have minged after being demoted but didn’t and i’m sure a lot of staff expected him to. He stuck by it and abides by rules/reports players. He knows the system work since being staff for several years

@Franko look you took away this guys job :(
Hey man, I'm not disagreeing with the fact that Dave or you should have enforcer if you'd wish man, although realistically, I did us all a favour:sorry::pompus::nailbiting:
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Everyone makes mistakes and ultimately, Dave committed himself to the community further after the demotion by contributing to the guides for the community as well as remaining active in PLPD by working on projects for RTU. Obviously, it shouldn't be overlooked as to why the demotion happened but his resilience to continue being a helpful and active member of the community should speak for itself - especially when Dave has had no obligations to go above and beyond in helping.

I dont know the guy, I just want to be clear. Nor do i actually even know what he was demoted for... But.
People can say all they want, although the people in charge thought that what he did warranted his demotion from Senior Mod and a month of "I'm sorry :( ", for me, just doesnt cut it.
Im sure the people saying he is a great guy and all are genuine, but at the end of the day, as a Senior Mod, he shouldve known better than purposefully do things that are bad enough to get you demoted
How can you cast judgement on someone that you don't even know, nor know of their actions?
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Metagaming in discord with the boys

Everyone makes mistakes and ultimately, Dave committed himself to the community further after the demotion by contributing to the guides for the community as well as remaining active in PLPD by working on projects for RTU. Obviously, it shouldn't be overlooked as to why the demotion happened but his resilience to continue being a helpful and active member of the community should speak for itself - especially when Dave has had no obligations to go above and beyond in helping.

How can you cast judgement on someone that you don't even know, nor know of their actions?
This is my thought, it's like getting caught in a crime you had no part of but since you were friends with the people and near them you got crossfired into getting a charge. That being said I believe dave is one of the best staff members perp had before 16:9 stuff happened. He's always super helpful and friendly during reports and always fair.
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dave is friendly and nice to people he dont know he love to help new players even if he dont know them "words cannot describe dave" he was really nice stuff member

also he huge experience

players rate can explain it self
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One of the best perpers to perp thus far. Coming from humble beginnings in the slums of Gentlemen's Club, he made it out of the hood and showed everyone what he's made of.

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+support help me a lot and taught me how to play the mac 11 really helpful guy honestly he was really helpful to me when he wass on staff as well
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