Enforcer Application

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IN-GAME NAME: Jay Rothwell

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:119099254

AGE: 16 in a week

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER: Being a staff member in this community has been something that has interested me for a long period of time, and now I feel is the right time to try and apply for a staff position within this community. Although this sounds cliche, I’ve been interested in this role for a while as I would like to assist the staff team with rule enforcement and I would like to gain extra abilities to help people as there are limited things you can do when you’re not a staff member. I believe I conduct myself professionally, and I enjoy spending my time exploring a vast range of different roleplay styles and techniques. I try my best to balance the different aspects of roleplay that I engage in instead of simply coming on and doing one or two things.I enjoy creating roleplay rather than simply spending all of my time being a police officer or engaging in criminal activities.

Due to the countless hours I’ve spent playing perpheads since 2015, I have a lot of experience with the rules of the server and can easily identify when something is within the rules or not, meaning that I would have good judgement as a staff member. Furthermore, I have attempted to prove this by the reports and action requests that I have made which demonstrates my thorough knowledge of the rules and shows that I know what I’m doing. I also use this experience in a good light as I utilise the help chat very often and I help people with any inquiries they may have, showing my experience as a whole rather than just orientated around the rules.

As I’ve previously stated, I do enjoy multiple aspects of roleplay, one of the main ones being in the police department. I currently hold the rank of Lieutenant alongside being RTU Command followed by many other specialist roles. Many of you will probably think this is irrelevant, however it demonstrates that I can manage a large group of people and make important decisions, therefore showing my competency in management. Not only that, having a good knowledge of the laws is also required to be a staff member and I believe I’ve definitely proven that throughout the time in the police department and the effort I’ve put into it.

Moreover, I believe I have a lot to offer to the staff team. Besides my long standing experience with the community, I also have the required skills and qualities to become an Enforcer:

  1. I’m a very friendly and approachable person. If someone needs help or has any inquiries, I would have no problems speaking to them and I’m not the type of person to ignore them until I can be bothered replying;
  2. I have no issues whatsoever with communicating with people and this would help me as a staff member due to me having to deal with administrative situations and other scenarios;
  3. I’m a very determined person and I have a lot of perseverance. This would help me with things such as report count and my overall attitude when it comes to dealing with mass amounts of reports;
  4. A final key skill I have is the fact that I can work in a team to high standards, therefore would be able to cope with having other staff members working with me if I were to be accepted and it is definitely a good asset to have.


DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY: A lot of people will judge me based on my long history associated with PERP, therefore it would be nice if you could leave feedback if you don’t want to see me as an Enforcer. Any feedback is bound to help me in the future.



Your time played on the server must be at least one week ✔️
No warnings within the last month or bans within the last 3 months, this includes both the forums and the server ✔️
You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them ✔️
You must have access to and use a microphone ✔️
You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server ✔️
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I have absolute and complete confidence that Mango would be a perfect fit for enforcer and do the job to the highest of standards.

Mango is somebody who has come a long way, he is a friendly, cool-headed and down to earth person who frequently enjoys experiencing all different aspects of roleplay whether criminal, police or passive RP. I have participated in countless RP situations with him that we have created and his creativity and passion to increase the standards of the server are exceptional.

He has come a long way from where he was, he has self-disciplined himself to remain cool in tense situations and conduct himself in the highest standards possible. I believe him becoming command in the PLPD has definitely contributed to that in creating a more professional attitude which has benefited him in most ways.

I would like to keep this short so simply, Mango has the desired qualities that we look for in a staff member; Ability to not be biased in situations, professionalism, an active community presence and thorough knowledge of the server mechanics, rules, laws, policies and such that are needed for administrative situations. Therefore, I believe he would be a perfect fit for the PerpHeads staff team and a benefit to the server and community as a whole.

I do hope to see you as a staff member soon and showing your potential to those who work alongside you and the people that you serve, and with that I wish you the best of luck.
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I don’t think you even believe you’re ready yet because of the messages you send me.


It’s kind of weird that you decide to message me this shit at 3am too ngl, but anyways I don’t believe that you believe in yourself, you’ve never been ‘approachable’ to me and I don’t see what makes you approachable.

Why do you actually want to be a staff member, do you want to genuinely help and educate or do you want to sit there grinding reports for your little bonuses?

You’re not a bad person or anything like that but I still believe anyone can get staff and I believe in you, but I’m only neutral due to the fact I don’t believe if you’re sure with yourself and your choice to apply.
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The reasoning behind the messages was because I was more worried about what the community thought of me rather than the confidence I have in my abilities. By approachable I mean if someone needs help I'd be happy to give them it and the same can be said for the reason I want to be enforcer, alongside the aspect of dealing with reports.
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Manchester, England
It's always something people think about when applying for enforcer, and is often what throws people off the most. What the community think, and if you will get hate or people wanting you as enforcer. Often it can be a big blow to see a lot of people not see you as mature etc, so I feel like the message of him asking doesn't change much in my opinion, everyone would want to have an idealistic figure in their head of if people would like them/not.
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You’re worried about yourself because of what you’re applying for, you care about yourself and your status and that’s where the lack of confidence in applying came from.

I appreciate the quick response from you and the constructive reply, but my neutral will stick since I haven’t seen or spoken to you since I saw that message.

I’ll find time to chat to you more over steam or discord or something just to see what’s up.
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Basically what Adrish said combined with the fact that a lot of people have had grudges against me in the past and still have a disliking towards me. I appreciate the feedback however, and I definitely see where you're coming from.


Communication Banned
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Hell to the no, you loose your temper real quick in many situations and you take IC shit and OOC personally, i don't see that you'll ever fit for this position honestly i would recommend @ErmakDimon or @MrWoLfX staff and not you, they're more mature than you, you act childish in many situations too, and i don't say that personally i don't take your application personally or anything it's just who you really are and i don't believe that you'll ever fit for this position.

I didn't even mention how plpd trihard you are you never had a view of a criminal side "civilian" you're 24/7 a cop or just standing afk off duty, like bruh i dont want that type of staff to deal with my shit it makes me believe that they're not fully aware of the rule.
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United Kingdom
You have clear anger issues and hold grudges constantly, granted not as bad as a few years ago, but this has been a problem ever since you first played. There’s plenty of examples out there and honestly if you have such fundamental problems then I’d rather not see you as staff. You’ve done a lot of work and I respect that but you haven’t exactly had the best attitude when things don’t go your way, and that’s clearly not gonna change and is part of you as a person.
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Afer reading most of the replies above i can agree that i have seen a lot of these traits in you mango, i wont be supporting this application either.

I have seen you hold grudges for the most ridiculous stuff in the past.

I dont find you to be mature enough to hold the rank. As well as it doesnt give a good look how you only play cop 24/7, i never really seen you roleplay any other jobs other than being a tfu.

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