Event Suggestion Extreme race

Reaction score
Event Name:
Extreme race
Location of Event:
Entire highway.

Description of Event:
A super EXTREME drift race on the highway.

There should be obstacles and the likes. The obstacles should be:
- Road spikes left on parts of the highway in varying angles
- Road blocks stopping you proceeding down certain paths
- Walls of fire
- Ramps (both genuinely helpful ones and "Trap" ones.
- RC Trucks speeding down the wrong way of the track.
- "Ambush zones" where people with low vehicle damaging weapons are waiting to pop shots at racers.

Your vehicle should be fully repaired at checkpoints, including tires. If your vehicle ends up disabled, you're out of the race.

Event map.png
The speed for all cars in the event should be modded so they do 80+MPH. Ideal vehicles for this event should be:
- Mini cooper 1965
- Vauxhaul Corsa
- Honda CRX
- Delorean DMC 12
- Volvo 242
- Beetle
- Hudson Hornet
- GMC Vandura
- Dodge challenger 1970
- Chevrolet SS
- Impala SS
- Lamborghini Miura

Why should this event be added?:
- A fun race event.
- Similar to the old mini cooper race event.
- An event that wouldn't be easy at all to player organise unlike a regular old street or highway race.​