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what’s peoples opinions on fat phobia and shit, i find it quite annoying when people are showing off their progression in losing weight or some shit and someone’s like “that’s so fatphobic”…

idk am just tryna level my weight so I don't have any issues with my body i lost 5kg within the amount of 2 months which sounds pretty good
what’s peoples opinions on fat phobia and shit, i find it quite annoying when people are showing off their progression in losing weight or some shit and someone’s like “that’s so fatphobic”…

its retarded, people should be called fat if they are legitimately fat to encourage them to loose the weight so people stop calling them fat

and saying weight loss is "fatphobic" actually hurts my head
There is nothing fatphobic about wanting to be in shape and healthy. Being overweight is not something that should be normalized, but at the same time you shouldn't make fun of someone for being fat or treat them as less of a person...unless you're friends with them, then 100% do it.

@Creepis knows how I feel about fat people...
I weigh about 120kg (18 or so boulders). I am fat. I know this, and I intend to attempt to lose some of that weight, and make changes to better my health and quality of life. I don't need some 5'4" 200 kilo hamplanet who can't take responsibility for their eating habits telling me that losing weight is 'fatphobic'. Also you are absolutely allowed to make fun of me for being fat.

Being fat is unhealthy 99 times out of 100, and while it may be easier for some to lose weight than others due to circumstances or genetics, losing weight for the sake of improving your health is a worthy ideal, and people who say otherwise have decided that instead of improving themselves, they'd rather everyone was just as miserable as them.
My opinion is, keep up the grind king, those biceps aren't gonna grow themselves! :cool:
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