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United Kingdom, Devon
Husky’s Goodbye
This will probably be the last time in a while you guys will hear from me, this isn’t including close friends that wish to keep in touch as it’s something I’ve always stood by. If you use the “Meta TS” regularly you are still welcome on at any time you just may see a couple of new faces. Some of you may be happy that I am leaving and some of you couldn’t care less, I’m sure the minority that want me gone will be over-the-moon but to be honest that’s what is wrong with perp. Most of the community are willing to throw peers off cliffs just to climb a single step in the right direction and therefore my time is ending.

To people such as LordTyla and Hazza (the memers) you guys have been a laugh, despite us having “banter” you guys have been funny to watch and meme with and be around at times. Maybe you guys are right in saying I take the server too seriously but it’s what I enjoy, and I wouldn’t like it any other way. The server to me has become a cancer fest, a 24/7 spectate fest in which my every move is monitored like no other players, if you are close to me in anyway you would also realize this. Heck, even the Israeli’s say “Husky I can say whatever I want to you but if you say anything back its instant ban”, I guess this is technically my fault for my previous toxicity but there’s nothing I can do now other than move on and keep my head down at all times which I have a very hard time doing. People have started to expect me to stand up for them, fight for them and go against the staff for decisions they want making due to my great player influence. This is something I could have easily handled myself by just taking a step back, leaving Olsen and just coming on to meme around here and there but that isn’t what I enjoy, I constantly strive to be the best in whatever I do.

It is necessary to apologize to TomHill in this post as we went head to head in a competition to “who could fuck each other up the most”, I won and it’s something I regret. Despite Tom making my life complete hell on the server it’s not a level I wished to have stooped to as it’s not very characteristic of myself to do such things, I did absolutely everything in my power to get the guy demoted and I witnessed some pretty interesting things when you get introduced to how many rules staff members actually break. To Tom and other staff which I had demoted (List is too long) It’s easily agreed that we both fucked up yet all of ours actions towards each other were malicious, I hope we can all move on since it’s been 6 months since the event of your demotion/s.

Secondly, I’d like to say thank you to the staff members who are “chasing” me out of the community and constantly attempting to get myself and org members banned as it proves who the real issue is. When a group of players becomes so strong you need staff to go out of their way to find minor rule breaks and escalate them, that is when you truly know you conquered the fuck out of the server.

When I joined Olsen there was a lot of people who I left behind such as @CodezBlack, its something I regret yet it improved myself as a player greatly. At all times I attempted to stay In contact with my main group of friends @PandaPhyed @Glacial_Subzero @Jazz and @Jay but some of the individuals above went out of their way to get myself and another good friend @huexd banned. It stemmed into what is today, a salty 18 year old with a huge ass ego. To all the above I don’t care about that situation anymore and I wish you all the best in your futures.

I have made a lot of friends on PERP and I’ve lost quite a number too, it’s a shame but that’s what the game mode forces you to do in this specific community. A collection of entitled PD members who have way too much power they don’t know what to do with it and a constant staff bias against myself has finally pushed me away for good/a long period of time.

It’s simply a matter of time until criminal rp comes to a complete standstill, the community’s outlook and what it provides is close to nothing. People would rather have one another banned so they can grow in peace, it’s a shame the staff team allow this type of behaviour especially when others bait you into bans but what can you expect when most of the staff are incredibly high ranks in the PD and you stomp on them IC.

I will never forget the people who made me nor who made me have such a good time.

@nade @MachineGunO @Dom_ @Aquaa @Feng @Mario @Mage @MrLewis @Imperial Watch and every other Olsen member you have been a delight to play with and made every minute worth it.

Too the META Ts Folk, you’re a fucking laugh.
@Shokron @OtherIsrealiGoats
If you weren’t tagged its because there is genuinely like 100 people that have made me the person I am today.

Olsen. Always. Win.


Young pup
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will miss you man, I'll carry on your legacy by continuing to be BTEC husky = )
sad times man, right as my apology got accepted... ill miss you
good times in les rienes/reines how ever the fuck u spell it, olsen changed you, dont know if was for the better or worse
good times in les rienes/reines how ever the fuck u spell it, olsen changed you, dont know if was for the better or worse
As soon as I was snaked I assumed the whole player base except Olsen was against me, I just went super defensive of everything. People struggle to see the issues of being in an org like Olsen at first it was hard to go and raid friends but you have to. Nothing was OOC at all until I was banned.
Husky’s Goodbye
This will probably be the last time in a while you guys will hear from me, this isn’t including close friends that wish to keep in touch as it’s something I’ve always stood by. If you use the “Meta TS” regularly you are still welcome on at any time you just may see a couple of new faces. Some of you may be happy that I am leaving and some of you couldn’t care less, I’m sure the minority that want me gone will be over-the-moon but to be honest that’s what is wrong with perp. Most of the community are willing to throw peers off cliffs just to climb a single step in the right direction and therefore my time is ending.

To people such as LordTyla and Hazza (the memers) you guys have been a laugh, despite us having “banter” you guys have been funny to watch and meme with and be around at times. Maybe you guys are right in saying I take the server too seriously but it’s what I enjoy, and I wouldn’t like it any other way. The server to me has become a cancer fest, a 24/7 spectate fest in which my every move is monitored like no other players, if you are close to me in anyway you would also realize this. Heck, even the Israeli’s say “Husky I can say whatever I want to you but if you say anything back its instant ban”, I guess this is technically my fault for my previous toxicity but there’s nothing I can do now other than move on and keep my head down at all times which I have a very hard time doing. People have started to expect me to stand up for them, fight for them and go against the staff for decisions they want making due to my great player influence. This is something I could have easily handled myself by just taking a step back, leaving Olsen and just coming on to meme around here and there but that isn’t what I enjoy, I constantly strive to be the best in whatever I do.

It is necessary to apologize to JC Denton in this post as we went head to head in a competition to “who could fuck each other up the most”, I won and it’s something I regret. Despite Tom making my life complete hell on the server it’s not a level I wished to have stooped to as it’s not very characteristic of myself to do such things, I did absolutely everything in my power to get the guy demoted and I witnessed some pretty interesting things when you get introduced to how many rules staff members actually break. To Tom and other staff which I had demoted (List is too long) It’s easily agreed that we both fucked up yet all of ours actions towards each other were malicious, I hope we can all move on since it’s been 6 months since the event of your demotion/s.

Secondly, I’d like to say thank you to the staff members who are “chasing” me out of the community and constantly attempting to get myself and org members banned as it proves who the real issue is. When a group of players becomes so strong you need staff to go out of their way to find minor rule breaks and escalate them, that is when you truly know you conquered the fuck out of the server.

When I joined Olsen there was a lot of people who I left behind such as @CodezBlack, its something I regret yet it improved myself as a player greatly. At all times I attempted to stay In contact with my main group of friends @PandaPhyed @Glacial_Subzero @Jazz and @Jay but some of the individuals above went out of their way to get myself and another good friend @huexd banned. It stemmed into what is today, a salty 18 year old with a huge ass ego. To all the above I don’t care about that situation anymore and I wish you all the best in your futures.

I have made a lot of friends on PERP and I’ve lost quite a number too, it’s a shame but that’s what the game mode forces you to do in this specific community. A collection of entitled PD members who have way too much power they don’t know what to do with it and a constant staff bias against myself has finally pushed me away for good/a long period of time.

It’s simply a matter of time until criminal rp comes to a complete standstill, the community’s outlook and what it provides is close to nothing. People would rather have one another banned so they can grow in peace, it’s a shame the staff team allow this type of behaviour especially when others bait you into bans but what can you expect when most of the staff are incredibly high ranks in the PD and you stomp on them IC.

I will never forget the people who made me nor who made me have such a good time.

@nade @MachineGunO @Dom_ @Aquaa @Feng @Mario @Mage @MrLewis @Imperial Watch and every other Olsen member you have been a delight to play with and made every minute worth it.

Too the META Ts Folk, you’re a fucking laugh.

If you weren’t tagged its because there is genuinely like 100 people that have made me the person I am today.

Olsen. Always. Win.


Young pup
bye my dawg
the issues of being in an org like Olsen
Even though i was in Olsen for like... 3 weeks. I can agree, people hate you more and you get targeted by officers.
Its cAnCEr.

Btw can you get sossa to stop rimlicking really hard. I've heard what he is doing and shit.
As soon as I was snaked I assumed the whole player base except Olsen was against me, I just went super defensive of everything. People struggle to see the issues of being in an org like Olsen at first it was hard to go and raid friends but you have to. Nothing was OOC at all until I was banned.
nono didnt care about the raiding tough shit if i did, was just your attitude it changed a whole lot
Goodbye Huskington, it was a blast having u around us back then. All the memes and memories we've made were the best u pup.
Hopefully someone can make a change in the community and try to prevent being targetted as well as the toxic virus that is going around the community.
Peace out huskiiii
Guys I made husky btw haha xd lol i love u

it is a shame that it has come to this, we will keep in touch my youngling.
Goodbye Huskington, it was a blast having u around us back then. All the memes and memories we've made were the best u pup.
Hopefully someone can make a change in the community and try to prevent being targetted as well as the toxic virus that is going around the community.
Peace out huskiiii
Toxicity wont change, the whole player base is toxic. It's only myself that expresses it in a punishable way. See that cop watching you for 2 hours waiting for you to break 1 rule just to hope on the AR's dick so you get banned? ye, thats toxic and I cant stand what its turned into.