Future Update: Weapons

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So a number of you at this point may have seen a few pictures in shoutbox posted either by @Xquality or @Fredy regarding weapons, however these pictures haven't fully shown off what we are looking to do. We are trying to set up the weapons in such a fashion that they are modified from the ground up. This means we will have new animations for each and every gun to make it as realistic as we need it to be. The playback of animations has also received an overhaul so that they will play the correct one and you will see it properly so the weapons don't feel so laggy or badly designed. Then comes the part everyone may be expecting by the screenshots shown. Attachments. I will be demonstrating using the Glock20 and the M4A1 as right now they are the most set up ones we have done to this point.


At this point you may be thinking, right that's cool I guess, but what happened to the top of the gun? Well that's because there will be a broad variety of optics available to the different weapons. At this time we have approximately 14 different sights available to the M4A1 some include magnification and others do not.


In the Acog image you can see we are switching our style of scope to be more of the realtime scope where it is zoomed in while the rest of your vision is not. Zoom levels and such are still yet to be fully determined as draw distance is a very limiting factor in Paralake.

Some people may see this as us trying to respond to how FAS2 has their weapons and stuff like that, however we are working on things that apparently the creators of FAS2 can only dream of.


It does indeed work for any combination of attachments and it isn't a billion different models (because that would simply be insane).

One last image for those only interested in that and then I will start describing a bit more in detail.


(the flashlight underneath is optional now)

So moving onto the details of it all. Many different gun mixtures at present require you to create a variety of different parts which when this is finished will be optional so a number of them will be changed to accommodate this. However this does not necessarily mean the price will radically change from present, so don't expect all guns to suddenly drop to a very low cost to create. Attachments on the other hand may be slightly expensive depending on the attachment itself. Such as, even though it doesn't fully make sense, different sights will be providing a boost to your accuracy by default when used so the basic weapon may not be always as good as it is presently. Because of that boost however, the different sights will be costing various amounts, where the ones that have more of a boost will end up costing more to craft. While I realize this may not be the ideal thing, because of what combat is typically like in the gamemode, this is what it must be. Suppressors will obviously do what they are intended to do, however as each weapon right now has a fairly unique sound to it, so as soon as you hear it shooting you know what weapon it was. With a suppressed weapon however, you will only be able to know what caliber it was so this should help mask your shots as well.

I will leave it at that for now, if you have any questions feel free to leave them below and I will answer them as I see fit. Keep in mind certain aspects of this are subject to change as we haven't worked out all details yet as it is a complicated mess. Please read the thread to see if your question has already been asked/answered and also ask appropriate questions not stuff like, "can i put 2 barrels on my M82?!?!".
Stephen, this is a update I am actually looking forward too as it looks quite good honestly. If done right.

Not saying any other updates have bad parts IMO :kappa:
Very, very, very nice. So, what's gonna happen to the weapons we already have? I'd suggest they either turn into unmodified bases or bases only modified with iron sights.
If i dont want any attachments to the gun can i have it as the current one ?
This looks amazing. :tuna::hype:

I have one question though, how will it work when firearms with attachments are stored in a storage depot? Will they be separate for each combination of attachments, or will you recieve a popup when pressing said firearm where you choose one of the said firearm with it's attachments?
Just adding, don't know if its me but thats not a M4. It looks like a HK417
@Walker in the next update with his Barret be like
Go to 0:34 or watch the whole video, automatic skipping does not seem to work

Overall this is one lovely update, lots of variety for attachments will be great and I always like them. Are there any pros and cons to some attachments or will we know them in a later date?
@StephenPuffs Are you planning it so that you can add and remove attachments to your gun when you want or is this going to be similar to the way the suppressed beretta is crafted where once you have the attachment on it stays as its own gun?
Looking forward to it, please please for the love of god and whole PERP just do it ffs its amazing and looks sick. Do is ASAP!!!!!!
Are laser pointers going to be available as well? If they are will they increase hipfire accuracy slightly?
How about different kinds of grips?
Im wondering if the parts of the gun actually change the way the gun behaves (accuracy, recoil, damage, range and so on)
Seems to be an awesome update though
Yeah but wouldn't the update make the SR-25 not be used? It is currently the only silenced sniper and if there was to be a suppressor available for the other snipers the SR-25 would be forgotten.
Stephen, oh Stephen. I don't get what you are still doing here, because your work is way too incredible. I mean honestly, every update you release impresses me more and more, but the fact that a team of 3 people can make something as good as this drives me nuts. You guys are incredible, so keep it up 100%.
This looks insanely good, can't wait for it to become a thing.
So a number of you at this point may have seen a few pictures in shoutbox posted either by @Xquality or @Fredy regarding weapons, however these pictures haven't fully shown off what we are looking to do. We are trying to set up the weapons in such a fashion that they are modified from the ground up. This means we will have new animations for each and every gun to make it as realistic as we need it to be. The playback of animations has also received an overhaul so that they will play the correct one and you will see it properly so the weapons don't feel so laggy or badly designed. Then comes the part everyone may be expecting by the screenshots shown. Attachments. I will be demonstrating using the Glock20 and the M4A1 as right now they are the most set up ones we have done to this point.


At this point you may be thinking, right that's cool I guess, but what happened to the top of the gun? Well that's because there will be a broad variety of optics available to the different weapons. At this time we have approximately 14 different sights available to the M4A1 some include magnification and others do not.


In the Acog image you can see we are switching our style of scope to be more of the realtime scope where it is zoomed in while the rest of your vision is not. Zoom levels and such are still yet to be fully determined as draw distance is a very limiting factor in Paralake.

Some people may see this as us trying to respond to how FAS2 has their weapons and stuff like that, however we are working on things that apparently the creators of FAS2 can only dream of.


It does indeed work for any combination of attachments and it isn't a billion different models (because that would simply be insane).

One last image for those only interested in that and then I will start describing a bit more in detail.


(the flashlight underneath is optional now)

So moving onto the details of it all. Many different gun mixtures at present require you to create a variety of different parts which when this is finished will be optional so a number of them will be changed to accommodate this. However this does not necessarily mean the price will radically change from present, so don't expect all guns to suddenly drop to a very low cost to create. Attachments on the other hand may be slightly expensive depending on the attachment itself. Such as, even though it doesn't fully make sense, different sights will be providing a boost to your accuracy by default when used so the basic weapon may not be always as good as it is presently. Because of that boost however, the different sights will be costing various amounts, where the ones that have more of a boost will end up costing more to craft. While I realize this may not be the ideal thing, because of what combat is typically like in the gamemode, this is what it must be. Suppressors will obviously do what they are intended to do, however as each weapon right now has a fairly unique sound to it, so as soon as you hear it shooting you know what weapon it was. With a suppressed weapon however, you will only be able to know what caliber it was so this should help mask your shots as well.

I will leave it at that for now, if you have any questions feel free to leave them below and I will answer them as I see fit. Keep in mind certain aspects of this are subject to change as we haven't worked out all details yet as it is a complicated mess. Please read the thread to see if your question has already been asked/answered and also ask appropriate questions not stuff like, "can i put 2 barrels on my M82?!?!".
How much will the Attachments cost?? like usual price? And where do you buy them?