Never Hate your enemies, it affects your judgement. - The Godfather.

In 1861, Sicily became a province of recently unified Italy. However, chaos and crime reigned across the island as the fledgling Italian government tried to establish itself. In the 1870s, Roman officials even asked Sicilian Mafia clans to help them by going after dangerous, independent criminal bands; in exchange, officials would look the other way as the Mafia continued its protection shakedowns of landowners. The government believed this arrangement would be temporary, lasting just long enough for Rome to gain control; instead, the Mafia clans expanded their criminal activities and further entrenched themselves in Sicilian politics and the economy. The Mafia became adept at political corruption and intimidated people to vote for certain candidates, who were in turn beholden to the Mafia. Even the Catholic Church was involved with Mafia clans during this period, according to Raab, who notes that the church relied on Mafiosi to monitor its massive property holdings in Sicily and keep tenant farmers in line.
In order to further strengthen themselves, Sicilian clans began conducting initiation ceremonies in which new members pledged secret oaths of loyalty. Of chief importance to the clans was omerta, an all-important code of conduct reflecting the ancient Sicilian belief that a person should never go to government authorities to seek justice for a crime and never cooperate with authorities investigating any wrongdoing.
We want to be the most respectful, honored and the most brutal family. We kill for pleasure and for fun.
Family Rankings
capo famiglia - Boss
Consigliere - Chief Advisor
capo bastone - Underboss
Caporegime - Capo
Mafioso - Soldier
Cugines - Associates

Weapons We Use


M9 Beretta

M1911 (Colt)

Baseball bat


Remington Shotgun
Family Members
Capo Famiglia - Carlo Gambini
Consigliere - Domenico Gambini
Capo Bastone - None
Caporegime - Carrie Gambini
Mafioso - Antonio Gambini
Cugines - None
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Allied Organizations - Preston Family.
Rival Organizations - Marcello Crime Family.
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