Wow guys, it's a Saturday and people and we have 40 players on the server, people being complete minges
This is how many staff members we have on;
@Collier @Madda is it time you sort your staff team out? is it time you start recruiting staff members again?
Please do something about this, seriously.
I don't care if you cry about people being toxic or anything, it doesn't matter at this point; i'd rather have a staff member that calls every person an autistic fuck who's actually active than two definitely DEAD administrators @LEWIS 088 and @Cole seriously, you two get the fuck out if you can't perform your duties; resign already, we don't need people who are inactive, and if it's hard resigning fucking make @Collier or @Madda demote you from the staff team.
@Shay are you gonna get active soon?
@Super_ seen you on ur great m8 but get more active
@nutrient10 fantastic staff member who actually does something
@SpaceShots same as above.
@blobvis 2.0 AMAZING!
Seriously we got THREE moderators who are most definitely active on the server. this server has gone to shit, sort your shit out for fuck sake.
This is how many staff members we have on;

@Collier @Madda is it time you sort your staff team out? is it time you start recruiting staff members again?
Please do something about this, seriously.
I don't care if you cry about people being toxic or anything, it doesn't matter at this point; i'd rather have a staff member that calls every person an autistic fuck who's actually active than two definitely DEAD administrators @LEWIS 088 and @Cole seriously, you two get the fuck out if you can't perform your duties; resign already, we don't need people who are inactive, and if it's hard resigning fucking make @Collier or @Madda demote you from the staff team.
@Shay are you gonna get active soon?
@Super_ seen you on ur great m8 but get more active
@nutrient10 fantastic staff member who actually does something
@SpaceShots same as above.
@blobvis 2.0 AMAZING!
Seriously we got THREE moderators who are most definitely active on the server. this server has gone to shit, sort your shit out for fuck sake.