I legit can't take it anymore.

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So uh, four to five days ago me and my partner which used to play PERP, we had like, an argument and he said he didn't like me anymore, he got like this fever and went off for like 40-45 hours, he didn't come back, then once he did he was all lovey-dovey, I was worrying like crazy and I said I was kind of pissed off at him being gone, then the next day or so he came back once again.

I didn't really accept his apology for just leaving without saying a word nor showing any care when I was depressed the whole time waiting for him and all, he started to become really harsh to me, we argued about how I '' fucked with him '' cause I was afraid of relationships, basically blaming me the whole time. And when I did something bad he just told me it's fine, and he brings this up to try and win arguing with me. Like he never forgave me for whatever I did.

He kept on telling me how to move on, ( I did first ) I said I would if he would, he didn't know what he was feeling and kept on being incredibly passive-aggressive and rude to me, trying to throw me away for no reason, seriously, why would he do that..?

So, two days ago I asked him if we were still dating, he replied with; '' No we're not, now leave me alone. '' Being harsh and incredibly aggressive once again, then he just went off once more, it's been at least 30 hours again since he came Online. Then I started to look at my Discord, he left my group, removed me, blocked me, and just left.

I've tried to keep my mind off of it by playing with people on PERP and just have fun in general, but I just can't take it any longer, it's literally breaking me after all those months of being happily together and planning on the future, he just leaves me.

I just can't take the fact he left me so quickly without thinking about it a second time, it especially breaks me that he has gone off of Discord, I don't know what to do anymore.. We've been together for like 5-6 months, and 2 days after our anniversary he just leaves me..
what a MUG
I tell you what, I've heard lighting a piece of paper on fire and posting it through the front door letterbox works well. On a serious note, it happens to everyone when they break up you'll get over it, it just takes time so don't feel too sad over it all.
I broke up with my gal and it broke me, literally just went out bombing my car down country lanes with the boys and then cut some push chair wheels off. Hurts like fuck, cried for a few weeks but she’s got a new man who probably won’t treat her aswell as I would of so her loss :)
I broke up with my gal and it broke me, literally just went out bombing my car down country lanes with the boys and then cut some push chair wheels off. Hurts like fuck, cried for a few weeks but she’s got a new man who probably won’t treat her aswell as I would of so her loss :)
hahaha the fat bitch? the one that always looked like she was doing the chubby bunny challenge?
and you cried.

its ok man at least you're not an unlovable sack of shit like some of us stay strong xx
My last serious relationship was back in 2015 and I had enough of her shit so I dumped her. I already gave her one chance but that didnt work. I prefer not to reveal the details as this is the last place I would do so but if you want some advice I would stay out of serious relationships. It's not worth it in this day and age. I'm waiting a few years before I get into another serious relationship. I mainly just stick with the whole 'Friends with Benefits' thing as not only is it more fun but it doesn't come with as much stress if the relationship fucks up. Just go get mortal it always works. Although it can be pretty shit if you drink too much, you will know why the next morning. Just try not to be like @Daigestive and let someone spike your drink. :troll:
As a gay man, you really have nothing to worry about.

Do what I do and go on this bad boy


@Belg Lmfao will vouch, you will either find hot guys, or people who look like santa offering free hugs