I was cheating in PERP... sorry guys (2 cs:go montages)

Reaction score
rank: gold nova 2, ESEA rank: d- faceit rank:: 2.

description of the videos: shit music, ok shooting (maybe), and a cat and cheating video on perp?!!

You'll get unbanned :) If Tadgee can do it, you can considering he has:
1.Hacked on the server
2.Made like 10 alt accounts
3. Made a video dedicated to rdm'ing and then disconnecting
4. Had 5 perma bans
But ya know anyone with that record can come back anytime :))
You'll get unbanned :) If Tadgee can do it, you can considering he has:
1.Hacked on the server
2.Made like 10 alt accounts
3. Made a video dedicated to rdm'ing and then disconnecting
4. Had 5 perma bans
But ya know anyone with that record can come back anytime :))

i hacked
not really lol its just clickbait

i made a video of the rdming (not gonna put the video here because tinyslayer will ban me)

i killed only 3 people and caused pretty much no harm to any player (except for the pro roleplayers out there XD LOL)

i have never got perma bans i just wanted to try it out, has been a nice experience so far but it would be nice to come to fuck around to perpheads sometimes

im white
i hacked
not really lol its just clickbait

i made a video of the rdming (not gonna put the video here because tinyslayer will ban me)

i killed only 3 people and caused pretty much no harm to any player (except for the pro roleplayers out there XD LOL)

i have never got perma bans i just wanted to try it out, has been a nice experience so far but it would be nice to come to fuck around to perpheads sometimes

im white
pmsl what a fucking aimlock