Increase NLR for Officers

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Professional Stripper
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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.5 NLR

Your version of the rule: Addition - If an Officer has died during an ongoing raid or shootout. They must wait "x amount of time" before responding to the same situation after their NLR has expired.

This can be done by just Increasing the NLR timer for officers.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

I understand the main argument against this will be the PD is a massive organisation which should have an infinite armoury of cops to respond. However, as much as I love realism this makes a lot of balancing issues with Raiders being unable to flank or assist in killing cops if an org is pinned in an appartment for 30 minutes.

Raiders more or less have a 25 minute NLR timer after they die in a raid so they cannot flank.
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i just know someones gonna respond with ''BUT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ESCAPE ASAP YOU DUMMY'' why dont you try fucking escaping when theres 2 tfu in the swat van, another sniping and like 3 more with fucking m4s camping your door, and if you manage to kill the tfu camping your door the other 3 tfu are just gonna camp outside and wait until the tfu that died to return making it impossible to leave
But you’re supposed to escape asap you dummy

Maybe add an additional few minutes upon the 5 before returning to the same situation
It is true, not really enjoyable if all the cops are going to do is wait out the tfu's nlr timer and additional time (if @Aquaa 's words were take into consideration.

How bout you cant have armor for an additional 5 minutes after nlr.

Ex: Tfu glacial dies at slums, respawns without armor and cant receive armor during nlr timer and after 5 minutes.

So tfu are forced to deploy without armor if not patient, the criminals have 5 minutes till the next tfu comes in but without armor, so it would be easier for them to be killed. If the tfu waits out 10min for nlr and armor than the criminal just has enough time to psosibly get out, unless the cops are still camping.

Thats gives the criminals a good balance imo, since armor atm seems to be unbeatable even after putting 3-4 shots of 5.56...............even in the head.........

(Plpd tryhards will disagree, because they just want the criminal rp to die off and just ass at shooting. Change my mind)
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.5 NLR

Your version of the rule: Addition - If an Officer has died during an ongoing raid or shootout. They must wait "x amount of time" before responding to the same situation after their NLR has expired.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

I understand the main argument against this will be the PD is a massive organisation which should have an infinite armoury of cops to respond. However, as much as I love realism this makes a lot of balancing issues with Raiders being unable to flank or assist in killing cops if an org is pinned in an appartment for 30 minutes.

We didn't have any problems with this yesterday when we broke Ethan free in a jailbreak, however i can see how this could have been a problem if a cop thought he would be allowed to shoot at us immidiately when he respawned.
We didn't have any problems with this yesterday when we broke Ethan free in a jailbreak, however i can see how this could have been a problem if a cop thought he would be allowed to shoot at us immidiately when he respawned.
This is mainly for shootouts and raids, If theres 16 cops that instantly respond after 10 minutes it can be annoying.

Isnt 10 minutes enough?
37.5 seconds to kill an officer on average for 10 minutes+the time it takes you to get to your cars., I'd say no if you were pinned in side of an appartment or building. I like your input but you will be biased as you NEVER play as a civillian and are constantly TFU.
@Saint Wylde plays mainly as TFU
@The HitMan plays mainly as cop
@jimmythehamster plays mainly as TFU
@Kirk plays mainly as cop
@Josef plays mainly as TFU

Try putting full-time virtual cop on your CV's

You are all biased as you have yet to play as a civ for more than an hour or get into a shootout with 16 cops. Try spending some money rather than relying other people to start a shootout for your broke asses. You havent experienced both sides so your input is pointless.
new reply cus fuck you ek dee

ITT: Salty crims and sweaty TFU according to the past replies.

OT: So here is a reply from someone who both plays crim and played TFU (rip LT rank lol). The Police Department is supposed to be overpowered, don't get me wrong, I know this is real (also called 'stupid' on some peoples opinions) and it conflicts with the fun aspect of the gamemode as doing anything criminal related will get you fucked and brought to justice by TFU and a 10K ticket which cripples criminal roleplay heavily. I'm not sure of a good way to resolve something like this as it requires a lot of thoughtful community input that would satisfy both sides without a fucking salt war. I'm thinking that limiting the available TFU and officer slots down would help with this issue and maybe 2 minutes+30 second additional NLR timer (or 5, don't care) for BOTH civilians and cops , then I believe this would make something worth to consider doing.

Also want to add that as a criminal you often have to think ahead and have a plan. Most just fucking do it and don't know how to escape from a situation by standing around and causing a even bigger shootout. I rarely see people doing hit and runs/drivebys (e.g. jump out, finish the fuck and drive away quick), most just stand around like retard hiding the body which really isn't much use as police will find it most of the time anyways where you could also get creative and throw the body onto the back of a truck or Transit if you really wanted to hide it.
new reply cus fuck you ek dee

ITT: Salty crims and sweaty TFU according to the past replies.

OT: The Police Department is supposed to be overpowered, don't get me wrong, I know this is real (and stupid on some opinions) and it conflicts with the fun aspect of the mode as doing anything criminal related will get you fucked and brought to justice by TFU and a 10K ticket. I'm not sure of a good way to resolve something like this as it requires a lot of thoughtful community input that would satisfy both sides without a fucking salt war. I'm thinking that limiting the available TFU and officer slots down would help with this issue and maybe 2 minutes+30 second additional NLR timer (or 5, don't care) for BOTH civilians and cops , then I believe this would make something worth to consider doing.

Also want to add that as a criminal you often have to think ahead and have a plan. Most just fucking do it and don't know how to escape from a situation by standing around and causing a even bigger shootout. I rarely see people doing hit and runs/drivebys (e.g. jump out, finish the fuck and drive away quick), most just stand around like retard hiding the body which really isn't much use as police will find it most of the time anyways where you could also get creative and throw the body onto the back of a truck or Transit if you really wanted to hide it.
When you realise if there was 16 cops you'd have 37.5 seconds to kill a cop camping outside a door when theres 6 tfu and a swat van. Even if there was 8 cops its just over a minute to kill each cop otherwise they'll just come back.
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