One more advice is very simple but ended up working out for me, might not be for the same issue but there's no harm in trying.
Long story short, I was playing scum, and typically, I never have any problems with it and/or crashes, but after updating my drivers with geforce experience, it all went south, I started gettings tons of "Fatal Errors" as they're commonly known for being called in the SCUM community, so I looked through all kinds of threads, some things felt pointless whilst some I was hopeful for, one was to clear the download cache on steam, which actually seems to have helped as after this, I didn't get any more fatal errors that day anyway.
I'll post a screenshot "tutorial" of how to find said page on steam (not that it's at all difficult but simply to make life easier!)
As seen in the first screenshot, click on Steam in the up-left corner, then the Settings page.

Once there, choose the Downloads page on the lefthandside.

And once there, simply choose "Clear Download Cache" as seen in the screenshot.
Worth trying, no harm.