Kenty's Enforcer Application

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Most of my points from my last application still stand hence the reuse of the application with a few changes. I have tried to further involve myself in the community by trying to get involved in reports, further improve my H&S ticket count and further improve my OOC and Help chat usage, In my OOC and Help chats I feel I'm quite extensive with my explanations. So we move on with the application once again.

I have been a Moderator and overall a staff member 2 times during 2019-2021, I decided to resign the first time I was a moderator but decided to come back and get straight to business in 2020-2021 and during these years I had some controversy in the staff team, I do admit this can be considered as a major issue, but I have attempted to correct this and improve my relationship with the staff team as well as the community by doing some work as a helper. During these 3+ months I've been a helper, I've been able to re-integrate myself into the staff team as a staff member and player and understand the changing environment as both a player and staff member and the new rule changes.

After coming back I decided to integrate back into the PD once again because that's a secondary type of play for me and it reminded me back when I was a staff member, I wanted to deal with situations and give back to the community what it had given to me. Fun, a nice time, and just a clean experience, and that's what I want to give back to the player base. I have mainly been focusing on the criminal side of activities and I've put forward my focus on this aspect of roleplay with the server, I can RP as a police officer but my true 'Main' is civilian RP/crim RP.

I still do believe I have a good sense of humour and I feel as if I'm a reasonable and approachable person, I find this to be a key thing because at the end of the day that's what people want, after all this time in the community and experiencing the changes, I've been able to adapt to however has ended up. I had brought personality to the staff team and the players, I wasn't always aggressive with players and rule breakages I always tried to find a way to fix their mistakes by teaching instead of anything else further. I was reasonable, I was confident and I didn't act up when I was staff until the 'UAV' situation. I do admit I have had drama within the staff team and community two years ago but I believe in the fact that people change and I have shown this change for the better by joining the staff team as a helper and proving my loyalty to the rest of the staff team. I am fully aware my activity became the main factor in both my helper and PD applications but from my activity, it can be shown that I am here to stay and that I am back for the community.


Since my last application
I have heavily improved my own H&S ticket count, I've stuck to being active both on forums and in game, I can also say that I've heavily improved my OOC and Help chat usage. Furthermore, I've spoken to whoever I've needed to speak to and attempted to even come with staff members to sits just to gain a further understanding of how sits go these days and how the staff team operates.

But there is still one little thing that constantly creeps back and I feel the community should know what happened when I was a moderator last time. This video should provide some context and open up to you my feelings towards the situation while also providing an apology to all of you for the situation that happened back then. I removed my Recommendations and Awards section on my application because they're history, I would prefer to showcase this video.

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings, or blacklists on record, this includes both the forums and the server. (1 month)
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them.
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server/Discord.
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