Legal Method of Concealed Carry

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United States
Main Idea:
Legal Method of Concealed Carry.

Full description of the idea:
Essentially, I think that wielding a pistol, or firearm is rather handy. It protects yourself and others. It just may be the American in me, but hear me out throughout this suggestion.

The only way we can legally carry weapons around is by knowing who is a legal carrier of a firearm.
In order to do this, I suggest what's known as a "Class C License".

The Class C license is a license issued to any individual who has passed a 20-hour course given and instructed by a Firearms Instructor, typically indicated by possessing a Class CI License. These permits would be issued by Trainers of the Tactical Firearms Unit of the Paralake Police Department.

In order to apply for a Class C or Class CI license, you must fill out an application issued by the Paralake Police Department. You must also meet the requirements.​
  1. Have no Felony record.​
  2. Have no Violent Crime History.​
  3. No drug-related/restricted substance offenses.​
  4. No more than two DUI/DWI infractions.​
  5. List two references.​
  6. Be able to demonstrate competency with a firearm.​
  7. Show Valid, Legal, Complete proof of documentation of the completion of the 20-hour course given by a valid Class CI Firearms Instructor.​
Following this, you may only carry a certain type/caliber of firearms. A licensee who has been issued a Class “C” or "CI" license may carry a .38 caliber revolver; or a .380 caliber or 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol; or a .357 caliber revolver with .38 caliber ammunition only; or a .40 caliber handgun;

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]​
been suggested before, no - support

and come on even samuel has a felony record
This would lead to "vigilantes" Who shoot people shooting cops and do it because they feel legally obliged to do so with there lEgAl cArRy pErMiT.
But the records apparently disappear off anyways.

Also, according to AyJay, this has been suggested by Jordan, and it almost happened but the concern was the price and some other minor things, which can just be fixed.
I don't want to start catching 2.5 bans being essentially forced to spray down everyone within vicinity of a shootout just so I don't get shot by some do gooder.
@Saint Wylde Focus on your safety first, then help if you can. People shouldn't get involved in shootouts as civs if they aren't being surrounded by a perimeter. By getting a Class C you aren't entitled to help police every time you can.
@Saint Wylde Nowhere in the rules does it say that. I've done it many times before while running a shop at bazaar, where some kid decides to start blasting cops right in front of my shop and I shoot him down legally and justifiably.

This toxic cops vs civilians mentality is what kills roleplay.