Server Suggestion Lower maximum cops

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rasclart hq
Suggestion Title: Lower maximum cops
Suggestion Description: Lower maximum amount of cops to 10 for a week or smth

Why should this be added?:
Cause playing solo at high pop is absolutely heartbreaking, raid a single base loudly and you'll get your butthole tickled by 30 cops (11 of which are TFU) 

What negatives could this have?:
cop mains tears 
Cause playing solo at high pop is absolutely heartbreaking, raid a single base loudly and you'll get your butthole tickled by 30 cops (11 of which are TFU) 
And it is a disaster when there are no cops on and like 6 org members doing back-to-back raids and bank robberies every hour. No thanks, I'd rather take getting fucked over solo than being fucked over solo but on the receiving side.
If anything it should simply scale with the amount of players currently in he server, rather than lowering the limit to a certain one overall.
And it is a disaster when there are no cops on and like 6 org members doing back-to-back raids and bank robberies every hour. No thanks, I'd rather take getting fucked over solo than being fucked over solo but on the receiving side.
tbh me and Jamie 2v10'd NWA as TFU yesterday so 10 cops is more than enough lol, maybe a different suggestion would be add a maximum for TFU
If anything it should simply scale with the amount of players currently in he server, rather than lowering the limit to a certain one overall.
it already does this iirc
Cause playing solo at high pop
really? that's your reasoning, that it's hard to go 1 vs the entire police department? plpd is balanced alright how it is, we already struggle with getting cops on and you want to reduce the amount of cops available?

criminals don't seem to understand that it's not supposed to be easy or fair, you're on the wrong side of the law, you're supposed to be at a disadvantage
really? that's your reasoning, that it's hard to go 1 vs the entire police department? plpd is balanced alright how it is, we already struggle with getting cops on and you want to reduce the amount of cops available?

criminals don't seem to understand that it's not supposed to be easy or fair, you're on the wrong side of the law, you're supposed to be at a disadvantage
server currently isnt even 100 players and yet it has 24 slots, you telling me having 1/4 of the server on cop is "balanced"? People rarely ever raid in groups bigger than 5, and if they do it tends to be against other large groups which already puts them at a disadvantage, the fact you're stating cops should have numbers just simply makes it unfair as they can all just sprint straight in and still have multiple lives, and yet 23 more can rush in
Suggestion Title: Lower maximum cops
Suggestion Description: Lower maximum amount of cops to 10 for a week or smth

Why should this be added?:
Cause playing solo at high pop is absolutely heartbreaking, raid a single base loudly and you'll get your butthole tickled by 30 cops (11 of which are TFU) 

What negatives could this have?:
cop mains tears 
its good idea to lower the maxium amount of cops but not to 10 maybe 16 with 4 tfu
It is fairly rare when the pd is filled. Usually there are only a few officers, and since the server cap is now at 128, and the max cops are I belive 25 it gives 1 cop per 5,12 players.
I dont remember the exact numbers when the player cap was around 80, but back in that they i belive the max amount of cops on duty was around 15, which gave 1 cop per 5,33.
That shows that there wasnt a big change in the amount of cops per player for a long time now, however, the more people are on the server the more criminal activity will be going on, as there are many more criminal organizations online, and they might as well be more powerful than 2-3 years ago, as the player cap rose.
The PD always had some advantages over criminals. i.e Free guns, armor, TFU that are much better equipped than any players, HOWEVER with 1,5 times more players, there are ofter 2-3 shootouts at once, and it is compleately normal that cops will prolly respond and die in the first one, and the third might not even be responded to. It is random, and it worked in the same way 2-3 years ago.

I do not belive that lowering the max number of cops is the solution, because it scaled pretty much 1:1 with the server cap. And if anything changed regarding the personnel limit, is for the advantage of criminals if anyone.
its good idea to lower the maxium amount of cops but not to 10 maybe 16 with 4 tfu
The number of TFU is not someting that any1 has the control over, let me tell you how that works:
In regular patrol, there may only be 3 TFOs in light gear at once patrolling - They are counted into the regular limit of cops.
HOWEVER when there is a situation that endangers life of civilians ANY TFU officer might gear up into HEAVY gear and respond.
There are some limitations to how TFOs patrol, as if they dont have any partners, they will use slower cars, and light gear doesnt provide any additional armor.
There are NO SOFTWARE limitations, that would be able to influence the number of TFOs in active duty, as officers join PD as OFFICERS, and might GEAR UP at any time, which means, your suggestion includes limiting officers that belong to TFU joining on duty, which is not possible in any way.
In the last 90 days, there have been 16 or more cops for 4.4% of the time, totalling 100 hours out of 2160.

In the last 30 days, there have been 16 or more cops for 3.59% of the time, totalling 26 hours out of 720.

I don’t think this is the issue. And it rarely happens even if it is an issue.

Also assuming that there’s an 8 hour peak of players everyday, that’s still only 26 hours out of 240.


People tend to forget, with 10 cops. ASDA will have more members online than the police force. They will take over as the peoples militia. Forcefully invading all properties to make sure nobody is having illegal stuff in their properties. Therefore ‘legally’ bypassing the raidtimer/limit.
What a genius masterplan really.

In all fairness, as someone who likes to solo raid too. I understand the frustration. Just solo when its less peaktime. Lets not forget that its not 24 elite coppers. Half are sweaters.
In the last 30 days, there have been 16 or more cops for 3.59% of the time, totalling 26 hours out of 720.
yes my friend a lot of people go on dute when they know there is big raid on slums/projex or bank raid thats why you see this small number of police officers on dute in avg
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