Police Suggestion Major Command and Division Changes

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Hi friends,

This is something that was planned when I was Chief, I even said that when Head of PSD and IA resigns, PSD head would be Captain and IA head LT...

Brief description of idea: Remove unnecessary command positions such as Major of PSD and make RTU a secondary division

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Less high ranking officers, which would make high ranks more unique.

As seen recently, many people want a more simple PD, where you don’t spend 80% of your hours off server pretending to be a HR employee...

I believe the PD needs to continue their downsizing, and not just on lower levels like Lieutenants, but also on the SMT level. A while back we made a plan to make the following edits, to meet the downsizing requirement. And I think they should be followed through. The PD can’t continue standing still.

Head of PSD
- From Major to Captain.
Head of IA
- From Captain to Lieutenant. Two Lieutenants would lead IA under the Captain of PSD
Head of TFU
- From Captain to Lieutenant. Would be assisted by SSGT/SGT and Head of Tac Ops
Head of RTU
- From Captain to Lieutenant
Head of Dispatch
- From Lieutenant to No rank. There is no need for this position whatsoever. Head of Tac Ops, could do this with help of trainers. This position costs the PD like $110,000 per month.
Assistant Chief of Department
- Remove the rank. Always been a useless rank.

Additionally, I think that having RTU as a primary division is ridiculous at this point. RTU should work like TFU...

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Some command may decide to leave as they would lose their ranks.

Other additions: Major and Staff SGT should probably also be removed in the near future, to remove ranks that don’t really have a meaning.
I agree with you Samuel. I find at this point there are too many senior members (LT and above) in the PD and it makes more sense to downsize it a bit. I also think RTU moving to a secondary division also makes more sense. I think having fewer senior members means when recruiting, better suited people are likely to be selected.
Would be assisted by SSGT/SGT and Head of Tac Ops
Major and Staff SGT should probably also be removed in the near future, to remove ranks that don’t really have a meaning
So you think that Head of TFU should be assisted by SGT/SSGT but you also think SSGT should be removed? Staff Sergeant is there to show that, that person has experience in being a Sergeant and has taken up a administrative role. This allows them to have a bit of command of Sergeants so they can command them etc. No point removing those ranks that YOU made.

EDIT: just saw it said near future, but still, my point stands. If this does happen, I agree maybe just make line managers captain, head of divisions CPT/LT*, command LT/SSGT*,allowing SSGT's to gave acsess to the command car, with a rank on Plpd.online role of Command.
* = based on division
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Have you read what I wrote? I clearly said that SSGT should probably be removed in the future, but that’s not my main suggestion. That’s a side note. But I also put SGT, did I not?

and no I did not decide to add the rank, even if I did, your logic would be totally retarded. Just because it was a good idea 1 year ago, does not mean it’s good for the PD now.
good suggestion, i always wanted PSD to be Captain and IA to be LT. Always been unneccessary command ranks.

smart man - ssg really sint needed.

finally something smart plpd can do not have 1000 people over sgt :D
I do indeed believe that there might be a few unnecessary ranks. But also as this server is supposed to be a serious roleplaying server. I think that the PD represents something of real life aswell. Showing how hard and how much effort you need to put into your job as officer to get somewhere. But I do indeed think that Staff Sergeant and Major are a bit excessive.
Excessive would be the wrong word, but in terms of the divisions and operations of the department Staff Sergeant.

but having a simpler rank structure is probably smarter to have here.

Dept. Chief
Major/No Major
Senior Police Officer
Police Officer
Probationary Officer

dont need corporal senior officer and staff sergeant, dont think they need major either.

and yes ia can go

Captain of PSD
Lieutenant of IA
IA Sergeant

and all Senior PO+ should have access to all guns but the revolver and desert eagle smh
It represents real life in the fact that you need to be friends with higher ups to progress.
It's not a huge division, it should be a division under Patrol with a Lieutenant in-charge of it. Although sections are shut-off I think RTU can have a section for RTU members lead by such lieutenant.

Why do you think RTU should stay as a Primary Division given its size and purpose?
RTU being a primary division just makes it harder to control and promote officers. Could make it so there is a captain of each operation, basically a major. each captain has LTs for different areas of work such as patrol, traffic, TFU, dispatch because then there would be a huge downscale and much more centralized bureaucracy in the PD.

Replace it with reformed sections. One captain, 4 Lieutenants, each 2 "Patrol" LTs and 1 RTU specialist LT and one TFU specialist LT. boom sorted, bring back my baby
I think this could be useful in some degree. But I disagree with the point of removing Major and Staff sergeant, I think both of these ranks are useful additions. But staff sergeant in particular needs to be better utilized.
Head of RTU
- From Captain to Lieutenant
So if you Have an LT. to lead what was all that work @Mimball did for in the first place? How will people see him? Is he okay with this? What about @Kenty? SSGT as Command? You risk a number of people's positions doing this shifting.

You also aren't changing Patrol.

So your other problem with this, now Patrol and RTU are unbalanced, and Patrol will feel they are over them and have more power, now that Major position is essential. Also, this technically makes SSGT a Command if you just shift everyone one down, so how will that bode?

So what about making RTU more of a "Certification"?
Keep its applications, personnel, and training, but instead of changing Primary Divisions, you just have access to more vehicles now. Now there isn't a divide, but you lose quality.

Head of IA
From Captain to Lieutenant. Two Lieutenants would lead IA under the Captain of PSD
From Captain to Lieutenant.
But one Lieutenant would lead IA and have one or two SSGT in Command. That way you don't lose valuable command members like @nutrient10 and give more options for people. But again, how does he and @A1L feel about being moved down?

Head of TFU
From Captain to Lieutenant.
If you do this, @Aquaa would be moved down Command, have to consider how he feels about that.

Head of Dispatch
It appears this is already done, why are you suggesting it?

There are no more Senior Dispatchers. Seriously, go to Careers on PLPD.Online and search for them. None. Do people like @CaughtRed & @PandaWarrior even know that they've been removed from those roles?

But I see your point, the apps are automated, what's the point? But by doing this, you lose training and quality control. At least one person should be in charge. One person scheduling an hour training session is doable. Difficult. But doable. I say you should have SSGT Head of Dispatch, with 3 Senior Dispatches.

Assistant Chief of Department
I can go either way about this.
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@Devon Stewart

This is a reply based on my position as a Player and a Developer, and NOT as a PD member. Any harsh language is due to auto correct and not written by me.

So if you Have an LT. to lead what was all that work @Mimball did for in the first place? How will people see him? Is he okay with this?
Who cares? We can not have officers sitting on high ranks just cuz their feelings might be hurt. A better question is how can @Mimball justify his rank (not position)?.

You also aren't changing Patrol.
Why would I suggest it? Patrol works, remove the "primary" state of RTU and let everyone be in Patrol, and then have RTU as a secondary unit such as TFU or Dispatch.

From Captain to Lieutenant.
But one Lieutenant would lead IA and have one or two SSGT in Command. That way you don't lose valuable command members like @nutrient10 and give more options for people. But again, how does he and @A1L feel about being moved down?
Who cares about what @A1L thinks? It should not be up to him what rank he holds, I am sure that 100% of command want to keep their ranks, so should we just have a big command team as we got SJW in the community or? The current CoDs had the chance to correct this rank when @A1L got the position, as decided by SMT! But for some reason they continue running some sort of administration where they feel its needed to have more command than officers... Also idea with this is to make Head of PSD actually do something... am I right @Dom_ :rolleyes:

It appears this is already done, why are you suggesting it?
Are you dumb or just blind? SirZac was LT of dispatch until 2020-03-02, I wrote this 2020-02-29...

But I see your point, the apps are automated, what's the point? But by doing this, you lose training and quality control. At least one person should be in charge. One person scheduling an hour training session is doable. Difficult. But doable. I say you should have SSGT Head of Dispatch, with 3 Senior Dispatches.
@Tunnels can do this, he must have something to do right? and there has never been good quality dispatchers... even when we had a 4 step process. It's a dead job... How can anyone justify spending $110,000 on a person that does a few apps per month?

and to add onto this, this is probably one of the smaller problems within the PD right now. Seeing as command members can not follow a simple guide to request access removal from Google Drive when command members leaves...

And here comes the reply from PD Samuel (@A1L you are not allowed to read above)
Yes I agree, PD works very good and wont die within the next 2 months. All good!
PD is majorly inflated with its ranks and we are having incompetence within both LT and Cpt. ranks, this isn't necessarily new but it has been a relatively downhill battle since @J left and its emphasized again since the loss of @Samuel, @<insert Chinese letters here> and @Dom_

This isn't said with malice but just an outside POV.
As it stands, most Professional standards members also hold command ranks. Who's keeping who in check now????
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