MrLewis - Resignation Post.

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So, it’s been a long and eventful time here on Perpheads, i’ve honestly enjoyed every minute of it. But alas, times change and people move on. It’s just unfortunate that i must leave the community now, but there’s not much more i can do. My interest in this server has deteriorated massively and im generally bored of the gamemode, i feel that if i stayed here any longer, i’d become the most un-sociable guy on the server.

If i'm also honest with myself the staff team has just crumbled since my times back in the good old day’s. What i mean by this is that not all the other staff members generally pull their weight when it comes to doing reports. There can be 7-8 reports open at a time and only 1-2 moderators will actually be handling them, overtime this has just irritated me to the point of making this post.

I do however want to say a special thanks to a few people, these specific people have been great guys, others have generally given me a chance when it comes to being a staff member, so, here they are:




And of course, my good old friends:


-Lewis 088

-Chicken (Aaron)

-And AyJay

As previously said, thanks to everyone for all they did for me, and i can't thank you all enough, goodbye, for now ;)

It's a shame that this has to happen but it's a neccesary evil.

You were an excellent staff member, once the staff team gets even worse because you've left maybe the staff team will get it's shit together
I'm just here for the free like? Jk I love you and will miss you more than I love Nigel farrage. Basically I will miss you a lot <3 Wish you could stay :(
After reading this post I have found that you probably made an error when typing it, you didn't even thank me, the main man... the gold level redditor, what do you think your doing.
Shame to see you go, haven't really played with you since I started playing per again. But I do remember you as a very nice guy
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Of all the Moderators I have met the one that I thought was the best was Lewis he is a very responsible and mature person who was completely unbreakable yet still has a heart. Lewis was the moderator in my opinion is unreplacable I will miss him.

It is a shame that you are resigning I will miss you and try my best to use you as a example if I get enforcer.
Sad to see you go, you were always a great staff member and just an overall great person. I remember that you told me that I was your favorite mod once but I guess that's changed *COUGHS*