New PC incoming

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In the spolier are my specs which I have chosen for my PC
(Its like that because I wrote it in a document but cant be arsed to COpy paste it)
So prepare yourself lads. FInlay will return
why in the world would you get a 1600x with a 3gb 1060

get a normal 1600 or a 1500x and a 6gb 1060

or instead of a 1060 just get a 580 (if the prices arent aids)
why in the world would you get a 1600x with a 3gb 1060

get a normal 1600 or a 1500x and a 6gb 1060

or instead of a 1060 just get a 580 (if the prices arent aids)
Long story short.
Dad decided he wanted ot be apart of the build process.
I gave him a list of parts and the links.
He got the cheapest one he could find.
-get more vram, litteraly all modern games will laugh at you if you have 3 or less, COD WWII at low texture settings is at 1900mb of my total 2000. its pure cancer on how laggy you will get when you run out of vram

-Get a bigger SSD, trust me it is fucking aids how fast a 120GB SSD fills up, you can do litteraly everything in your power to move as much to your 1TB (should get a 2TB!!!!) hard drive but it will fill up so fucking fast you wish you bought a bigger one


nothing you see is partioned