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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.5
Your version of the rule:
Players must treat their re-spawn as a new life. A system is in place to inform players that they are in breach of this rule, any attempt to bypass this system will not be tolerated. Joining or leaving any government job is to be treated as a new life.

When a player is given a new life they must forget/may not act upon any and all details of their previous life; this excludes properties and cars that they own, government positions that they hold and any friends or acquaintances that they have/had made.

Players should not use or act upon any information gained from other players which is relevant to their previous death, while their NLR timer is active.

Players may not return to a situation they have died at even if their NLR timer is over.

Part that was removed: When a player has died In Character, and after they have re-spawned, they must wait at least 5 minutes (a countdown is provided) before they may either return to the place where they died and/or interact with the situation.

Part that was added: Players may not return to a situation they have died at even if their NLR timer is over

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Its pretty annoying when people kill like 3 quarters of the police force and they can't get out of their apartment/base so the other cops just respawn,wait for their NLR timer to be over and return to that situation.Same goes for flankers that died during the shootout.
This also has cons though, what if there only are 4/5 officers on duty? And this should indeed apply to everyone if it does happen, and also i feel like that they may not speak about the situation at all then as that is also NLR, nor take anything IC that is said about that situation during NLR timer, if you wanna make the rule aids, then atleast make it fully aids.
In real life, a police department would always have some kind of backup, and it's really the same with just waiting out your NLR timer to return to an area to back up your officers. It's not unrealistic that there keep getting new officers to the shootout because that's just what you would do in real life, you would keep sending new and new officers to prevent the criminals from getting what they are trying to get.

TL:DR: It's unrealistic not to have some kind of back up, and therefore the rule should stay the same.
Police force is endless.
The officers that died respawn with a new life, so they are a new wave.
Simply put, don't camp in your apartment because you'll eventually lose. Break out and attempt to escape.
Its pretty annoying when people kill like 3 quarters of the police force
it's pretty annoying being police and having all the fun being taken away from you.

It will be very confusing as often a situation takes place at an appartment, the highway and forest in a sequence if you know what i mean.

If you manage to escape a shootout at regals and flee and basically drive around the city for 30 minutes until you have litteraly killed the entire force, you can just make a petty AR and a refund request because the cops returned to the situation.

Its bad how this suggestion is solely aimed towards police, and shootouts in general. There are many other drawbacks for other forms of roleplay would this be accepted.

As others said, the police force is endless and it should stay that way.
This has previously been discussed in staff meetings and the consensus was that it's a retarded idea then @MrLewis was too lazy to add what we actually agreed
@MrLewis was meant to add longer NLR for crims/shorter NLR for cops but he's too busy being a big man SIA to deal with this shit


[DOUBLEPOST=1511658116,1511658059][/DOUBLEPOST](By the way readers, being a big man SIA is more successful than what you're (not) doing if you think this is some kind of joke)
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