nutrient10's Helper Application

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Alex Mills


Over the past 2-3 months I have probably been the most active I have ever been following my departure from the staff team earlier this year and I feel that I would be best able to utilise my time in the community as a Helper. This way I can use my vast amount of knowledge and experience from my time as a staff member, as well as a member of this community, and use this to help players, new or old, and be more visible to everyone in the community so that players know that they can approach me for help if they need it.

I have always enjoyed helping others which is one of the key reasons I even decided to join the staff team in the first place so this is relevant in this application as well. I could go on about a hundred different reasons why I want to be a helper but it would be best to keep things concise; I simply want to use the skills and experience I have gained from being a member of this community for many years, as well as a staff member for over a year to help players at a more extensive level than a normal user can and be more visible and approachable to players.


Firstly, I have a range of experience that I have gained throughout my time in this community, most of which is from my experience as a staff member. This has allowed me to gain a very thorough understanding of the mechanics of the game mode, rules, laws and various other pieces of relevant information which would assist me greatly in effectively performing the duties of a Helper.

Although activity is not a particularly strict requirement for the role of Helper, I am usually on the server every day for at least a few hours and I am always helping others where I can and respond to any queries users may have in OOC or Help chat as well as other instances in-game or off-server. This will enable me to help a wide range of players as often as I possibly can.


I have been a Helper in the past for a short period of time after my resignation from Moderator and I also became an Enforcer again shortly after this. These roles are where I have gained the most relevant experience throughout my time in this community, but simply being a part of this community for a long time has enabled me to gain a thorough amount of experience which would be relevant to the role. As well as this, I have gained a range of skills and experience from being a supervisor and command member in the Police Department. Among other things, this experience within the PD has allowed me to gain a lot of experience with handling a wide range of situations and will without a doubt provide me with relevant experience to competently perform the duties of a Helper within this community.


Previous Accepted Enforcer Applications

I had been a staff member for just over one year since my first enforcer application was accepted and for a short period of time after my second enforcer application before I was demoted following a situation where I was given the rank of event staff. Despite the reasons behind my demotion, it had absolutely nothing to do with the role of enforcer and I have, in my opinion, always performed my duties as a staff member to a high standard.

As well as this, due to inactivity at the end of my first year as a staff member, I decided it would be best to step down to helper instead of resigning completely or waiting until I get demoted. This way I wasn't bound by strict activity requirements but I was still in a position where I could continue to help players whenever I was able to. After repairing my activity, I then applied for the role of enforcer again and was shortly accepted.

These previous roles have granted me a plethora of skills, knowledge and experience throughout my time as staff which will enable me to continue applying these qualities to my duties as a helper if I am to be accepted.

Feedback since my last Helper Application

The feedback I was given after my previous application was rejected was focused on giving things time and rebuilding trust since my demotion from enforcer 7 months ago. Although my demotion happened 7 months ago, I was quite inactive for a portion of that time as I rarely had access to my PC for a while. However, over the past few months, I have been on almost every single day and have been determined to rebuild trust as much as possible and generally try to be a valued member of the community and help others as much as possible.


Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record within the past month, this includes both the forums and the server.
You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them.
You must have access to and use a microphone.
You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server.

Thank you for reading my application.​
Reaction score
don't really think there's much you could do wrong as a helper but moving any amount past that is really not something which should happen in my eyes

your bias in favour of a certain individual in any situations they were involved in was demonstrable and incredibly concerning in your last stints as staff and was clear to fellow staff members, higher-ranked administration, and users alike (evidenced by many conversations i've had with all groups) and i don't see that pattern changing at all

with your recent instance of abusing a server rank combined with that i really can't ever see it as wise to allow you into a role with any additional permissions but what could you do as helper pmsl

you do try to help where you can so i can't fault you on that
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