Officers shooting out tires of vehicles while they're parked

Should police be allowed to shoot out tires of vehicles?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not during bank robberies

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Please leave your opinion on this particular topic. Try to be constructive with your criticism.
(Next on Tilin is triggered on the forums:
Officers not willing to participate in hostage situations, rather let the hostage die than do any RP)

Asks for constructive criticism > gets constructive criticism > rates all constructive criticism not in line with own thoughts dumb. See you on the next cry/whine topic!

I asked for constructive criticism, got stupid answers. Voted them dumb because I genuinely thought they were dumb.

You made a statement about running to CG, which basically is a long ass run, you prob already got no stamina and you have cops responding back at the same second. I can't take your idea seriously when it just doesn't work in practical terms and I've seen it happen multiple times.
3 water bottles > FULL Stamina / Running from bank to city garage 10< Seconds on ALT. Explain how this is a long run, with full stamina you could alt all the way into the forest and ocean??? I almost never use cars as i prefer staying off the radar and run everywhere. Just because its not in line with your idea's doesn't mean they are stupid answers
Because you do something your way, doesn't mean everyone should as well. It's good to have options.
Hold on, you're not getting away with saying its "My way". You're trying to justify that bank > city garage is a LONG ASS RUN. That has nothing to do with my way. Here, from bank front doors to my car is 10 seconds:
Keep in mind i didn't need the water bottle in this clip either, i could easily go exhausted, pop 3 waters and do the same shit.
You completely ignored the fact that during a bank robbery that's impossible to do as you'll have officers usually set exactly there, gunpointing you.

Let's not mention how sometimes you'll have to get another car if you even have one because your tires were popped even if parked there.
You completely ignored the fact that during a bank robbery that's impossible to do as you'll have officers there shooting you out of your car if your tires weren't popped and you tried to run off/run them over. Are you going to take back the statement that its a "long ass run" ? After most bank robbery's the officers left alive in next to none if you brought 75% of total numbers of leo's on duty?
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We went completely off topic.
But if you have a car, a few shots to it will not disable it. It takes a TFU to disable a car quickly, not one cop with a M9. You should have multiple options on how to do a bank raid. And to prevent it being the same every time and the escape path, it's good to have options. If you wanna park in CG, sure.

If you wanna park at Bank, sure.

But tires shouldn't be shot out unless it's in self defense.
Its not off topic, we're still talking about your tires. Said tires usually only get popped at bank. You clarify that its a loss ass run and therefore should be allowed to park your car and escape freely from leo's because your car is suppose to tank a bunch of shots. I show its not a long ass run, you fail to retract said statement. I think you're going to be very disappointed in the outcome of the tires clarification is the handbook tbh, because it most likely won't suit your needs.
I dont know why this debate is still going. Ayjay said it clear it aint allowed homie.
In may not be a "long ass run", but keep in mind that the PLPD can have up to 16 slots at peak times and most of the timw they are full(sometimes around 12 since not alot of people play now) also criminals may not help bank robbers if they are not involved and as far as I know as soon as cops' NLR runs out they head to bank which makes the so called run impossible in most cases.
You're wrong, read what he said again. Don't tldr it, officers will have to justify it to IA if they choose to do so. Just like anything else they have to justify if force is applied and questioned. I'll look forward to receiving said IA complaints ;)
"Wheels shouldn't be shot for the fun of it, nor should tires be shot prematurely to give officers an upper hand in shootouts.
It generally shouldn't be done.

I am drawn to understand it more if the officer(s) doing it have strong justifiable reasoning to do so (I.e. to preserve lives). "
Again. Read it.
Justifiable reasons are for example: getting shot at from the vehicle, vehicle ignores gunpoint and is armed and dangerous

Not a parked car
Foul play is nothing new within the PLPD, and the fact that they can abuse aspects of there roles and bend the poorly worded policies to there own free will is an issue that should be addressed rapidly. Nothing will be done about it and the playerbase will slowly bleed away to play games and servers that offer more balance.
Hold on, you're not getting away with saying its "My way". You're trying to justify that bank > city garage is a LONG ASS RUN. That has nothing to do with my way. Here, from bank front doors to my car is 10 seconds:
Keep in mind i didn't need the water bottle in this clip either, i could easily go exhausted, pop 3 waters and do the same shit.
Mind you brother, you are most likely camping from a high ground with a sniper and have roaming beretta cops from top of bank to hospital.

As a player who plays as a criminal constantly for 2 years+ i can say that this is not how all situations are going to be.

You will most likely be shot crippled by the sniper always. (@Slayerduck you always do this dont lie)

If not by the sniper its by a remington cop camping outside and +2 beretta cops.

Therefore, your statement of running to City Garage in 10 seconds is Unrealistic.

You wont be able to get your vehicle from the bank parking lot as sniper will shoot your tires gone.

Remi cop from the rooftop will shoot your car till it disables.

Adding on to that beretta cops already on the way to shoot you clean with a whole mag of 9x19mm x 15.

If lucky to kill those cops, you will end up with the sniper constantly shooting you till you're dead.

Let's just stop this childish argument already it's pointless to bring unrealistic situations and try to implement it to someones opinion.

Add me on Steam if you want to argue more about it.

I have all the reasons to why you're "TFU shouldn't be removed/nerfed" opinions should be shut down.

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