OrAnGe mAn BaD!

I honestly don't see the problem, I barely ever get raided on Perp and I don't base with more than 3-4 ppl and the times I do get raided I usually have a good shot at winning. If you, however, do get raided quite often and lose most of the time you should either join a big org or just get good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You could argue that they're roleplaying by raiding people often, it's not any less RP than being a cop or growing is really.
People just want to power grow all day with no risk, people complain about raiding like it isn't the only reason people are still here.

I loved going up against bigger orgs and putting myself in shit situations because it made me a better player, i remember forcing my org to raid Olsen's base @Husky And everyone pussied out apart from me and a couple others.

If people cant handle the core mechanic of perp then dont play or get better

If the staff want more rp give us more situations to base rp off, people need inspiration
@Slayerduck Is this the type of RP you're on about?
You could add some rules to disallow growing in bazaar as well as raiding/mugging creating sort of a safe zone for trading/ crafting. Maybe then new players will be able to level up their skills and create shops where they could sell their shit rather than fear getting robbed or mugged in every single transaction they have. Bazaar is aids in shootouts anyways so its not like you lose anything from disallowing illegal activity in the area.

This will be a good opportunity to introduce new players into the in-debt rp system of perp where they can learn about crafting/prices as well as giving them access to more high end firearms that they cant craft themselves.

How the fuck is a new player supposed to enter criminal rp when they cant even have access to a rifle because they arent skilled enough to craft one and are too afraid to buy one from a seller cuz they gonna get mugged.
Myself and @Ayjay also spoke about bringing back the City Shops in a general discussion, perhaps them being brought back without being allowed to grow or mug in there could allow the city to thrive and make the bazaar a bit more like the wild west for slightly more illegal trades.
People raid coz they want to shoot guns so obviously the clear alternative here is to add something where we can shoot where its not affecting people on a scale where they are loosing a 25k gun and their drugs which is time consuming.

make a better more complex firing range
make a matchmaking system - 1v1,2v2,3v3 with entry fee or gambling.

might be hard to implement but I honestly feel we need more shooting outlets.
I remember opening a Valentine's day restaurant like 2 years ago. All went well until players started jumping on props, screaming, acting stupid and plain fucking annoying, and then get fucking grenades thrown at me and raided, police arrive and boom another shootout. I should mention that this was even caused by staff members "roleplaying".
Whats the point of having a trade market if people are just going to mug everyone. Better remove the place than have it as a mug trap for new players who dont know the abouts of the server. The only people disagreeing with this are the ones mugging at bazaar or growing in the back.
It's not Olsen imo.

From what I remember, the PD, marksmanship, weapons and drugs updates are all self explanatory as to their effect on cops v crims gameplay, but there are also other updates that are less obvious but still really impactful.

The map updates, yes they fix a lot of problems with the map, but they created more places to base e.g morons, they editted current places to make them easier to raid e.g regals, and more.
The car updates, essentially added more cars to grind for, only really attainable via cops v crims roleplay.

All of these updates, over time, have fundamentally changed perpheads and have given players more incentive to engage in cops v crims. The last job update that wasn't related to cops v crims was the courier update. Yes, I understand that other updates have happened, but NON are truly game changing for non cops v crims roleplay.

We NEED game changing updates for other roleplay, to give players the incentive to not base or raid. That way, Olsen raids will be a one off occurance, and not something we see all the time.

Sorry for the wall of text. Let me know what you think.
Some actual org page RP would be alright. Back in 2015 the org pages were all serious and actually had a story behind them. See: Belinsky, Hitmen Royale, Crescendo, Yakuzi (Forgot how to spell) and Greek Empire.

Look at the org pages now, they're full of shitposting, MegaLollis actually gave me organ failure and 6 months to live. The organisations have no roleplay behind him, the PD has no issues within it, if you still are crying about the PD without accepting something needs to be done about the lack of roleplay among criminals then you're a smooth brain idiot.

@Loejseren also makes a valid point about bombs, when I came back I was surprised about the number of them as back in 2015 they were rarely used. I remember the massive shootouts at parker vs Feng and his org when I was in the Belinskys.

Sorry if this in incoherent rambling but I am ill at the moment.
So this discussion has turned in to "Rate the RP on PERP from 1 to 10" so I might just give my opinion on it.

Raids and shootouts on PERP were always enjoyable, main thing about them are the shooting mechanics etc. What makes them less enjoyable now? About the community getting more sensitive with every week, sure. Another thing that should be taken in to consideration is the lacking unique playerbase (as stated by @Mage ) and the fact that people just want to stay in their comfort zone, since it doesn't bring risks at all. Why would a police officer go off duty just to get raided every 30 minutes, why would a criminal do actual RP/join the PD if it won't bring as much profit as crime work does and why would a fisherman go criminal just to get raided by cops/other criminals?
I know that the coders are working on a farming update and hopefully some other things that can bring enjoyable PassiveRP/BusinessRP or whatever you want to call it.
You disbanded a really good org that had potential to join another one smh