It's not Olsen imo.
From what I remember, the PD, marksmanship, weapons and drugs updates are all self explanatory as to their effect on cops v crims gameplay, but there are also other updates that are less obvious but still really impactful.
The map updates, yes they fix a lot of problems with the map, but they created more places to base e.g morons, they editted current places to make them easier to raid e.g regals, and more.
The car updates, essentially added more cars to grind for, only really attainable via cops v crims roleplay.
All of these updates, over time, have fundamentally changed perpheads and have given players more incentive to engage in cops v crims. The last job update that wasn't related to cops v crims was the courier update. Yes, I understand that other updates have happened, but NON are truly game changing for non cops v crims roleplay.
We NEED game changing updates for other roleplay, to give players the incentive to not base or raid. That way, Olsen raids will be a one off occurance, and not something we see all the time.
Sorry for the wall of text. Let me know what you think.