To the people complaining about the state of Crim RP what is needed to fix it?
For over a year the server has needed more orgs, less zergs and less rims. A lot of people will prejudice me for raiding a lot but I always look at it as non biased as possible for criminals, police and passive Erpers. What do I blame for lack of organisations? An internal factor I think we can control that I blame is the PD. As biased as that sounds having seen both sides and played as TFU when Olsen were camping Puffer like Fort Knox, seen all the rims that know 1 person in an orange suit that we ended up with 3 tfu vs 8 org members v 12 rims. Back to it, I think too many people are abusing the PD currently. Too many people find being raided, having to pay for marksmanship and guns too hard. So they'll play cop instead, until they get TFU main and play it forever. However, I do value great police roleplay such as @TheHitman @Jman ect I think the way we unwhitlisted the PD was lazy almost like what buffing fishing did to the economy. Expecting orgs to compete against 6 TFU and 10 cops should never have happened. This lead to big orgs needing to try hard, so we've ended up with orgs like
@Husky s where you have the best shooters and others like Ethans org that had 30 members because we had to zerg the PD zerg. So SA introduce org limits. PD died for me when I was demoted from Captain for a 2 month ban. Then resigned from Patrol LT
I didnt enjoy being TFU or going on duty, because I'd end up shooting one of my orgs Olsen/Megalolis knowing if I killed them they'd lose a 20k gun, drugs, snipers. These people were the only people I'd see on duty starting shootouts and when I was off duty involved in them. So I haven't enjoyed playing cop for over a year, yet watch other people TFU main sweating hoping Olsen start a shootout. A lot of people don't realise that everyone can earn the same amount of money in the same amount of time. Saying 1 guys rich ect means nothing when you consider you can make the exact same amount of money as this guy in the same amount of time.
An external factor I dont think we can control is the playerbase and how it's changed over the past 1-2 years. A lot of new organisations came and left because they want to be spoon fed
@EVIL , and moan when they get raided. If 8 Orange people raid you, that's an opportunity for 8 free guns worth 20k+ each if you play it smart. Having been in other orgs and get bored a lot. I'll sit in appartment/business on my own and be able to do meth/grow and craft for 3 hours without being raided with no car, making sure nobody knew who I was.
@MoronPipllyd moaning over bombs being used excessively lead to them being nerfed so now they really are only to open doors and walls lower the damage hugely. Something as simple as not using propane tanks, growing weed or air drying meth would have gone a long way. If people sit in bases with 8+ people Its obvious your going to be raided when its easy for people to notice who you are and realise the amount of drugs and guns would be in the property. I've forgotten a lot of my points but this post is off the top of my head and I'd love any constructive responses.
What other activities must our organisations get into to make you happy? I couldn't care less.
How do you set yourself apart from us in terms of RP (What makes you better at RP than us)? I like to roleplay as Micheal Gary Scott from the office and sell paper towels in bazaar until
@Collier renames me.