Player ID system

Do you favor police having to ID you before giving tickets?

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  • No

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For lack of a better title we'll call this player ID system for now. Basically what it would be is when you join you would be given an unique sequence of letters and numbers. (e.g.) FDSER835J So if police pulled you over you would type "/giveid" and it would say your ID in chat like /roll does so |ID #| FDSER835J which then police would be able to enter into a special phone app only available to them while on duty. If the ID matches an active player on the server, their information would be displayed to police including name, list of their owned vehicles, places of residence, etc. However after the /giveid command you would be free to type your own ID as well, so potentially giving a false ID which may go unnoticed by police if they aren't checking very carefully.

With this system may come a variety of other changes, which are still to be discussed more in full, but it would lead to police having to do a bit more work to properly ID and ticket citizens.

First off, read the full thing so you do understand.

Secondly, if you're still reading this, fine the basics are that you get an ID which you would give to police, which they could look up information regarding you. Results being realism, more involved police work, a better police system that doesn't involve them having to be clueless of who lives in their city, and last but not least, more potential to expand on for future updates.

So the poll asks, would you be in favor of having police be required to get your ID rather than blindly ticketing.
Seems like everyone is in favour of this idea, will there be laws put in place to enforce the use of false ID? and / or refusal to provide ID?
This sounds like a great system, I've been missing more paperwork for the police. For some it might sound redundant, but it could actually makes the RP of pulling someone over a better experience.

The only issue I have, is that people often refuse to give you their ID, saying they don't have one on them. Then you have to take them to the PD, try and RP fingerprint scanning ect. It would be nice if there were guidelines to how police can obtain an ID / ID a person, if that person is refusing to give any ID or claims to have none.
Can I point out a problem? A pulls over a wanted man, but he doesn't know, but now B knows the cops have this ID gizmo, so he assumes that this the reason he's being pulled over = Dead cop. Basically, we should have stricter rules on killing cops if this is implemented.
Can't comment cause I'm on my phone:

@adsol93 there aren't currently any laws that are set in stone to enforce the refusal to supply ID.

@Ethan This shouldn't change anything, if you are wanted you will know you are wanted and the police know you are wanted, even without the "ID gizmo" all this addition will do is clean up the RP and remove the metagamey type behaviour. In addition if you're wanted and don't want to be caught you shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself by getting pulled over for traffic offences.

Also, "you do /me searches for ID, then roll." This isn't the type of situation you should be rolling for, unless the person you're searching makes an attempt to resist. The roll shouldn't determine whether or not the ID is found.
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This is kinda similar to the idea that I was creating for my roleplay gamemode.
Bare with me here:

My idea was that every body has 'ID' pehaps an 'ID Card' as a SWEP. If a player has not given you their ID, their roleplay name above their head is greyed out, meaning you don't recognise them. Once you give somebody your ID, by using a SWEP on them or by command if you are not using a SWEP, the name above their head turns the appropriate colour. This would have a timer on it of about 1 hour real time before you 'Forget' their name, or if they have a name change etc. If somebody is on your buddies list, you permanently know their name.

Just a small idea that kinda links in with what you guys are up to.
This is a great idea stephen, would bring more realism as you said before.

And having a phone app for "LEO", would be amazing

However Stephen are you planning to bring Speed Enforcements into this idea?
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this is an good idea but only one problem if you have to fill in some numbers on a app on your phone and you take the phone go to the app and fill in 2 numbers it already dissapeard from the chat.
this is an good idea but only one problem if you have to fill in some numbers on a app on your phone and you take the phone go to the app and fill in 2 numbers it already dissapeard from the chat.
If your writing down the code you can press Z after opening phone and then press your chat bind, without typing. And then you press Z and type the code in as it wont dissapear.
Yes it's old, have I forgotten about it?

Do I still want something like it?

Do I enjoy coding anything that requires a window or graphical item to display on your screen?
Not with Lua.

Will I end up making it anyways?

Do I know all the details of how to do this in a decent fashion because of some limitations?
Not yet.

Will this be a pain in the butt once added?
Possibly, depends how seamless we can make it.

Anyways that Q&A could go on for quite some time. Point is, it may be one of the next big things I work on myself. As the majority of the last few updates have been my work alone. So it's been a bit stressful doing them and all other stuff I have going on. Anyways, I've thought of a few different ideas that I will need to consult with senior administration to get their take on for this addition. I think it's safe to say people are in favor of it. So as always, keep having fun, I will be looking into this soon.

The yes votes...
I believe you got more people wanting it

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