Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

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Suggestion Title: Reduce max cop slots
Suggestion Description: Reduce the maximum cop slots (and scale) to 18 rather than 25

Why should this be added?:
- When the server is full and there are 20+ cops on, it doesnt matter how many people you are raiding with, crime is just impossible.

- Especially with the amount of TFU reaching nearly 100 now, there is consistently 3-6 TFU on duty at all times which is more than enough for a somewhat balanced shootout where it is still fun for both sides without the horde of pistol cops to accompany them.

- I'd also argue that 6-7 TFU on duty at once is too much, given the recent flashbang buff which makes them even more of a threat than their 200HP, AWP, ACOGs and TFU Van.

- More balanced shootouts, not just cod zombies simulator and cops will have to use a bit more of their brain during shootouts rather than just sprinting at the enemy in a horde and hoping their shots connect (which always works).

- Possible FPS improvement from less lights around the map and a shitfest worth of cop cars outside a raid all with lights on?

What negatives could this have?:
- People might not be able to get on duty as often as they'd like however this would encourage more RP elsewhere or force players to make money in an alternative/risky way or form new organizations on the server for some more civilian RP.

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18 officers can't realistically be expected to deal with the madness that happens at 128 playercount.

Cops already had a huge nerf with the doubling of the NLR timer, how much easier do you want it to be?

This argument would make sense if there was 128 people on the server all running around and shooting people..... but that just isnt the case. As far as raiding goes it never consists of more than 6 raiders usually. That means you still have tripple the number of cops to raiders, with equal amount being TFU.

Are you seriously writing this response because you truly believe 25 cops on at one time isn't too much to handle? Or, are you just worried about not being able to get a slot to sit in your TFU van anymore?
I'd be fine with slots staying the same if TFOs policies were changed e.g. only gearing up when necessary, it sucks to have M16 and UMP cops actively patrolling around the city waiting for somebody to run over in a shootout

You can post your stats all you want, they do not properly display how it feels to play the server at max pop when cops are at their highest.

This does not also account for when someone hears a gunshot, quickly hops on cop without issue (because of what feels like infinite slots) and joins the shootout, just to then resign once they have initiated COD zombie mode on the shooter(s). The issue is there is no restriction to how many cops can hop on and get involved in a shootout against what is usually no more than 5-6 players (which is generous).

I dare you come off cop for a week and try to play civ and enjoy shootouts. Then come back and begin posting your stats and whatever else.
Because the change will not fix anything?
1) peak hours is when the cops are at a maximum/really high in numbers, even if the percentages are low that is when most players are on and when most players will sustain a group of about 6 crims or in most cases less who still have to face the whole force whilst facing the residents of whatever they are raiding, carrying all the risk and investing all their assets into this activity meanwhile officers lose nothing whilst being armored unfazed by the idea of losing their gear unlike many criminals who suffer with this mental blockade. Statistics are not honestly representative of the negative impact the current cap is believed to have on a criminal main's experience. Therefore it's illogical to say this change is ineffective.

2) You emphasize how this "change won't fix" by using an ignorant point regarding the statistics as explained above. Meanwhile a good amount of people as a collective have testified at the very least relying on their anecdotal evidence that they believe this change will fix their problem.

3) I haven't seen you a single time as NON-TFO. I agree with @FatGeorge on seeing how you'd fair off duty for even a short while. I have a feeling if you put PD down then played solely crim for a while you'll begin to understand why some people, and primarily the crim mains at that who are the ones being affected, feel this way. Currently you points come off biased and ignorant.
You can post your stats all you want, they do not properly display how it feels to play the server at max pop when cops are at their highest.

This does not also account for when someone hears a gunshot, quickly hops on cop without issue (because of what feels like infinite slots) and joins the shootout, just to then resign once they have initiated COD zombie mode on the shooter(s). The issue is there is no restriction to how many cops can hop on and get involved in a shootout against what is usually no more than 5-6 players (which is generous).

I dare you come off cop for a week and try to play civ and enjoy shootouts. Then come back and begin posting your stats and whatever else.
With no disrespect intended, what you feel is irrelevant compared to the facts.

You are dealing with max cops 0.1% of the time. 84 seconds a day.

1) peak hours is when the cops are at a maximum/really high in numbers, even if the percentages are low that is when most players are on and when most players will sustain a group of about 6 crims or in most cases less who still have to face the whole force whilst facing the residents of whatever they are raiding, carrying all the risk and investing all their assets into this activity meanwhile officers lose nothing whilst being armored unfazed by the idea of losing their gear unlike many criminals who suffer with this mental blockade. Statistics are not honestly representative of the negative impact the current cap is believed to have on a criminal main's experience. Therefore it's illogical to say this change is ineffective.

2) You emphasize how this "change won't fix" by using an ignorant point regarding the statistics as explained above. Meanwhile a good amount of people as a collective have testified at the very least relying on their anecdotal evidence that they believe this change will fix their problem.

3) I haven't seen you a single time as NON-TFO. I agree with @FatGeorge on seeing how you'd fair off duty for even a short while. I have a feeling if you put PD down then played solely crim for a while you'll begin to understand why some people, and primarily the crim mains at that who are the ones being affected, feel this way. Currently you points come off biased and ignorant.

1) "Statistics are not honestly representative" - The moment you say this your argument loses credibility.

2) Anecdotal evidence is the key here. Nothing stated has been supported by any evidence and nobody has refuted any of the points I have made except through more anecdotes.

3) Whenever I play criminal I enjoy the challenge and do my best to evade the police instead of trying to solo the entire police force with an AK. The point of the game is to commit your crimes and escape the area before being captured by the police, not play CSGO and try to rack up as many kills as you can by staying in the area of a shootout.
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1) "Statistics are not honestly representative" - The moment you say this your argument loses credibility.

Do your statistics include all hours the server is running? If so, he is correct.

How can you include statistics from 5am on a Monday morning where the population is almost non existent, to your argument to support over 18 cops at prime time/max pop?
Do your statistics include all hours the server is running? If so, he is correct.

How can you include statistics from 5am on a Monday morning where the population is almost non existent, to your argument to support over 18 cops at prime time/max pop?
Yes but you can use those stats to average how much time the server has cop slots actually filled up. From the July statistics that would be around 30 minutes a day at over 20 cops on duty and literally only 84 seconds a day at 24/25 cops on duty.
Yes but you can use those stats to average how much time the server has cop slots actually filled up. From the July statistics that would be around 30 minutes a day at over 20 cops on duty and literally only 84 seconds a day at 24/25 cops on duty.
cop slots scale with how many people are online. When people say reduce cop slots, they mean 5 cars + TFU should not pull up to a regals raid on a half full server.
They dont mean reduce the absolute max amount of 25, that is never reached.
cop slots scale with how many people are online. When people say reduce cop slots, they mean 5 cars + TFU should not pull up to a regals raid on a half full server.
They dont mean reduce the absolute max amount of 25, that is never reached.

No that is not what is being said at all. People raid in the same group number at max pop to half pop.

We're arguing that the cop slots should be minimised to 18 at max pop. It's not fun raiding a slums apt as 4 people, killing all the defenders and then having 13 cops, 7 TFU rock up.
No that is not what is being said at all. People raid in the same group number at max pop to half pop.

We're arguing that the cop slots should be minimised to 18 at max pop. It's not fun raiding a slums apt as 4 people, killing all the defenders and then having 13 cops, 7 TFU rock up.
add one of the tfu seting out side slums with sniper waiting for you to peak play as rate and you have to push him or wait to wave 2
cop slots are ridiculous , some PD mains will say "no cause 16:9 keep wiping us " They have all the best players on the server with good guns, which is hard to pull off, ofc they are going to shit on you, but for any small criminals ,its effectively impossible , and 6-7 tfu with any type of gun they want , with 10 pistol cops with armour is not fair , and the argument "but crim have ak " :banghead: , pd have tfu avaliable at the 2nd rank with the same type of equipment and thick armour and a vehicle literally named " the brute"
These numbers seem really low when they are not compared to the actual activity of the server. The server activity varies a lot and only peaks for a short amount of time during the day, which the data reflects. So just like the suggestion is designed to be, this would still impact the period of time where the server is (almost) full, which I am going to bold and assume is likely also the period where there are most interactions between criminals and PLPD.


For example, having at least 20 cops for a period of 1091 minutes is still a bit over 30 minutes a day. So that 2.5% total time, still equals to around 20%-40% of the actual time the server peaks for the short amount of the time that the server reaches those glorious 128 players. This also means that during the ramp-up and ramp-down period, there is something between 15-20 cops on duty on average. Also, keep in mind that the amount of online players in an organization in most cases also fluctuates with the number of people online on the server. However, even though there is no data to suggest this, I think it is much less likely that an organization will ever have more than 50% of its members online at the same time, even during peak times. Which is obviously pretty impactful to organizations that mostly have 12 members or fewer not to be punished with less yield. Meaning that criminals, in far most cases will be overwhelmingly outnumbered in the periods of time when the server is most active. Especially considering that up to 6 officers can pull on TFU gear and have a gear advantage over criminals.

Even if some of the hardcore organizations can somehow manage to kill 2 to 3 cops per online member of the organization, I doubt that most less experienced players will stand any chance.

But to more accurately tell if there is an actual issue and it is not just salty opinions, I think it would make much more sense to use data that shows the kill/death ratio between officers and criminals compared to the number of officers on duty. So we are able to see how this impacts the gameplay of criminals and cops.
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I think this is a very necessary change because it is so hard for players to get into raiding because whenever there is a raid there will be 10 pistol cops out the door waiting for one to just one tap your head and get you. Not to mention the tfu with double your health exploding doors off chucking flash bangs and killing you in two seconds. Experiences like these make it impossible to improve raiding wise because of the massive costs of guns and ammo that it wasted.

Overall it is so much easier for police because they have extra health and don’t actually lose anything money wise.
These numbers seem really low when they are not compared to the actual activity of the server. The server activity varies a lot and only peaks for a short amount of time during the day, which the data reflects. So just like the suggestion is designed to be, this would still impact the period of time where the server is (almost) full, which I am going to bold and assume is likely also the period where there are most interactions between criminals and PLPD.


For example, having at least 20 cops for a period of 1091 minutes is still a bit over 30 minutes a day. So that 2.5% total time, still equals to around 20%-40% of the actual time the server peaks for the short amount of the time that the server reaches those glorious 128 players. This also means that during the ramp-up and ramp-down period, there is something between 15-20 cops on duty on average. Also, keep in mind that the amount of online players in an organization in most cases also fluctuates with the number of people online on the server. However, even though there is no data to suggest this, I think it is much less likely that an organization will ever have more than 50% of its members online at the same time, even during peak times. Which is obviously pretty impactful to organizations that mostly have 12 members or fewer not to be punished with less yield. Meaning that criminals, in far most cases will be overwhelmingly outnumbered in the periods of time when the server is most active. Especially considering that up to 6 officers can pull on TFU gear and have a gear advantage over criminals.

Even if some of the hardcore organizations can somehow manage to kill 2 to 3 cops per online member of the organization, I doubt that most less experienced players will stand any chance.

But to more accurately tell if there is an actual issue and it is not just salty opinions, I think it would make much more sense to use data that shows the kill/death ratio between officers and criminals compared to the number of officers on duty. So we are able to see how this impacts the gameplay of criminals and cops.
Totally agree with what you're saying, the only way to clearly identify if there is an issue is for someone to collate the data concentrating on peak times (@TinySlayer ), though given his previous responses to the monthly "Cops OP nerf TFU" thread, I have a feeling the answer won't have changed since then.
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