Regarding 1.2 (Discrimination)

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I would hope so but I was talking to other members of staff yesterday and there seems to be a difference of opinion some believing this only covers racism. I really like how you’ve put it here this makes much more sense and offers much needed clarification.
@Josef Stalin, This is why the rules are always being discussed. It's a sudden change, however, for the better. As clearly users don't realise when a user asks them to stop.
We can't just keep going through logs. If a user doesn't report it, we can't do anything about it, Unless we witness it.
@Josef Stalin, Everyone is welcome to play perp. Someone saying the N-word shouldn't stop them, but it's gone on for too long. I think a question we should have to answer is "Why can't people go without a day without saying the N-word?
Speak to ethnic players like Zayne who cannot play the server anymore because of the racial abuse he recieves. You can't really say that the rule change is stupid if you're a white dude who doesn't have to deal with any racist abuse daily. Racist-roleplay was just a way that racist people could be racist without getting punished. If you arn't racist, you don't use racial terms. End of story.
@smo Users also have a huge part in this issue. If they report it, it will get dealt with. If it's not, ask another staff member. I always will deal with something if a user feels harassed or discriminated against and they tell me!
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