Remove ability to take pots and change water level on planters you do not own

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Description of the idea:

Remove the ability to take pots and change water level on planters you do not own.

Pots would be not able to be taken from players with <1 week playtime and no water levels would be possible to change without physgun permissions from the owner of the planter.

Why should this be added? (pros):

If a new player is raided and has their pots taken it can be a massive financial hit and could put them off staying around.

The ability to change water rate might go unnoticed and as a result that is a batch of drugs ruined for a new player or a player in general and it may demotivate them and cause them to leave the server.

What negatives could this have? (cons):

Removes the risk of growing to some degree.

Less profit for raiders.
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What would a new play constitute as? I wasn't new when the new drug system came out, so someone who has since started, what playtime did this not affect you as much?

Also, I think the water level should never be changed. What's people's opinion on that?
What would a new play constitute as? I wasn't new when the new drug system came out, so someone who has since started, what playtime did this not affect you as much?

Also, I think the water level should never be changed. What's people's opinion on that?
100% on not being able to change water levels for other people's planters
maybe have it as a thing in the buddies menu so other people can use them when you cant or if they use yours but random people cant fuck with it
What would a new play constitute as? I wasn't new when the new drug system came out, so someone who has since started, what playtime did this not affect you as much?

Also, I think the water level should never be changed. What's people's opinion on that?

By a week or two playtime you’re honestly more than capable of being financially stable
I think that no one should ever be able to change someone elses water level, considering that it doesnt have any benefit for them and really is just being excessively negative and toxic, going out of their way to try and ruin someone elses next batch of drugs. As for pots, if there is a way to do it based on play time, as said above, that would help to not discourage new players from leaving the server due to people taking their stuff.
Having spare pots should be a precaution growers take before venturing into growing. As is, planter boxes are currently very OP due to them being essentially permanent items that can grow up a profit in 20 minutes.

Changing water levels is kinda cringe but at the same time completely useless if the plants are taken.
Why even make it for new players only, I don't get what it would achieve by making it a feature only for a small group if everyone could benefit from a change like this.

You should be able to change it if you've given prop perms to organisation or buddies only, that way we can still help out new players if needed.

Edit: I'm talking about water levels
Imo people only change water levels to be a dick, this literally does nothing to benifit gameplay other than create more toxicity.
On new players I.e People with less than a week play time this should be a feature. Changing water levels should also not be a thing (of course it makes sense but its just used for trolling ETC). The issue is with allow every pot to never be removed/taken is thats the only real money sink for drugs. Lets be real here drugs are way to OP and have next to no cost to them. Pots newspaper and lye is the only cost for drugs these days.
So if I was to change the suggestion to basically make pots being unable to be taken for players with <1 week playtime and water levels only be changed with prop perms that would be a good middle ground?
I think you mean players with <1 week playtime, would be weird to exclude people with less than a week playtime of this rule ;P

Thanks, doing uni work and making suggestions isn't the best combo
new players will grace this feature for a week only to realise that after a week its unfair and they'll stop growing on the server and become more salty that their pots have gone, i disagree with this idea
new players will grace this feature for a week only to realise that after a week its unfair and they'll stop growing on the server and become more salty that their pots have gone, i disagree with this idea
Surely after a week they will then have the capital to buy new pots?
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