Is PERP actually dying?

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Niko's PC
I have spoken to quite a few people now and have seen it on the forums (banned players and not banned) and a lot of people think PERP is on its last legs and may no longer be here by 2018. Of course, this is purely opinionated but I want to hear everyone else's opinion.
Instead of rating it dumb, try giving your opinion?
it's not dying, why do people cry when less or more people play over a period of time, the playerbase isn't always constant and will have times where there are less and when there are more. This will probably be determined by whether it's school holidays or not, and weather there has been a recent update.

But i do think there should be more people on than there are, but i think if another mid summer update comes out then the playerbase will skyrocket more than less.
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People say the server is dying after outstanding members stop interacting with the server, but as long as donations are fine the server is far from 'dying'.
but as long as donations are fine the server is far from 'dying'.

fuck yes

I think that the way the server works is like a rust wipe ( sorry for this reason), new players join, they have 2 ways to go = find a good clan (ORG), get rich and have fun OR, gets raided or can't find a good group of friends and they leave due to this.

However, people who have played for like 3-4 years ( like me) have had experience and has gained a large group of friends to build my money around making it easy for me.

BUT, its just cuz school mate
This happens every year and people wonder the same thing every year...
as soon as school was out the server was full, every day for about one to two weeks, people then went on holidays going to places such as Greece and such and thus cannot connect to the server, then school is also about to start which means people are trying to get back into routine and spend more time with their family. Once school is started and everyone is in their routine it will be normal again, like every other year.

Dunno what @Eviction Notice is on about pls elaborate
This is a lie. You including others has been saying "This happens EVERY YEAR", which is a lie. I remember last year when the queue server had like 20-30 people waiting EVERY DAY. This year the queue server has been up a very few times, and the maximum people on it has been around 8.

This is currently in the middle of the holidays in most places, and you would think from the players online, that it is wedensday night at 1 AM.

Unlike you guys, I actually have some evidence to support my facts, other than the obvious, which is that there is really no one online.

I will quickly debunk this as well:


As you can see, it is active. Unfortunately I cannot see the 7 days statistic, but it would show a constant 70 players online.


No one is online, it peaks at freaking ~58 and falls down quickly.

So yea... Can we stop saying that it is going VERY WELL for Perpheads, as it obviously isn't. I know very well why it isn't, and I have told several times why people stop playing.


Just look at the freaking position:
24. August 2016:

14. August 2017
The reason for our position being lower is from when our server had a RAM issue where it kept crashing, it's easier to loose a position than get it back on gametracker
The reason for our position being lower is from when our server had a RAM issue where it kept crashing, it's easier to loose a position than get it back on gametracker
I don't see how crashing which puts the server offline for just a few minutes will cause such a dramatic fall in playercount and all the other issues.
Wipe server and bans and I'll play
Honestly this is actually the most stupid comment in the whole thread, wiping the hole ban list will not fix the playercount issue, it will increase the people who rulebreak, people are banned for their rulebreaks and it was given for them to learn, or purposely to not come back, it will make some people disconnect sometimes cause there will be many people rulebreaking from the current permanent ban list if it gets wiped.
Im not going to name anyone here, but in my opinion the community is some what dying due to "some" staff, im not going to say names or say if they are old or new, but there are a couple who have just been nothing but aids. Also lots of people leaving due to this. as said by @Silent
Hey Teemo pal,
Me? Well I think that personally PERP may be losing out on old players due to bans or just getting bored but in place of them new players are coming, but when new players join I imagine they don't have enough motive to stay as PERP is quite hard when you just start out, especially when you don't have a friend to play with cause it may be boring basing alone, also due to lack of bases anyone that bases is bound to get raided.

I wouldn't say perp was dying, i'd say for sure perp isn't at it's peak players and doesn't have as many players as it may have used too, but it isn't really dying.
It's way to hard for new players to get anywhere. When I first started out I couldn't even break 20k until I started basing with people a few months later.
DISCLAIMER: this thread is not to beef with anyone, to shittalk the staff or whatever it is just bringing up some problems that in my eyes are one of the factors causing perp to "die"

I personally do not want to get involved in any of those "bandwagon" threads but I feel like I have kept myself silent for too long now.

I personally think this server and community is dying, yes, looking at the statistics Feng provided this server is in fact having a decrease of players compared to last year. but it is not Dead...

Do I think this is solely the fault of PerpHeads itself? no. it is partially but not completely the fault of the perpheads community
@Jordan @John Daymon and a lot of people claim that this decrease comes with holidays and school and such, but looking at the stats we were fine around this period last year... the decrease can be due to a shitton of factors; for exemple, what noone mentioned before, Gmod as a whole is less popular than it used to be. so how them both are claiming this is not the entire fault of the community, I agree to that.

However, we have had some communication issues between staff and users, I personally feel like that the gap we already between the staff and users has only grown since last year. let me give you some examples for this aswell;

Rules being enforced way more strictly, is this sincerely a bad thing? no ofcourse not. but it could be a reason for players to lose interest and therefor not join the community(anymore), which is what this entire thread is all about.

Staff having different opinions on rules and therefor punishing differently. this reply is not intended to attack the staff team or anything and I get why this happens since staff are also just people... but people, just like myself, are generally sensitive for injustice and if there is confusion of the rules and staff are having different point of views on it then it is much easier to make a ban feel unjustified than feeling like a staff member is completely right with this point of view of the rules, looking at the worst case scenario where one staff member agrees and the other disagrees on the ban.

People feeling like they are not being heard, is this completely true? probably not. but people feel like this. example of this is the infamous thread @Sneaky once made about him disagreeing and feeling rule 3.5 should be reverted and this thread being closed almost instantly

People feeling like bans are way too harsh, is this true? I think yes. but that's my opinion and I wouldn't know personally because I am not in the situations myself where an admin was going to exclude me from ingame for some time. this "problem" is completely opinionised by people that found themselves in positions where they got banned or where their friends got banned. now I do agree that staff are banning people too harsh for some extend because one of my best mates got excluded from the entire community because he knew someone was cheating and failed to report it. did he deserve to be banned, well yeah he did break rules and has a bad history with it but not community wide banned. now this can be solved by both staff and users, make staff complaints or let someone else do it for you. but it is also something that should be, if not done already, brought up in staff meetings

now as I do not know if there is anything already be done to those problems staff sided ( if @MrLewis or anyone else could inform me if you guys have some sort of solution for the problems the players of the community encounter) did I not write this entire thing to just tell us things we already know about the problems.
we have a shitton of sollutions for the "harsh banning" which is, for example, the suggestion with the point system @Slayerduck brought up.

maybe you could do an internal meeting where you all get it cleared up what is a rule breakage and how a rule gets broken which should solve the point of staff seeing rules slightly differently.
maybe have a person between staff and users that is neutral on both sides? maybe have a team of it that closes the gap somewhat we have between staff and users...

these are just some ideas I have had...

TL: DR it's not the entire fault of PH that the playercount is decreasing however it has a part in it. and i feel like the communication between staff and users should be better.
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