Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

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Recently there's been a lot of talk about "Perp dying" and I just wanted everyone's concerns worries and fixes to help the server. The two main problems for me is rules and organizations, there is no contest to organizations right now basically its La Cosa Nostra running round raiding any base killing cops and repeating. The rules are so restricting it makes everyone not raid, not get revenge, not RP because the rules don't let you take risks to RP and it's just the same old same old now. The best RP you see now is someone asking for ID in a traffic stop, like its quite pathetic whereas when I first started (as I saw @Robin Ljungberg mention in a thread before) it used to be revenge killing KOSing people unarmed for beefing with your org, hunting people down, having organisation wars between like 3 good organisations, torturing people, kidnapping them, mowing down organisations on the street it was so fun like everyone did what they want and no one really complained they respawned and fucked us back up. Partly I think organizations should have bios of wars or a war system where there's an opposing organization that you raid, kill for like org xp where you gain xp so you can invite maybe one extra person every 5 levels and have like an 8 person limit to start. Also, something that I think would bring back PERP instantly is unbanning everyone but hackers and you can see the server spring back to life.

Just want to see everyone's opinions fixes and see who agrees with me as its something that I think can save PERP and getting everyone's input maybe we can come to an agreement with the staff and revive perp with each other.
Recently there's been a lot of talk about "Perp dying" and I just wanted everyone's concerns worries and fixes to help the server. The two main problems for me is rules and organizations, there is no contest to organizations right now basically its La Cosa Nostra running round raiding any base killing cops and repeating. The rules are so restricting it makes everyone not raid, not get revenge, not RP because the rules don't let you take risks to RP and it's just the same old same old now. The best RP you see now is someone asking for ID in a traffic stop, like its quite pathetic whereas when I first started (as I saw @Robin Ljungberg mention in a thread before) it used to be revenge killing KOSing people unarmed for beefing with your org, hunting people down, having organisation wars between like 3 good organisations, torturing people, kidnapping them, mowing down organisations on the street it was so fun like everyone did what they want and no one really complained they respawned and fucked us back up. Partly I think organizations should have bios of wars or a war system where there's an opposing organization that you raid, kill for like org xp where you gain xp so you can invite maybe one extra person every 5 levels and have like an 8 person limit to start. Also, something that I think would bring back PERP instantly is unbanning everyone but hackers and you can see the server spring back to life.

Just want to see everyone's opinions fixes and see who agrees with me as its something that I think can save PERP and getting everyone's input maybe we can come to an agreement with the staff and revive perp with each other.

Wrong, it's because of salty people like you who make ars on the slightest occasion and usually with intentions to hurt others even if you didn't lose anything in the situation itself.

It also is partly because of some staff using harsh punishments on first time offences like a 1 month ban for 3.20 with a clean record.

It also is because the server is now updated like once every 3 months, 2 years ago it used to be almost weekly so people were always excited to see new stuff but now it just gets repetetive and boring.

I think the rules are good as they are because they prevent chaos in the city. Paralake is a city, not a hood and to be honest you dont see someone spraying someone else with an assault rifle in the middle of the street in downtown LA, do you?
>PD trying to be a real life PD
>Construction booklet destroying creativity
>Staff giving humongous bans which leads to more salt in the community

Also the fact that since the servers player base has died, everyone seems to have ended up in one big friend circle org and dominating the whole place.
>PD trying to be a real life PD
>Construction booklet destroying creativity
>Staff giving humongous bans which leads to more salt in the community

Also the fact that since the servers player base has died, everyone seems to have ended up in one big friend circle org and dominating the whole place.
I do not agree with the PD thing but the rest i kinda do, they should keep the PD as it is...
I think people who cry about PD are just finding it hard to kill them, yes I see how its hard but if your smart and skillful like Olsen and all the old organizations were with there tactics and organized approach to raiding it would be nothing to moan about. @Samuel

I think the construction booklet kills creativity a lot and in bases, it's the same defenses 24/7 which is so repetitive and annoying to defend and raid. Back in V4 the bases you could make in regals were fun to raid and base in. I would base every day and use different defenses every day which made it fun and you could get so creative with bookshelves etc.

The staff do give big bans but that's because of us personally I feel like if they didn't give bans everyone would moan about people not being banned and to be honest that's really not fair on the staff team. I also think we have rivalries which we do not handle well anymore we all want to get our enemies banned which isn't how it use to be. you'd respawn and go and raid the fuckers that kill you. (Obviously, at the time everyone grew 24/7 and each org would own a full slums regals morons etc.)
No, its nothing about killing the PD. Its about what the PD has become, an ogre of an elitest organization full of rimlicks geared to fight big orgs while making it impossible for new guys to succeed. You have to have friends in high places or certain tongue perks to get up and above (also remember to spam requests to patrol with high ranks).
dunno if we need dozens of threads about this to be honest, there are literally loads of posts you can just dig up which will have already covered anything that will be mentioned here most likely

Just make a good suggestion for a future update, or some rule change that's a good way to start honestly because the majority of these threads just end up steering 1 way and just become a massive argument over 1 small topic where nothing gets achieved..
Yeah I agree with you here but to be honest the way organizations use to run they could outsmart cops so much just because of how organised there raids were and everything was on point if it was like that now there would be no moaning.
At least it was fun. If you start gearing cops up to "be balanced" then the only people who win are these big orgs, now the Tactical Swatvan Unit owns the place and officers just have to sit on the sideline and be BORED.
stop bringing this shit up, every single time one of you idiots blame the next big org, PERP IS NOT DYING!

And you idiots who claim it to be are still purchasing donator so fuck off.

@Fredy is doing a great job imo and if you disagree you're most likely on the circle-jerk bandwagon.
Main reason is the ban lengths / ARs / Organisations, the staff need to get around to actually looking in this stuff since they're a lot of discussion right now but I feel like the staff are failing to respond to these.

The org system is fucked right now as of right now you've got la cosa nostra just raiding everyone, then you get new orgs made and they get fucked by the main org at the time, people then give up and attempt to join the main org, la cosa nostra is a prime example of this. Half the active player base are in this org I swear.
I just want this threads with ideas on how to fix and then I can see what people want and I'll get some more people to help me wright out some threads quoting part of these threads and community members opinions in them that's all I want. I really like your limiting organization members idea though.

There is a shit ton of ideas locked up here because they were "open for too long" which are still really good, but were never re-posted into ideas and suggestions for whatever reasons. If you look through some of them you could find some interesting stuff, although you have to bear in mind that it's the source engine, so not everything is possible.
Main reason is the ban lengths / ARs / Organisations, the staff need to get around to actually looking in this stuff since they're a lot of discussion right now but I feel like the staff are failing to respond to these.

The org system is fucked right now as of right now you've got la cosa nostra just raiding everyone, then you get new orgs made and they get fucked by the main org at the time, people then give up and attempt to join the main org, la cosa nostra is a prime example of this. Half the active player base are in this org I swear.

The problem here is not the orgs, it's the fact that the playerbase is filled with fucking pussies who are afraid to stand against LCN.

Back when we had Belinsky Fam/Quality street Olsen literally consisted of like 3 people who had the balls to fight a whole org and I can admit the original Olsen kicked our ass sometimes, both through forum beef and in game.
The problem here is not the orgs, it's the fact that the playerbase is filled with fucking pussies who are afraid to stand against LCN.

Back when we had Belinsky Fam/Quality street Olsen literally consisted of like 3 people who had the balls to fight a whole org and I can admit the original Olsen kicked our ass sometimes, both through forum beef and in game.
True, people give up too easily nowadays.
True, people give up too easily nowadays.

LITERALLY, stop being fucking pansies and try to upbring a rival org. It takes a few people with determination and some skill and THEN I guarantee you once there is multiple rival orgs you'll stop loading each other with cummies and will stop saying PERP is dying.
>Construction booklet destroying creativity

i disagree with this completely, the construction booklet is what stops people crying about aids defences and actually makes raiding and defending more intense and skill based.
People who cry about the construction booklet are people who rely on their defences too much in raids and therefore lack skill to defend from raiders and for some reason want an even bigger advantage by having aids spotlights and fences all over the place, by having cover you already have a massive advantage over the raiders. If you are one of these people who cry about spotlights being removed and not being allowed aids placed fences around your base then stop, it is there for a good reason and you would cry even more without it and BY NO MEANS IS THIS KILLING PERP AND ANYONE WHO THINKS IT IS NEEDS A SERIOUS REALITY CHECK.
The problem here is not the orgs, it's the fact that the playerbase is filled with fucking pussies who are afraid to stand against LCN.

Back when we had Belinsky Fam/Quality street Olsen literally consisted of like 3 people who had the balls to fight a whole org and I can admit the original Olsen kicked our ass sometimes, both through forum beef and in game.

I couldn't agree more, whhy post org pages and big yourself up and make enemies if you are just going to give up after 2 raids, conflict between civs is what makes the server fun and the lack of this induces boredom and therefore less players, competition is what makes people stay on and fight to be the best and without it the player base will not be as big as it was when olsen and competitor orgs were around. So when people were crying about Olsen being unbeatable and now LCN ruling the city, do something about it aside from crying.
There are many factors and it would take more than a few know it alls on a post to get to the bottom of
Personally I think that maybe the rules or the construction booklet are reducing the player count, as now you have to have some basic base where before you could put some creativity into it but it makes it stop being aids which is a +1. As of the rules they were fine but they're getting too strict now and being made too realistic as it's a fucking gmod server lol. For competition it's La Cosa Nostra vs the PLPD I feel like, there needs to be a multiple orgs like there were a few years ago to actually raid each other as now I can just powergrow all day and get as much money as I like pretty much.