Rivals in General

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With the organisation update, people who have had the permissions to rival, have gone ahead with rival requests, I see many players angry about a sort of ‘targeting’ in raids or other situations.

There is nothing different with rivals besides more XP for killing them, I don’t think it should be like this, I would love to see an option where you pick for a war to occur, such as a period of time where you can basically run up on your opps and the beef becomes out of hand like an actual war in mafias with hits being done.

I wanted to know the communities opinions on this and what they feel about the rivals section.
It's a concept that isn't new, we've discussed having wars leading to 'hits' and stuff like that being done - We'd just have to ensure that not everybody is able to do this, or else we're going to have everybody being at war, having the ability to essentially 'rdm' people freely. It might make more sense to put a limit on a 'war state' and allow only those who have reached a specific organisation level to invite someone to war.

We're completely open for discussion and ultimately will implement what the community want, but we want to do it in a way that will force people to pursue some form of roleplay.
Maybe a monthly war between two large(est?) organisations, people then ally around them or chose not to get involved at all.
The people winning get certain benefits or w/e
Don't have rivals if you don't want to get targeted, the whole system is currently set up so that you target rivals more often
Sounds good on paper but that also requires staff to get involved to moderate and set up these monthly wars. As you know, the staff team are not the greatest at facilitating roleplay. I'd prefer to have something automatic and this specific idea can't really be done well automatically.
@綱手 I've already suggested dedicated 'event' managers, maybe they could do that if that suggestion gets accepted. This sorta role works well on things like starwars rp
@Inchs It works elsewhere, I'd hold your breath about it working here. I really doubt how effective it'd be a few months down the line - It would be great if we could get something like this working though, to at least trial it.
@綱手 As far as I know the permissions are in place already for this role, if they are non-staff they just need the ability to spawn stuff etc
Targetted more = More opportunity to kill them
More opportunity to kill them = More XP
Whats the problem?
If you declare an org a rival, then complain about being "Targetted" Then go fuck off back to HogwartsRP. Like genuinely.

If you're a criminal organisation expecting a clean run in your career from everyone except the cops, you're also a fucking nit.

Gangs don't all hold hands and form a unison against the Police. The black market is a competitive market, and seeing as the typical activity of a criminal organisation on PERPHeads involves shooting police, then anyone in there right minds wont hold back shooting opposing gang members. Robbing and raiding rivalling drug producing gangs, there product, and there properties in which they use to produce said narcotics and black market items is commonplace in the real world and happens worldwide.

Plus, if anything, its not so hard to sit behind a barricade and camp a door with like 2 other people from 3 different angles. Might as well rival every other criminal organisation outside of yours and farm XP Killing them when they try to raid you. Oh, but some people already know for a fact that they can't do that!

Tl;Dr: Man up and take risks for your rewards, or if you're gonna play civ without rivalling other gang members then just set up a shop or something selling useful items and overall contribute to the PERPheads economy instead of being useless.