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I started thinking about something that has been in this community for a long time now.It is roleplay!
People say that there was way more RP before compared to now and I dont get it, there is always RP no matter what it is Criminal or Passive.
What is your opinion?
I always see rp, no matter where i really am. But in this half year i've been here i'm starting to see less of it.
I remember @Testa Lagusa always making a good passive rp expirence, but i feel like he's too busy now with adminstrating. There should be more passive rp'ers.
@Marcus Hudson was also making a good passive rp, i always remember seeing him running his casino or helping out new players.
I have made a pie chart, and I believe this accurately describes the level of RP on perp right now.

That chart is for 2017.

Look back to 2015 and beyond it was far more.
Just saying.
theres more roleplay on this if you fancy playing with me @Hazza56 and @Jordan

sorry but perp is just gta 4 cops n robbers mode now and it isnt changing until there is some kind of reward for what you consider as passiveRP
I have made a pie chart, and I believe this accurately describes the level of RP on perp right now.

That chart is for 2017.

Look back to 2015 and beyond it was far more.
Just saying.

What happened to the PD/medics while I've been gone?
What I am trying to say is people think there is no RP which is false since growing and raiding is CrimRP
What I am trying to say is people think there is no RP which is false since growing and raiding is CrimRP
It's because when people are powergrowing they don't do it for the RP but only for the money it gives and therefore spend most of the time not even in the game but are rather tabbed out of it watching YouTube or talking on TS. Or they aren't even at their computer to begin with.
People tend to think RP can only be passive or the complete polar opposite and be blowing up the PD, people forget there's a large margin in between and this is where 95% of the player base sits.
It's because when people are powergrowing they don't do it for the RP but only for the money it gives and therefore spend most of the time not even in the game but are rather tabbed out of it watching YouTube or talking on TS. Or they aren't even at their computer to begin with.
To be honest it doesnt really mater what they do in real life while their In- game character is RPing as a criminal growing drugs.