Suggestion Topic: Other
Suggestion Description: "Cops may not go back to the same situation that they died in before it has been cleared." This rule would be so important as rn if the cops play it smart they cna win every single one of the situations they go to. 2 pistol cops holding down a door so the tfu can wait for NLR and come back with full heavy gear and automatic rifle jsut doesnt seem balanced. I belive that if cops has this right crims should have this too. But i would suggest just adding NLR to cops as it is pretty unbalanced that they can return all the time as long as there is dispatch or 2 cops holding down the door.
Why should this be added?:
- Would make more sence, and balance out a bit more as cops already have fully armored rifle men.
- Could also make fights alot shorter as mentioned in the lates suggestion about this rule.
What negatives could this have?:
- More work for admins to figure out who broke NLR.
- idk if this is a Negative side or positive but as i mentioned above, the stuff would be more balanced doing a big nerf for PD
Suggestion Description: "Cops may not go back to the same situation that they died in before it has been cleared." This rule would be so important as rn if the cops play it smart they cna win every single one of the situations they go to. 2 pistol cops holding down a door so the tfu can wait for NLR and come back with full heavy gear and automatic rifle jsut doesnt seem balanced. I belive that if cops has this right crims should have this too. But i would suggest just adding NLR to cops as it is pretty unbalanced that they can return all the time as long as there is dispatch or 2 cops holding down the door.
Why should this be added?:
- Would make more sence, and balance out a bit more as cops already have fully armored rifle men.
- Could also make fights alot shorter as mentioned in the lates suggestion about this rule.
What negatives could this have?:
- More work for admins to figure out who broke NLR.
- idk if this is a Negative side or positive but as i mentioned above, the stuff would be more balanced doing a big nerf for PD