Sleep issues

If taking the music suggestion, don't use earphones as they can cause severe pain and infection, and headphones can cause stiff and painful neck - know this one from experience and it's not pleasant. Just use your phone speaker at a very low volume.
If you are desperate to get sleep have a few beers in the afternoon and it'll get you drouzey enough to get a decent sleep but this can become unhealthy.

Other than that Sominex is sold over the counter and is used to treat insomniac's coming off of Zopiclone but it is good not to overuse them as they are quite strong and can become addictive and cause you to feel down and incapacitated throughout the day.
They will ask you questions but won't really with hold it from you from buying it.

If you are a user of cannabis or are open to the idea of smoking it, have a joint just before bedtime. This is a better option rather than prescription medication as weed doesn't have long term effects if used in moderation.

I'd like to caution that use of cannabis can bring on schizophrenia, depression and paranoia earlier if you may be likely to get it later in life. Although it can actually help these symptoms for some people. Cannabis also deactivates brain cells that will become active again after sometime not using.

I'd advice that cannabis is not smoked everyday constantly.

While using these methods a good idea is to start following Aquaas advice to make lifestyle changes which can assist you getting a good night sleep.

I hope these options assist you.
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both diphenhydramine and promethazine, the two possible active ingredients in sominex, are very rarely if not completely not addictive. you CAN abuse them but you can’t really get addicted from using them for intended purposes. however, you can become dependent on them to sleep, like with anything else.

generally good advice tho
not a good idea to completely depend on them to sleep though unless you've got really bad insomnia which you couldn't sort out with appropriate lifestyle changes.
Location: Sweden, one of the countries in Europe with the harshest laws against marijuana.
Probably shouldn't suggest that he smoke a joint lmao
both diphenhydramine and promethazine, the two possible active ingredients in sominex, are very rarely if not completely not addictive. you CAN abuse them but you can’t really get addicted from using them for intended purposes. however, you can become dependent on them to sleep, like with anything else.

generally good advice tho
Yeah I was sure that it wasn't directly addictive but users have been known to get addicted to both Zopiclone and Sominex mainly because of how much it helps them sleep.

From what I am aware Zopiclone is directly addictive
yeah thats a z-drug, related to shit like xanax, defintiely addictive
Lol last year I couldnt fall asleep for 4 hours at a time.
Couldn't do anything to help.
Stop changing your bedtime, turn off the light of your room, turn on some relaxing music and there you go some good sleep.

sometimes I turn on this
Install f.lux on your pc and make it turn itself on like 1 hour before the time you are gonna sleep. The bright light of the monitor or phone doesn’t make you sleep and it has been proven. My iPhone always turns like yellowish just like f.lux 1 hour before sleep time. Trust me this will work just try it for 1 week and you’ll fall asleep like a little baby.
my advice isn't necessarily dependent on whether or not they're safe or legal. it's always a good rule of thumb to deal with the cause instead of the symptoms, so it's better to try making lifestyle changes first.