Sleep issues

On occasion (e.g. when it's too hot or when I'm stuck in my own thoughts i.e. the insignificance of my life), I listen to blizzard sounds. When I'm really depressed I listen to whale sounds. Don't laugh at me, they're surprisingly peaceful.
I used to take melatonin tablets, however I wouldn't reccomend them because they just boost levels of a chemical already in your body, it starts to make no difference after a while. That's what happened to me so I came off them, didn't sleep for like a week, then back to square one, but without that added dependency.

What has helped me at least is semi-regular excercise, less chocolate/sweets, and no fizzy drinks, at all. After a few days of hell you'll find you don't have the caffiene craving anymore, and it helps with sleeping for sure.

Another thing that I heard somewhere from Dr. Jordan Peterson, was to get up at a regular time every day, and have a proper breakfast, which gives you proper slow-release energy throughout the whole day, and reduces your need for stuff like fizzy drinks and sweets to keep your energy levels up.
I don't suffer from this exactly, but still wanted to give my input. If I stay awake after a certain time, such as 23:30, I start to get paranoid and lose the ability to sleep.
Maybe going to sleep a bit earlier might help, when you start feeling the smallest of signs of being tired.

Anyways, I don't suggest any pills. The best antidote for this I read is that you just slightly adjust your bed time a bit earlier each day. Even if just by 5 minutes.

1 in 3 people suffer from insomnia related illnesses, at least as it said so in an article. 1/10 suffer from insomnia directly.

If you only have trouble falling asleep, that's probably the easier way to "cure".

So here's the "cure"/treatment, provided by

  • Sticking to a Sleep Schedule This means going to bed and waking up around the same time no matter if it’s Wednesday or Sunday.
  • Avoiding Anything That Could Mess With Your Ability to Fall Asleep This means substance as caffeine and tobacco, for instance, that can stay in your system for eight hours. And don’t rely on a night cap, either. “Some people think alcohol can help with sleep onset, but it actually fragments your sleep,” Dr. Aouad says.
  • Not Exercising Too Late in the Day Ideally, you’ll hit the gym more than three hours before bedtime, Aouad says, otherwise the activity can stimulate your body and make it tougher to fall asleep.
  • Limiting Daytime Naps to No More Than 30 Minutes Aouad suggests this.
  • Turning Off Electronics At Least One Hour Before Bedtime
  • Reserving the Bed Solely for Sleep and Sex (Let's be honest you play PERP, you probably don't do this)
  • Creating a Sleep-Promoting Environment That’s Quiet, Dark, and Cool
Always remember that getting a prescription should always be the LAST Resort.

Try Horlicks or other herbal shit and avoid going straight to bed straight after gaming as it can still keep your mind very active.
I have zoplicone. Mix it with my anti-depressant and anti-seizure meds and you feel amazing, although turn into a potato
Have a wank before bed

Also don't eat right before sleep and make sure you've done something in the day. Sitting on your PC all day isn't going to use up any energy so you're still gonna be awake.

When I used to go school, I'd struggle not to fall asleep when I got home at like 4pm.

You can get over the counter stuff like Nighthol or whatever it's called. However I Strongly recommend you get some smelling salts or sprays for your pillow. Smelling them relaxes you so much and helps you sleep, I've used them myself and I've countless meds for my Insomnia.
Get your bedtime right, go out more, don't use your computer or anything that might get your heart rate up one hour before you go to bed.

Just get into a routine.
Ususally takes me an hour to fall asleep after I stop playing,overthinking, messaging people and watching tv. Best thing to do is give yourself time to switch off
go see a doctor and stop relying on people on the internet to give you pretty important health advice
It's not always that easy. I am unsure what it is like in Sweden, but over here I always struggle to get to a doctor due to work and they are typically unwilling to help. I never really get any answers from my visits. It can never hurt to ask for help online. Many people have given good advice as to what he can do to help himself sort this problem.
Do regular exercise and your body will demand sleep from you, this exercise can be weight lifting or running or both but you will most certainly find sleep easier.
It takes a "Normal" person to fall asleep within 15 minutes. When I go to sleep, I turn my phone on "Do not Disturb" as no notifications will come up on my phone causing it to light up. Make sure your room is pitch black and nothing to distract you. If you "Can't sleep" don't go on your phone, this will trigger your brain to think its daytime, causing you to struggle to go to sleep anymore.

Try finding some youtube videos on how to fall asleep quickly.

Hope this helps :)
Did someone say they want to sleep?

Working out helps a lot for me, just get rid of excess energy and take a warm shower or bath