Police Suggestion SMT Rework

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Maine, United States of America
Brief description of idea: Rework SMT to have members ranking DCoD or Higher be completely independent from the staff team (and or Senior Administration)

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Personally I think by having the PD operate seperrate from the staff team it could prove of huge benefit to the overall quality of the department. I’m not saying staff members do a bad job in these positions, but there is a clear lack of available time that can be dedicated towards the department. Hence why I personally feel that maybe opening up CoD to a member of the community (or staff member who is maybe willing to resign???) would be much more beneficial for the department as a whole.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Some individuals would loose hard earned and well deserved ranks and or positions.

Other additions:
Completely open to feedback here, feel free to comment below!
We can't lose collier it's scary to think who might replace him :(
Chances of this getting accepted are slim to non anyways. But Collier being a member of Senior Admin doesn’t have as much time as he once did to dedicate to the Department.
I semi agree with you, having someone who does not have to dedicate their time to their staff duties may in the long run, be more beneficial for the department, however you're right it's probably slim chances of this getting accepted, but I completely agree with you that it is probably much more better in the long run, but I mean I don't know what's going on in the backend but seems like stuff could've gone a lot faster if there was more time dedicated into the Police Department than having it takes months...
@A1L exactly, I feel as though we could really use someone solely dedicated to the PD, and could expect a lot of improvements extremely quickly. I personally have nothing against the current COD’s this is just from a more rational point of view it makes more sense.
I like the idea of having an election every 6 months that way there is an incentive to not stall working because people won't reelect you
@LilChicken would be interesting yes, but I think overall people are going to naturally vote for staff members in these sorts of positions. Hence I feel as though staff shouldn’t be allowed in positions DCoD or higher.
Being Senior Admin+ and running the RP is never really a good idea, I love @Collier and I don't think hes bad at all.

That being said, who replaces him? the leadership in the PD is terrible and its reflecting on the PD itself.
I know a dedicated officer that has been trying to climb the ranks for years who would love a chance at leadership
That would have to be further discussed by the community themselves. Ideally someone who can dedicate their time to the PD. There are a few decent members of PLPD Command, and a few great supervisors that would make potential candidates. If accepted that would have to be the next course of action (finding suitable candidates)
@Husky I like tyla but he's a helper and he has a real job which is quite time consuming
@Husky keep in mind doesn’t have to be someone remotely involved with the PD atm. Could be a current staff member that is willing to resign and take up the ropes and manage the PD.
@Husky I agree I think it needs to be someone that really connects with a whole range of people and I don't see that from PD leadership at all really
I somewhat agree with your suggestion. I don't think you should make it so staff members can't be chiefs because I believe there are some good candidates who are in the staff team at the moment and still have a decent amount of time available (demonstrated from certain command members). However, I think it would be good to exclude senior administrators and above from going for this role just because they have a lot more work to do for the community compared to lower ranked staff members and it's probably challenging to balance the two roles out.

In addition to this, I'd quite like to see the CoD & DCoD roles have a re-election every 6 to 12 months where the community votes on who they wish to have as the chief. The current CoD & DCoD will automatically be put into the vote unless they choose to opt out. I just think a system like this would keep the community happy and so it's classed as being fair. I was thinking maybe once a year just because it would be messy to change every 6 months. The highest voted applicant would become CoD and the candidate with the second highest number of votes would become the DCoD.
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I've been thinking, I generally thing that SMT should consist of more than Major+. I feel LT/CPT+ should be apart of it.
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