Sneaky's Enforcer Application

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STEAM NAME: </Sneaky>

IN-GAME NAME: I previously always have roleplayed under Dave Kearney and Jennifer Greenfield for a short bit but will now stick with thomas greenfield and will probably stay with that for a while.

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:70663366

AGE: 15

COUNTRY: The constitutional monarchy The Netherlands


I want to become an enforcer because i want to do more for the community, and i believe i am able to do this since i have massivally improved myself recently.

My History
I came in the community roughly in june of 2015, and shortly after in july i recieved my first and only ban for disconnecting in a roleplay situation. I fully admit i did wrong in this situation but was forced to leave due a situation in real life. because i was a sweater, i did not know how to properly handle this situation.
I have been banned two other times but disputed these and they have been removed from my record. If you're curious you can find these here and here.

Somewhere around november 2015 i applied for police supervisor, when the old system was still in place. I got in after trying two times which 5-7 days inbetween the two applications.
I have been in the police department ever since and now obtain the rank of sergeant, including dispatcher since those applications opened and in total have only had two suspensions which i don't go in detail on this application but anyone feel free to ask me about them if you're curious! they were mistakes and weren't done on purpose.

As for forum warnings go, i have only recieved 1 which is


Which was for this post

also, i have another punishment on the list which is one shoutbox ban, which is when i slandered @Tom Hill for dumb training me after he rated a few posts of me wrong. You can find the Denied dispute and accepted Apology Here and Here.

My warnings are as follows, they are pretty self explainatory:

Overall, i believe you can say i've been "clean" for roughly over 7 months which im pretty proud of.

My current involvement in the community

I've been more active in the community, and especially on the forums over the past few weeks and months.
A big part of this is actually having my own good computer. Instead of being only 4 days on perp a week i am on it nearly daily which has improved my roleplay and got me involved in alot of things more.

I've recently been way more active on the forums, you can find a list of my suggestions and posts in them here. and at the time of writing this i have 542 messages on the forum.
Also, i have been very active in the shoutbox wether that's posting silly jokes or memes or activally engaging in discussions on it or just plain helping people, here's an example gif from 5-2-2017

This gif shows i activally engage in conversations but also listen to people, this suggestion proof it as i have been collecting people's ideas and suggestions for the community and compiled them into a big thread which drawed decent attention. That was great because i hope people have seen that i listen to people and try to be active within the community and always try to make it better, which is difficult since it already is a great one!
By the way, i even made a silly meme out of it (rip club pinguin)

In summary
To summarise it all, i feel i could have a shot to enforcer because i've proven my dedication to the community recently.
This suggestion thread which was a summary of many users and mine's ideas
(thank you @JBirksy @Feng Yamaguchi @Sossa and @lelios1) and what i really loved is that @JBirksy (love you man) pm'd me on how he appriciated this. The feeling i got from this was absolutely satisfying and making a thread and a few suggestions which took me a rough 10-20 minutes i cannot imagine how thankful people could be were i to further help them beyond the powers i currently obtain.

Another reason i want to be enforcer is because i often see people who require help at times when staff are either not online or too busy with other reports(When i come home i barely have homework and thus usually hop on perp at 1-3pm when there are no more than 30 people online) and thus believe the staff team could always get another member since there are always people who need help.

Furthermore, to add another reason is to add what i said in the beginning; Besides having named the improvements above already, i have also very much improved my law and rule knowledge. This i can proof trough my rank inside the Police Department( Sergeant) but also the many Action Requests & Disputes i have made. Some pretty logical but others very tricky. I have also made many reports in game where i accuratly describe which , and how a rule was broken.altough i am unable to show them to you.
As previously mentioned i have been working on my general usage of (rude) language but also my attidude and this means i can handle some very annoying people without going nuts. I can underbuild this because my very long time within the police department. No matter how a suspect behaves i have always behaved calmy, i can proof you this in various videos which are either random or for action requests.


please do know all pro's have a con and one thing i know from myself is that i can be rude very fast ic/ooc but know i don't mean that because i hate or dislike people but because i just cuss fast while i'm not actually extremely angry or whatever. I've been working and still working on that.

Not as active as i wish i was but i guess it is definatly sufficient.

Thank you very much for reading, and considering my application. I wish i could do more for this community but was really unsure if people would think i could be a decent candidate. As such, please leave your opinion and critism wether positive or not. Thank you.
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the crematorium
Granted, you're active on the forums, and you're trying to push your suggestions across. It's clear you're trying to benefit the community in a great way, and I think we can all appreciate that and thank you for it.

However, throughout your application, you barely answer the question why you want to be an enforcer past the generic "helping people" or go into detail about why you're qualified for the position. Posting suggestions and being active on the forums alone are not good enough reasons. Demonstrating your rule knowledge, your capability at dealing with people and your passion for the server all play a key part in the decision-making process and you've only demonstrated from this application one of those three aspects.

I just can't see it happening unless you can prove that you're a capable candidate.
Reaction score
Granted, you're active on the forums, and you're trying to push your suggestions across. It's clear you're trying to benefit the community in a great way, and I think we can all appreciate that and thank you for it.

However, throughout your application, you barely answer the question why you want to be an enforcer past the generic "helping people" or go into detail about why you're qualified for the position. Posting suggestions and being active on the forums alone are not good enough reasons. Demonstrating your rule knowledge, your capability at dealing with people and your passion for the server all play a key part in the decision-making process and you've only demonstrated from this application one of those three aspects.

I just can't see it happening unless you can prove that you're a capable candidate.
Thank you very much for your feedback @Exrobite. I have improved my application and have written the following extra to show why i want to become Enforcer and how i am a good candidate for it.
Another reason i want to be enforcer is because i often see people who require help at times when staff are either not online or too busy with other reports(When i come home i barely have homework and thus usually hop on perp at 1-3pm when there are no more than 30 people online) and thus believe the staff team could always get another member since there are always people who need help.

Furthermore, to add another reason is to add what i said in the beginning; Besides having named the improvements above already, i have also very much improved my law and rule knowledge. This i can proof trough my rank inside the Police Department( Sergeant) but also the many Action Requests & Disputes i have made. Some pretty logical but others very tricky. I have also made many reports in game where i accuratly describe which , and how a rule was broken.altough i am unable to show them to you.
As previously mentioned i have been working on my general usage of (rude) language but also my attidude and this means i can handle some very annoying people without going nuts. I can underbuild this because my very long time within the police department. No matter how a suspect behaves i have always behaved calmy, i can proof you this in various videos which are either random or for action requests.
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United Kingdom
Your very active, but i have not seen you in help chat ever. Furthermore the only few times I've seen you, your always angry and seem to have somewhat of a spontaneous personality. For that, i don't think you'd serve as a good staff member.
i dont see u much
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Zagreb, Croatia
Sneaky is a great player and very friendly and have great rule knowledge, however the only thing that would stop me from giving you my clear support are these two things:
  • You take banter a bit too far, when we had a laugh, its time to stop.
  • You sometimes get quite salty. A good example is the whole police barricades video. I can agree that such a thing is aids but, yelling in OOC about how dumb the action was just leads to an OOC gag or a warn. The officer should have been reported to the IA and let them deal with the issue.
For all of these reasons, I'm going to give you a neutral rating. You have most of the pre-requesits a staff member needs but I believe you aren't ready yet. Sorry :(
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