Starter PC Build for a friend

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Maine, United States of America
Hey just looking for thoughts not basic information on starter PC builds I'm not a melon. It's my friends first time owning a PC he won't be overclocking and I personally prefer working with intel chips for budget builds (personal preference). The peripherals have been chosen by my friend himself based on what little prior experience he has. His budget all together is 1500

Like always, just get rid of the Windows OEM shit and just get the OS on a USB and buy a windows key from like ebay, will be much more cheaper than $106 lmao
i would like to inform you that i am extremely computer illiterate and i managed to blindly install a motherboard with a ryzen chip on my computer and it was very easy hope this helps
Im not a expert in the PC building but from what i know. Isn't AMD CPU Chips better in budget cause you get same/more performance for less money ???
A better CPU is actually going to do very little for a starter PC in terms of performance as I said. As I said in the post peripherals were chosen by my friend. Also arguably one of the most important components as even with the best of PC's if you have shit peripherals you're going to have a hard time.

I've put together this part list as I feel AMD would be more appropriate and better value. I was going to put a 2060 SUPER in the build but then I noticed you managed to find a regular 2060 for $314.99 and the cheapest 2060 SUPER was $399.99. I also substitued the 1TB SSD for a 512GB SSD + 2TB HDD so your friend doesn't run out of store anytime soon. You can pickup Windows 10 OEM keys for a couple of dollars on eBay and they work just as fine as a regular license you might be, it's just generally bound to the motherboard so you'll have to buy a new one if you ever upgrade but it's still cheaper than a $100+ copy. I kept keyboard & mouse the same as that's your friend's personal preference. The regular CPU cooler included with the Ryzen 3600 should be fine for your friend if they're not overclocking.
Your build had no sotrage medium apart from the m2 which would get full quickly, dont know if you have a ssd or hdd you would be using as your secondry but you never stated you was going to.

no cpu cooler either.

I would go for this build. Its a better monitor pannel. the monitor you suggested is O.K but its really cheaply made and it just shakes with the slightest bit of movement on your desk.

I've pretty much just changed the motherboard and monitor and saved some cash, better keyboard too, graphic card has faster clock speeds for the same price, more storage, cpu cooler and a psu with more W's just incase you want to upgrade in future.
