State of Roleplay - 2023

How would you rate Role play on here?

  • Great quality

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Average quality

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • Bad quality

    Votes: 20 17.7%
  • Toxic culture

    Votes: 37 32.7%

  • Total voters
Such a thing is always going to happen, regardless of the state of passive RP there is always going to be a significant portion of the player base that does crime and at some point or another, they're always going to end up at bazaar. The only thing that has changed is the server has gotten bigger so Bazaar is a much busier area with many more people all the time.

Pretty much every incident I can recall at Bazaar from the earlier years of perp involved some sort of crime and shootout and the only way that's ever not going to be the case is if we made Bazaar some sort of FiveM-style "green zone" (which is a horrendous idea btw)

This sounds to me like you're either breaking the rules yourself by choosing to remain in the area of ongoing shootouts and the involved shooters are choosing to shoot you as a result, or you should be reporting these people as they're breaking the rules.

This again sounds like you're underutilizing the report function, people choosing to kill you for no/little reason is against the rules just as it was in 2015, it's also against the rules to intentionally cause damage to vehicles for little/no reason.

The idea that the server is MORE toxic is very interesting. The old perp that I remember was one where the server was a racist, homophobic landscape where you could practically do whatever you wanted in terms of harassing, targetting, and being a general nuisance towards anyone you wanted as long as you "kept it in character".

This is a very different place to now where many of these things are entirely against the rules, and most if not all of the others are either massively discouraged or will also result in you being banned or having your access to the community severely restricted.

We do our best to prevent toxicity within the community and I'm very curious to hear in more detail where you've experienced it but I find it very hard to imagine that it exceeds that of some of what would have been experienced in the earlier years.

Passive RP does still expand beyond bazaar all the time, in the last month or so alone we've seen builds in the suburbs areas, people set up stuff around the city hall area all the time, @Farid Couteau has been setting up little things around the city for as long as he's been playing!

I must say that I agree with what @rogue said about nostalgia driving a lot of these memories, sure Passive RP would also go on around the city back in the day, maybe more so than now even but I think saying that it was a massive chance in comparison to now is a bit optimistic.
I have reported rule breakers a lot of times, but sadly the staff who are on usually take a long time replying or taking the ticket by the time they have taken the ticket I have either left or lost interest and left, But yes the staff are the to roleplay and enforce the rules but sometimes with the amount of time they take to get the ticket people leave or at least in my case. Thank you for your feedback!
I think the rp is ok.

Your pd opinion requires context or video

People shoot first because the rules allow them to and when it is convenient for them. If you don't agree, make a rule suggestion.
Of course Imma throw my worthless 2 cents in.

I think perp heads is just a server for A LOT of people to just hang out, not to rp but simply just to hang out. I usually don't go "hmmm I will get on perp to rp now!" I get on to talk to people, because it's very hard to actually get into proper rp.

Perp is either filled with raid hungry people or those that simply just wants to talk to people about what they ate for breakfast or sum shit like that. Or the beautiful sweaters that is genuinely roleplaying for 5 minutes before they go on a killing spree :D
RP sometimes happens, usually accompanied by builds. Things @dog and @rogue make are absolutely amazing, events made by the staff team in general like the recent xmas market, etc are absolute blasts, always, they wake the best things in the community.

The thing is though as many people already have said, people come on here for 2 things nowadays, to shoot and to chat. The many "good" rp people are talking about were usually racist shit that was very funny but nowadays are not allowed to see the sunlight cause damn you would be scolded by society.

I must agree though, I have given up to RP as a cop, simply because the changing mindset, people don't want half an hour in cuffs to see something or be put in an interrogation room and discuss their crimes and try to get away with it, they want to be jailed asap so they can go back to what they were doing. It is a changing mindset that hasn't helped, just go look around you when a group of people get put in cuffs 2 of them will mic spam, 3 of them will ask why they are in cuffs and 2 will just semi-afk until the situation is over instead of listening to the officer and complying with their orders (situation today). People see that mass of people causes trouble and they use it to their advantage.

People that love RP will RP, they will make builds and I encourage anyone and everyone to make builds, people will come look at them and comment on them how nice your build is, and yes of course there is downtime but it is what you make of it that matters. People who love to RP characters will RP those characters. If you are unsure about an RP, ask in LOOC to the person if they want it or are okay with being in an RP situation if you believe you might want to do something that bothers someone else or takes significant time.

RP comes from both sided enthusiasm for a situation and it will not be any better if one of them will just full force paddle backwards.

Just be yourself and deal with situation how you want it dealt with and if you want to avoid X or Y, avoid it at all cost or find a workaround.
Hello, Community!

I have come here today to ask for feedback about the community and how people Roleplay on here. I have been a part of Perpheads since 2015. I don't think the community in its current state can stand up to its former self, everyone used to roleplay a lot more seriously than in its current state. We as a community need to address this and try changing its course for the better of its community and growth within a Roleplay sense.

I will outline what I think the fundamentals of the problems with the community are:

I think the PLPD has become way too toxic and very power-hungry police but not a lot of police are within this mind it is a select few people and it is growing. They should change the PLPD and make it less toxic.

Shooting people first regardless of Roleplay or trying to resolve things passively. Yes, Perpheads has always been a running gun community. But it is starting to impact the life and roleplay of the community.

I haven't written much down here, but I would like your honest feedback about the community about how things could be improved or even added to the server. This is a post to talk trash about the community. I just wanna help try to improve roleplay.
back in 2015? When the PLPD was constructed purely out of who you knew? And filled with very questionable figures in power? When people would do slave RP and openly yell/use slurs at eachother?

That's the quality of RP that you miss?
back in 2015? When the PLPD was constructed purely out of who you knew? And filled with very questionable figures in power? When people would do slave RP and openly yell/use slurs at eachother?

That's the quality of RP that you miss?
I just miss the days when people didn't get so angry over what people said on the internet as a whole
I just miss the days when people didn't get so angry over what people said on the internet as a whole
Whether or not you feel like this will not change that the world simply isn’t the same as it was many years ago when gaming really took off. Sad for some, that isn’t going to come back, we’re more accountable for the things we say and do online, and honestly I think for the most part that’s a good thing. A lot of the time, all the “snowflake culture” this and that feels like an excuse for things that just shouldn’t have been acceptable and in the case of PERP we are never going back to how some things were. Majority are fine with that and get on with it.
It is as serious as gmod can get. I played on a big perp community in 2008+ and I can easily say, perpheads has way more actual RP situations. I also dont see how the PLPD is more toxic than almost anyone else? I never had any serious problem with anyone from the PLPD.
Again, I didn't say anything about the constant updates from the staff team or development team. This post is purely about the state of Roleplay nothing more.

  • Yes, the are a lot of shops in the bazaar, and you can stay there 5 minutes without someone's car getting blown up or getting into a shootout every 10 minutes over something dumbed. I do enjoy the shop aspect of things, but apart from the shops the isn't much else going on in terms of Roleplay that isn't guns & shooting each other.

  • Sometimes you just get in trouble by walking down the street then a shoot-out happens and you get randomly killed or when people purposely ram your car to kill you for no reason other than it's *fun* for them.

  • Toxic behaviour doesn't;t get condemned fairly quickly I don't know what paralake you have been visiting, Racism is never fine no matter what context it is in.

  • I didn't say anything about accounts being integrated into Discord or the work behind Perps.

  • Back in the day, I have seen a lot of passive roleplay across the Map not just within the Bazar area, versus now the only passive roleplay you see is only in Bazar and rarely passively for long due to shootouts.

But anyhow, thank you for your feedback.
Ever thought maybe you just annoy people and they wanna shoot you?

I can confidently say I never get involved in random ‘trouble’

any time I’ve ever been involved in shooting etc either I started it to benefit me (raid/mug etc) which is avoidable from the other party. Or it’s happening to me (raided/mugged etc).

This debate happens every year, PERP is fucking good (so sad I don’t play anymore x)
back in 2015? When the PLPD was constructed purely out of who you knew? And filled with very questionable figures in power? When people would do slave RP and openly yell/use slurs at eachother?

That's the quality of RP that you miss?
I said the RP was better in the past, but I didn't give a time frame of when it was better. The quality of Roleplay now Vs a few years ago is still shockingly toxic.
I don't agree with Racism or Slave Roleplay, I am saying the quality of Roleplay was better back then vs now in it's current state. Thank you for your feedback.