Streaming on PERP

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IKEA - Northern Europe

Lately a lot of people have been streaming on the server which is great fun... I guess?

But obviously it's brought a lot of concerns up over people stream sniping and people saying the n-word infront of the person streamer,
apparently people who do this can get punished for it which to me seems a bit weird...

I just don't understand why a player would want to stream on twitch a place for flowers where people get banned for literally nothing...

My opinion is; if you don't wanna risk a ban on your streaming platform; don't stream there, change platform or don't stream at all...
The streamer is who should hold the liability; not the community. If racism is allowed in game then it should be up to the streamer to choose a platform where he can stream freely, or he should take steps to prevent any racist rp from going live on his chosen platform.
I agree with you fully @Trey Limes

Since a lot of people don't seem to understand the point of this such as @joey here comes a brief description of the problem the server is under due to this
Player 1 is a stream
Player 2 is roleplaying as a racist and using racial slurs around Player 1
Player 1 gets banned on twitch for someone saying the N-word infront of him
Player 1 makes an AR and/or contacts an administrator about this
Player 2 gets banned for causing problems which is unfair since he hasn't done anything wrong.

The point of this is that people can get banned over bullshit when they haven't done anything wrong, I've read people saying that "it isn't a problem since if they don't do it intentionally they're okay to say whatever"

ok so... who is gonna determine that? A staff member? the staff members a lot of people in this community disagreed with having this line within the rules?
Contained within this document are the rules of this game server and community; these rules are subject to an administrator’s discretion and will be upheld to the full extent and power of their duty.
You were all against this now you're all of a sudden trusting them with it? I don't get this community sometimes.
The solution is simple; don't stream on Twitch and use YouTube instead if you are going to stream PERP and have mindless children yell racial slurs.

EDIT: At least you won't get banned then probably and if they are doing it consistently then it becomes a OOC issue which means you report it to staff then. Context matters when it comes to using such language, Twitch doesn't allow it at all.
I think this should definitely be watched as streaming on perp is one thing that should be done way more. Using racial slurs just isn't RP its just an excuse people make so they can run around screaming that at people or to make themselves seem funny. Just dont be stupid in front of people who actually want to stream perp. The only people who actually say these slurs are people who know the other person is streaming and is doing it because of something happening ingame so they try and get the player back. It's childish.
This is so hypocritical of the community to even think it is acceptable for players to maliciously target streamers, they say how they do not want any toxicity and yet let the toxicity win by allowing this to happen.
By punishing players who are intentionally and repeatedly racist in-front of streamers I don’t think we are doing anything wrong?

Also your example of “role playing” as a racist is something that happens so incredibly rarely and is normally only done by edgy children who have just learnt the N word. Also I am sure this entirely coincidental this normally isn’t great quality of roleplay.

We haven’t had a major issue as of yet and if we do then I am sure this can reconsidered.
You can punish these people all you want, it will not stop Twitch from banning their stream. Like I said, it's not a good idea to stream PERP on that platform.
I don’t disagree that there’s better platforms but if people want to stream on Twitch then we can’t control that.
My opinion is; if you don't wanna risk a ban on your streaming platform; don't stream there, change platform or don't stream at all...
Something I agree with here, Twitch really isn't the platform for PERP and all content creators know the risk of stream snipers. Switch to YouTube or don't stream at all if you're worried about getting banned on Twitch as shit as this may sound.

Additionally I could see how you could punish people who intentionally grief a streamers stream/experience but you'd have to prove such thing first unless it's very blatant and obvious and would fall under the "not here to roleplay" category.
a l r e a d y d o n e t h i s

Proper buzz kill you daymon, some people stream cause they enjoy it me included. And shouldnt be tarnished by some retard screaming the n word. Some people have also created somewhat of a platform and i know how hard that is. Ur currently adding to the problem by somewhat condoning it would expect better.
@JRW I'm not being a so called buzzkill, I'm not saying that people should stop streaming, I myself do enjoy tuning into these streams and they are one of the reasons why I came back onto perp. My point of this whole discussion is how do you define someone doing it intentionally around a streamer...

The reason why I find this a problem is because I've been told to stop streamsniping a person when I didn't even know they were streaming and when I explained this I got told to stop being a troll when all I did was tell the cops that a specific person was shooting a shotgun. Now the reason why I got told this is simply because the streamer stated to an administrator that there was no way that I could've seen him shoot with his shotgun was if I watched his stream; I wasn't punished but it's silly how this administrator went to me and told me to stop streamsniping and not ask me what happened first.

@Henry Conyo was banned for playing music with racial slurs

@Efan that's not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is that I do not think that people should be banned for saying words such as the N-word next to a streamer. We can't protect them from roleplay. However if someone is just in their face saying the N-word over and over again to get the streamer banned obviously said player should be punished for it.

I just think that this is so hard to control so my biggest point is that people should NOT stream on Twitch since the place is literally as I've said; a place for flowers. They ban you for anything just like they banned Conyo for a small period of time for playing music with racial slurs for 5 seconds.

Note: If I don't make any sense I'm sorry, I've slept 3 hours
It's kinda weird how 75%+ of people on PERP seem to be role-playing as racists, to be honest. Something that I especially experience, being an asshole RC Worker and towing cars, is that almost everyone calls my character the n-word just because they get slightly agitated and things aren't going their way, and my character model happens to be black.
I'm not saying that any of these people are actually racists, but I highly doubt that there is any actual role-play behind their use of the word. They used it as a slur because they were angry, not because their character is a racist. Hell, a lot of these people also have black friends or are even black themselves in-character.

I personally don't really care about the usage of the word, as I don't believe it has any power, which it also shouldn't. However, that isn't exactly the reality we live in, and unfortunately, people streaming on Twitch can face consequences from the word being said by a third-party during their stream, despite their lack of control over it.
I do not believe the correct solution here would simply be to "switch platform", because there may be streamers who only have a 'community'/viewers on one platform and not the other, or something else that would make changing platform either a hassle or simply just a bad idea. Additionally, what about streamers that have joined for the first time? They hear the n-word once and they ALT+F4 right out of that bitch, and that's a loss of not only a new player, but also a potential of even more new players coming to the server.

There is the possibility of making a sort of streamer mode that can be activated that will automatically censor racial slurs in the text chat for you, though it still becomes an issue when dealing with voice chat. Could potentially make a somewhat non-intrusive text pop up somewhere on the screen when someone streaming is in voice chat vicinity along with a rule change/addition that says that certain things (sensitive content/racial slurs?) may not be discussed when said text is shown on screen, but that doesn't necessarily mean that people will quit saying racial slurs. Sure, at that point you can punish them regardless, but the damage is done and the streamer can still face consequences. (May also result in more people trying to streamsnipe, even if it doesn't say whom exactly is streaming)

It's a difficult thing to battle in general, and while I did mention that the correct solution shouldn't be to switch platform, it is the most effective one. It is more of an issue with the people playing on here, and that is a difficult thing to change.
In my opinion saying the n word in general should just not be allowed, yeah it could be RP but its 2021 and everyone is affected by anything said over the internet