Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

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What’s the stupidest shit you’ve ever done? One example that springs to mind for me was playing Five Finger Fillet a few times. Got lucky so I made a habit of it then accidentally slashed a vein in my hand and called it quits.
When i was a little kid i went to my friend's house, i was jumping on his trampoline as i was jumping i felt like i had to shit so i went to his bathroom (was my first time using someone else's bathroom), little did i know his toilet doesn't flush so i was sitting there on the toilet working my 999 iq brain to find a solution, ugh idk how to say this but that shit just happened, i reached in the toilet grabbed my 2 pieces of shits and threw it out the window, second floor bathroom window (like literally), since then i've never shitted at someone else's house and i still have trauma also i've never seen that friend since then.
When I was about 6 I stole my older brothers brand new mountain bike, took it for spin, just to (from my traumatic memories) go airborn on a bump and almost break both my kneecaps. I was on medication for a month and it happened while we were on a vacation so all the people were trying to help me but I couldn't understand what they were saying so I thought they were kidnapping me. Not a fun memory

I still have problems with both my knees because of this and I don't think I will ever recover.
me and my friend were bored one summer holiday and "broke" into a school when the door was left wide open, got charged with "breaking and entering with intent to steal" fuck gore glen
that shit happened to me too when i got high the first time, i got into a deep thoughts as i was like faded for like 40 minutes realized that the tv is off, i was looking around to make sure nobody was looking at me staring at a black screen the whole time
In 2015 our new school was finished and we all moved there, so the old school was being renovated. Fast forward a year, the windows were smashed and all that so it was easy to get in. A big group of my friends went in there to play hide n seek and stuff, man that was some good funny times. I noticed a silent alarm go off (a single tiny peep) and told them but they said I was bullshitting. 10 minutes later we booked it as fast as we could. Then we did it again the next day and then the next and eventually police came one day. Never got caught though.

In Norway we have russefeiring where the last year of high school celebrate their last year, before they go to uni or whatever. They drive big red cars and buses around. They decided to attack our school with waterguns, yoghurt, eggs, you name it. We decided to get revenge, so when they were driving past the school, we threw a buncha eggs at their cars before they stopped the fucking car in the middle of the road and ran after us. No one got caught that time either. We would've gotten our asses beat, thank you adrenaline for the speed boost.
I was bored at school on a summer day at lunch time so me and others thought of the stupid idea of playing a type of football called "foul football". You could basically foul anyone if they had the ball as bad as you wanted without it being a foul. So I had the ball and I saw one of my friends running towards me and he tried to slide tackle me which I jumped over his legs not to be hit. I landed on my foot awkwardly and fell over. Walked halfway across the school field in loads of pain until a teaching assistant came over. Turned out I broke my foot.
cheated on my wife, stupid fucking mistakes man
