SWAT days

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea: get rid of TFU and bring back SWAT

Why should this be added? (pros): the community really want it, TFU isn't fun when you have to do a 4 stage application for it where as SWAT was fun and easy to get to. TFU is way too serious and this is game still your supposed to have fun, SWAT was so much fun! also now with the new recoil system (everyone having 80marksmanship) SWAT will now stand a chance against everyone and raiders, TFU stupid and no one wants it (apart from the people that have it)

What negatives could this have? (cons): Alot of TFU mains will cry themselves to sleep knowing that they have to give the role to other players for once, cop mains really are not going to like it.

*Other additions: one argument is that it will be a easier way to MRDM but you can MRDM anyway with a rifle as a civ so no. Also the community have wanted this for ages can you PLEASE just give it to us

*Images: n/a
TFU is way too serious and this is game

PERP is a SeriousRP server which means they try to replicate real life where possible, in real life to get into SWAT or TFU it takes a lot of hard intense training and constant drills. TFU in perp is easy to get into, provided you're good at combat and are a reputable officer, compared to real life. So for that reason I am going to -1 this suggestion.
it would be a lot nicer if it was that pd would be with no ranks and all and only tfu would be allowed in with an application ALSO the tfu policy breaks would be done with by Staff

First of all, please start formatting your suggestions. Any text you write should not be in bold text. Makes it easier to read that way.

Second of all, you claim that the community wants this, but still they did not vote for this in the PD reform election? So where do you base this of?
I can stick a broom in my rectum in real life but not in peep, that doesn't mean that feature should exist in perp.
As a big no no, stage 3 for TFU has you dealing with stupid mechanics like admin-done DMS, bomb vests and C2 defusal with no training.
Perp serious RP? It’s turned into a fucking E-sport with dickheads mic spamming bruh sound effects and being scared of ruining their virtual reputation.

PLPD is more of a job rather some fun aspects.

@Dan Stupid mechanics? You only speak on one situation as if that’s the only situation you had problems on?TFU can stick as TFU, there’s already been work put into it and that would be thrown away because some kids can’t be bothered to put a few hours in and rank up.

@Kempotent You didn’t see what happened when people got the chance to be ‘SWAT’ for a week during the unwhitelist trial and it was disgusting.

You guys don’t take a step back and think. ‘TFU mains crying’ it will be the same when we have SWAT mains camping at 6am after restart for a slot.
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