SWAT van being used as a weapon still? And more PD Foul Play?

Should TFU use the van as a weapon?

  • Yeah

    Votes: 35 50.7%
  • No

    Votes: 34 49.3%

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After many discussion and concerns voiced about the TFU van being used as a weapon, A policy update was added to "prevent" this from happening. The issue is, however, how the policies worded:
  • 2.6 The armoured TFU van should only be used for transportation (including to extract people from a firefight), as a means to provide mobile cover, or to create roadblocks. The van should only be used as a weapon when justifiable.
"when justifiable" - Citation needed.

In my opinion, as a TFO, I can proudly say the TFU van should Never be used as a weapon. Here is several reasons why I feel this way:

As far as the MOTD is concerned, this server is meant to replicate real life to an enjoyable Extent. I'm not entirely sure about you guys, but my definition of "enjoyable" isnt grinding cash for guns just to be flattened by the fat ol' Tragic schoolbus.

The advantages TFU already have over civillians is:
- Seamless, instant communication with there peers. Something criminals only have (Legally rule wise) by obstructing a large portion of there screen with the org TS app.
- Access to Armour piercing fully automatic weapons with recoil compensators, suppressors, and a large array of electronic sights. The weaponry available to TFU takes all possibilities into account, including the possibility of armoured suspects, something the gamemode does not have.
- Full body protection from any gun with a value of under 25k. The exception being revolvers and the MP7.
- Access to the Tragic schoolbus, AKA "Brute Armoured van", which goes STUPIDLY fast for such a heavy vehicle.

- Medical personelle on there side
- Bandages being free

Meanwhile, the only advantages civillians have over the police are:
- Limitless levels of force against police in shootouts.
- Access to bigger guns and explosives (which costs money)
- Faster cars (If they grinded millions to buy a supercar)

With all these benefits completely nullified by the police's benefits, what reason do the police have to want to sweat so hard and abuse the vans ability to tank so much damage and run people over?
Criminals are literally losing money by the bullet as they pay for ammo and mags. When they get shot, they use a bandage, which they most likely bought or crafted from materials they bought. When cops shoot out tyres of suspects vehicles when they arent even driving them, that also costs money to fix.

Let me clarify two things here: Yes, I'm making this thread because I'm pretty mad about being run over by the van everytime I take on TFU. And from my perspective, theres no way in hell anyone could not see why I'm fed up with it happening to me and my peers. Whilst I'm giving it my best at fighting for my reward, my effort is going to waste because of someone just driving around in the van not putting the slightest bit of effort into trying to win and just doing the easy way.

Last time as of this post I was affected by this issue, this was my suggestion to what I should do to prevent the van speeding towards me, there identities are concealed however to stop this seeming as a personal dig at anyone.
[OOC] ♿Buzz Lightyear: But using the van as a weapon completely bars the possibility of me doing anything about it
[OOC] TFU Sgt: Grenades.
[OOC] the one who ran me over: or AK​

Soon I'll show you from my perspective how neither of these things would have remotely helped me as I need to get my demo.

I know I'll just be told to "pLaY sMaRtEr" but for the love of god, something needs to be done to prevent people losing in-game items and losing out on big rewards without there police opponents not taking them on in a skirmish of gunfire.

Please share your opinions below.
This is my opinion:

Or keep a single nade on you, it will kill everybody inside of the van and insta total it. We have no plans to change said policy, altough you can always try to make a topic regarding this in the plpd forum where it actually matters.
Not everyone carries a nade and don’t expect people to come and make you mince meat with the SWAT van since they know the policy.

Your video literally demonstrated a firing squad of about 8+ people unloading all their mags, it takes over 8 people at once to do such a thing to take the SWAT van out. Just because you’ve provided such a video doesn’t back up your point at all. No relation to a grenade or explosives in the video. Criminals will not always be prepared for such things and most of the time TFU respond to a simple knife crime and expect criminals to escape. It’s a joke, not only should we down out the use of the SWAT van as a weapon, TFU must literally actually respond to situations requiring TFU and not petty little knife crimes and things normal officers can deal with.

Personally, me being apart of both sides, I lost a lot of money in a day from TFU and a SWAT van and literally getting shot for going past TFU and them spraying my car and justifying themselves by saying ‘Oops, thought you were running me over and involved’.

Yes TFU is fun, Yes I love being a cop, but it being so easy has made me want to do more criminal related stuff, and even then, things are to complicated and unbalanced and I feel bad for such people like @Dom_ @Daigestive @Legion of Darkness @Aquaa and anyone else who fights for the balance.

I’m not here to cry or to seem salty, I’ve gone through both sides just like @Samuel had done and I feel like I need to side with the Civillians and common criminals. It isn’t only the SWAT van, it’s the division as a whole and their equipment and ‘Special’ superhuman capabilities.

I’ve only ever seen people drive the SWAT van for the use of a weapon and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I have myself, but I feel sick for doing it, it’s unfair... I know and I know and I know that most officers, TFU or not would say to use it as a weapon and I agree, as long as it’s justified, but using it to literally use it as a full on weapon to laugh at people with while running over puts the salt I. The wound.
This is my opinion:

Or keep a single nade on you, it will kill everybody inside of the van and insta total it. We have no plans to change said policy, altough you can always try to make a topic regarding this in the plpd forum where it actually matters.
8 People fully autoing the Swat van cant excpect much less unless played smarter. I feel the TFU van is fine to be used as a weapon when neccesary considering it only takes 4-5 Ak-47 mags to disable. Hopefully, they fix the models though because any TFU sniper can enjoy crouching in Regals 4 in a bank robbery and take 4-5 headshots while he kills 4 bank robbers and only me and @Dom_ left. Will also be nice when we stop more than 2 TFU when there is no shootout.
I'm sorry Kenty but i don't think you understood the point of me adding the video, the reason i attached it is not because of me getting wiped out of the van in a matter of seconds. I added it to show the fact that almost ALWAYS tfu is outnumbered and thus have to use their ability and skill and weaponry including TFU van to make it as its expected from TFU to take down MULTIPLE hostiles with equal or BETTER weapons. Just because you or your friends don't carry around a nade can NOT be blamed on the other party. As a civ i ALWAYS carry around explosives as it equalizes my lack of shooting skills. I try to improve myself instead of crying over the loss of my virtual items or on the forums in a gmod server.
People cry since they waste hours of work grinding for a gun or bomb to only loose it to unbalance and plain bull. You missed my point, you were outnumbered because you drove into a firing squad ltrying to be a hero. You might carry bombs, I don’t, I don’t have money for bombs, small time criminals don’t have bombs, they don’t want to stab someone and have TFU on them over a stabbing then casually throw a bomb? Who the hell does that? You’re thinking about yourself and not others in your position and other positions. The more TFU mince these crims the more they cry, the more the cycle repeats. Personally I don’t cry over guns unless I’m taken out due to a rule break. But you need to take into consideration how much time people take to grow or work for a nice gun until it’s ruined by people abusing the SWAT van or being demolished by the lack of balance.
Don't assume anything regarding the video on why i drove there, if you want a explanation look here: https://perpheads.com/threads/lower-tfu-armor.35057/page-3#post-235497

Also don't bullshit me that you, somewhere who joined back in 2017 don't have enough money to bring a 4K nade while today i shot you and you lost a M82 because you were smart enough to stand like a obvious fuck in the middle of the highway and pulled it out without even checking ur surroundings lmao? You know you can make like 15 nades for that weapon right?
I would like to give my input in this current situation.

This was late at night, not many cops on duty,

Me and my gang of 6 or 7 decided to raid regals.

Server was at downtime (everyone going to sleep since EU was at 2am or so at the time)

You were the only tfu on duty vs 6 civs with ak's (usually this never happens)

Since we had the upperhand we took advantage of it and shot your van up with 5.56.

Giving the amount of time u were given while the tfu van were eating the bullets, u had a decent amount of time of jumping out the car and rushing the back of the van for cover (u have a lot of armor to sponge a bit of the bullets being shot at you if u jumped out)

Since u decided to take ur sweet time backing up ur van into who knows where, u ended up dying due to ur slow reaction time.

Thanks for reading slayerduck and others, i blame bad plays and nothing else.
Yeah you go ahead and blame bad plays for being taken by surprise in a random 7v1 gunfight. I should have gotten out the van and killed all 7 by myself. Hey one thing is for sure, I don't sit on the forums blaming everyone for my own mistakes and crying 24/7 over a gmod roleplay server because I'm not getting what I want. Topkek have a good one.
PLPD got in the position it is in when it moved away from making the game mode fun for everyone and put more weight on their overall strength tbh

and as a user that frequently uses nades i can confirm that nades are effective but very dangerous @Daigestive @D3V
I actually dont blame anyone or cry at all. Atleast not anymore. I usually like to have other people listen to my own thoughts on things that should be reviewed. Only way to make the community a better place is to purge the toxicity on what is bothering you rather than holding it in and bringing it out on other people. As well as having other people’s opinions towards a community problem. Thats what i consider a community. But there’s much more that makes one im just listing some. Thanks for your time slayerduck!
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In my opinion, as a TFO, I can proudly say the TFU van should Never be used as a weapon. Here is several reasons why I feel this way:

You say this then proceed to list NOT A SINGLE THING showing any perspective of the TFU officers you claim to represent, you mainly complain about balance. Not to mention if you legitimately cannot think of any scenario where TFU should use the van as a weapon then you do not need to be the one training future TFU officers.

TODAY I have TWO great examples of when to use the SWAT VAN as a weapon:
A fellow cop was just ambushed by two shooter in the forest after we followed down a bank robber near the forest. He was killed and I ran with the van. Suspects all 3 came around the corner into my car. All pulled weapons, I ran over the man in front of my car and fled the other two. Without the van I would have had basically 0 chance of survival as I WAS THE HUNTED NOT THEM.

#2 Sadly I do not have the second video of when @ShadowJoey was being pinned down by two shooters in the CH parking lot with AK's. I was already in the swat van driving his was when I saw then. I floor it into one of the shooters just as Joey's life alert came on my screen, killing him. I almost was able to save him but if I would've taken the time to take up a tactical position behind the van and pull out my weapon he definitely would have had no time and I may have died too.

And lastly it isn't true that if the TFU van is being used a weapon there isn't anything you can do about it. You can follow 3.4 and act like a real damn criminal and RUN AWAY.
Let me clarify two things here: Yes, I'm making this thread because I'm pretty mad about being run over by the van everytime I take on TFU

Next time I'll remember who to aim for.

Policies regarding this are vague, and will be improved in the coming weeks - However, we are not going to be removing the use of the armoured van in volatile situations any time soon. The van should be used only when absolutely necessary, and should only be used when there's a present and imminent risk to civilian or officer lives.
Stop crying about stuff that's supposed to be the thing that gets you to leave the area and hide, the Van is the bad boy Which is supposed to be there so you get scared and gtfo, It's not meant to be like a Mini Cooper Rolling up, It's meant to be a fucking scary tank Coming to fuck you up
So in Garret's video where the sweater team ram his van and pull rifles is he supposed to think to himself "Well I could escape here but gotta follow that policy!!1", and proceed to attempt to reverse at 2 mph and get lit the fuck up?

No, he uses then van to ram through his assailants killing one in the process. Because he is preserving his life it is a justifiable reason to do so.

Artificial game balancing through policy is shit, stop trying to force it.
I’ve been noticing recently that it seems everyone and there dentist has TFU, there will be 4 cop slots some times and 3 TFU, and when you have 3 TFU with full armour and rifles and snipers against 3-5 crims on average, you can’t expect us not to complain?