Police Suggestion TFU Application availability change.

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Brief description of idea: Allow any ranked officer in the PLPD to apply for TFU. (Except for probationary officers of course)

What benefits would this idea have for the department: An increase in applicants, expanding the manpower TFU has available. TFU Training would still weed out terrible people anyway but overall give everyone equal opportunity to apply. There shouldn't be a grind to get somewhere in the PD, I certainly don't want to spend three years in a make believe police department to get a few more pistols available to me. I'd like to be able to apply immediately and if I fail it's due to incompetence.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Chances for minges getting TFU.

Other additions: (more of an additional comment instead): You shouldn't be afraid to change the minimum requirement. If it does turn out to be a terrible thing, revert it.
There's barely any incentive for people to play civ as it is with everyone crying for the org update. Giving everyone free guns would make that even less.
I mean at the same time Dai, every shootout tends to end with crims winning because they can get overpowered rifles, snipers and flank us without needing to adhere to any kind of policy. It gets very annoying, and we just wanted some sort of tide changer. We do have to kind of hope our pistols one tap people in gunfights, which is annoying since half the time TFU usually gets sprayed down and then we're left to fend for ourselves.
I've seen plenty of people as civ, I don't know what you're talking about.
How does having less quality TFO's improve this if theyre getting sprayed down anyway?

Exnem must have missed something during the time you were banned. There's been a lack of organisations on the server for 2 years.
@Daigestive Rank doesn't affect skill. I've seen plenty of shitty TFOs in higher ranks. Atleast now we'll be able to explore a vaster quantity of TFOs that could have a really good skillset.

Trauk never got promoted, but he was able to get 1 taps easily, but even then he wasn't able to get better weapons and enforce the law better.
@Daigestive Do organizations matter if the same amount of people are still raiding? Not really, they're more like groups of people at this point than proper organisations. If you really want to talk lack of people then maybe bringing the original whitelist back? Officer > SGT > LT. It was way better, served the same purpose as it does now + staff dealt with minge cops.
I already said this and will say it again. Bring back SWAT! TFU is being sprayed down literally every raid. Bro We seriously won a lot of raids during SWAT time.
SWAT isn't coming back apparently. I say just make TFU more accessible so it's actually more fun and not a horrible grind for people.
We have half the playerbase we had. How does bringing back that whitelist fix any of these problems?

How can you think having lower ranking TFU would win you more shootouts? I dont get it. There's a reason why attempting to improve the quality of current TFO's is being made. This is a RP server not an FPS cops and robbers. The reason you lose raids are because the minority that plays civ are better than you.
Tactical Operations is currently looking for ways to improve the quality of TFO's since the drop off where requirements were lowered as some community members wanted. This suggestion would be totslly against that so I cant see it happening.
@Daigestive You know, rank doesn't always mean increased competency. I've learned that from a lot of SOs. And plus, it actually encourages people to play cop more. Also, it's not really a case of being better, it's a case of equipment, cause once the TFU are dead that's the end, since we all just get mowed down by like 4 or 5 guys with automatic weapons.

Plus trying to call this an RP server is a bit rich, considering it's mostly been watered down to cops and robbers.
All it would do is increase the amount of applications, why would it be a bad change? Give me one good reason. People don't need to be chief of department to be decent at shooting or know tactics, or in general just be good at things related to TFU.
Requirements for SO are low as it is. You can'texcpect to have 12 TFU on duty, it wont happen.
@Daigestive I mean right now I don't see TFU being good, cause in the majority of raids I've been cop in, TFU get wiped out then the rest of us. You talk about increasing the quality of TFU, but half of the higher ranking TFU seem to be doing a good job of proving that rank doesn't mean quality.
Ive given you multiple but youve failed to read and fully understand one. If you want to win more shootouts go train your aim on CS.
@Daigestive I mean half the time that isn't the case considering our numbers. And judging by the fully armored TFU that drop like flies and then the weapons/armour normal cops get, they shouldn't have much of a problem.
@Dan no, even though theres nothing stoping you from doing that. This wouldnt increase the amount of tfu on duty anyway so whats to say they wouldnt get sorayed uo anyway and berreta cops are left. Do lower ranking officers all have better aim? How is this an improvement?
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