TFU's current state

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Hello guys, today I just wanted to start a discussion towards TFU's current state on the server and how it affects players in general, please note that I do not wish to cause :beef: with this thread rather just have a discussion regarding it...

At the moment TFU is considered by a lot of people overpowered as a unit which I can partly agree to as in how many TFU there can be at once, the limit is currently 6 TFU's on duty at once which is pushing people away from doing certain stuff on the server...
TFU is fine but 6 + patrolling is fucking aids, if there's 6 tfu on no one raids. Should be limited to 4 and allow them to patrol. :)

Obviously fix the retarded head armor.
If I'm not mistaken, wasn't the original intent with TFU for them to be an entirely reactive force and not have the members run around 24/7 in full big dick swat gear? ( @Jordan )
Having 6 people run around with full armor and decked out gats at all times is just fucking aids. It would be so much better if the circumstances for when they were allowed to go get TFU gear was regulated.
When we had 3 patrols around the city, of two TFU, we would have a response time of a few seconds to most raids. I think it needs to be limited to four as well this would reduce the amount of options to patrol really only a patrol of 2 officers would be viable unless ONLY 3 TFU were on duty. Hey, I'd prefer this because THE SERVER IS LITERALLY LOSING ITS PLAYER BASE.
I mean police is supposed to be op but there's too many tfus that could be on, in my opinion, and what I don't like is supervisors going on tfu instead of patrolling with lower ranks, i think it'd be good to reduce the amount of tfus from 6 to 5-4
SMG/Shotgun + Light armor (yet more than regular cop) while in regular TFU gear (can patrol as this)

goes back to the PD and gets full SWAT gear so fully armored + whatever weapon they want (can't patrol in this)

almost positive this was the original idea anyway and it would be far better in my eyes.
As discussed by many staff members, they try to make it as realistic as possible without it affecting gameplay. Well, I hate the fact you shoot a couple bullets and within 30 seconds 6 fully armored TFU are bum rushing you. I just feel TFU is ruining the whole raiding factor of the server which many people enjoyed, even if you do make a good plan the chances are you are still going to be fucked over.
6 TFU patrolling with "head armour" is aids and deters raids making it impossible without being swarmed with fearless gods, meaning everybody only raid when TFU is offline.. which is a bit weird and makes it more difficult for newer players who just want to have fun without all this restraint and technicality. #reviveperp
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tfu are massive girl's blouses because they roam around in their middle class range rover spitting on anyone who isn't part of their friendship group and most of the time they're completely useless even when a crime is committed right in front of them. They all get salty if you confront them about doing something wrong and will just start to moan like little children. So they're not overpowered but they're all obnoxious
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Now that the police force have started to beat the criminals on occasion I must declare TFU is overpowered as FUCK boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I just think it's funny that the people who always bitched about the PLPD not deserving any more weapons when they couldn't defend a raid against criminals knowing what it feels like :)
I mean I've always seen it as the police should be 'OP'. Doing criminal activity will always be a high risk, but will also have high reward as an outcome, compared to having a job which is lower risk but less reward.

Just my opinion on it, I mean I am rarely on anyways so maybe I haven't experienced what it's like xP
Let's put it this way, if you want Police to be "OP" just to stop people from committing criminal activities 24/7 then do that AFTER more legal jobs are added into the server. Because most people feel like the most fun thing to do is raid rn and they can't do that with 6 terminators who take 4 shots to the head. And many people feel like adding more legal jobs will fix the player base so why not try that first. For now I think @Mage has the best idea to fix this issue.
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TFU patrolling is aids, you don't see SWAT pull over someone in a traffic stop with M4's and other shit.
Hey there,
I am a Sgt. in Plpd, My feeling about TFU:

+ TFU is nice if you have huger Shutouts with gangs, the Cops winn more often huger fights.
+ Extend the Rp. ( In a lot of situation TFU can extend the RP without the player call it Police Powergaming)
- I don`t like it that TFU take over regualr 911 calls where a Special unit is not required so they take the work away from the Patrole Department.
- If there is not much happening that the TFU is Patrouling with they're full gear.

I do not know exactly what is regulated in the TFU policies but i know that they are very strict in it.

SWAT was ever a boring Job! with the TFU it maybe make it more interesting!
The main argument for TFU is that the PLPD should be a force to be reckoned with, as it is so in real life. TFU are trained and more proper than old S.W.A.T, which is good. However, Perpheads aims to be as realistic as possible, to a fun extent. This does ofcourse not mean everyone has to be happy and always get their way in a situation, but that the server generally is fun. As many others stated previously, the idea I heard of regarding TFU was that they would carry slightly better equipment that other LEOs, and to equip heavy response gear when needed, which would be much better than the current system. The PLPD should be capable of dealing with gangs, and parallells are often drawn to real life, where criminals get torn down when enganged in shootouts against trained S.W.A.T teams. This is because the government has the resources, planning and hopefully, one of the most deciding factors; time.

When the old S.W.A.T system was around, criminals would get some time before having to deal with the S.W.A.T as they could not patrol, meaning normal officers would have to hold the perimeter and keep the criminals at bay. However, now the TFU can be right around the corner at any time. You should of course be wary of the PLPD, but then we come back to the part of PH being fun, everything is done in a fast pace. You do not have time to plan a really good heist, because residents disconnect, friends who would raid with you disconnect, and so on. Quite often, you have to act quickly, which does not seem to be possible when the TFU respond with heavy response gear within seconds, making it far too hard to be prepared if you are enganged in a shootout against the residents of a property.

The fact that TFU can be at a scene within 10-20 seconds due to map limitations and their ability to patrol in full gear makes it unfair, for a lack of a better word. Summarized, my reasoning behind this is that it should be possible for groups of criminals to go up against the PLPD if they fail to keep a raid quiet long enough for them to escape before the heavy response team arrives, which can quite often be hard.
So i personally think on this, Dont rate dumb, TFU = 4 and if 1 tfu is on, they are allowed to patrol with a regular officer.
Have patrol gear and heavy response gear. Patrol gear is lighter armour still better then a normal officers but not as heavy and you get to carry SMGS. Have heavy response the stuff it is now just without aids head armour