The real reason "perp is dying"

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seems pretty alive to me now, it's almost full. False alarm bois
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Niko's PC
The day after I come back the server is full again?
Coincidence? Maybe
Hotel? Trivago
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United Kingdom
xd perp is dying cus of the ban times having to worry about being banned every time you do something for (MONTHS...) Also you get pricks who have a ton of guns n money and raid you every time you base because you've called them a prick in the past eks de. A few months ago i got banned for trolling as rc apparently i wasn't doing my job when i was repairing cars but ok i hit a minge puncher with my wrench a few times and took someones fire extinguisher and ran a few metrs with it then gave it bak 1 month for doing that rly? Also looks like staff can make their own ban times i saw someone else who was "trolling as rc" and got a 1 week ban, how is that fair? ;p. so carefull guys if a staff member doesnt like u and u break a rule which shud usually be around a week theyll add a few more weeks on. i mean u cant expect people to play the server if they get banned for months.. if u disagree then top kek
[DOUBLEPOST=1506447445,1506374406][/DOUBLEPOST]disagree and call me dumb all u want its true xd

Deleted member 4084

Nothing lasts forever, there's only so long something can stay "good". It's like going to Nando's everyday, you'll eventually just not want to go there anymore and feel sic of it. Everything dies out, perp just lasted longer and was more successful because of how different and new it was when it released. It is a much superior gamemode to any other, it's unique. But regardless of how unique something is, it'll die out... like I said, eventually. It's not dying from what I can see, it's just losing old players because they are, as it says, "old" players. Which eventually they'll just get bored.
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IKEA - Northern Europe
Nothing lasts forever, there's only so long something can stay "good". It's like going to Nando's everyday, you'll eventually just not want to go there anymore and feel sic of it. Everything dies out, perp just lasted longer and was more successful because of how different and new it was when it released. It is a much superior gamemode to any other, it's unique. But regardless of how unique something is, it'll die out... like I said, eventually. It's not dying from what I can see, it's just losing old players because they are, as it says, "old" players. Which eventually they'll just get bored.
I agree, it isnt dying really its just a lot of People get banned for cheating or other stuff and back in the days when GMod itself was more popular it didn't matter cus Someone else would fill that spot instantly, however we're gaining players slowly

Deleted member 4084

I agree, it isnt dying really its just a lot of People get banned for cheating or other stuff and back in the days when GMod itself was more popular it didn't matter cus Someone else would fill that spot instantly, however we're gaining players slowly
Agreed, PERP still has a lot left. It's not losing players, it's gaining them. PERPHeads have never really advertised their server to: Streamers, Youtubers etc. So the playerbase obviously won't grow as fast as many other servers who do have them. I doubt Fredy, XQuality and StephenPuffs want to attract that kind of attention, if you bring someone like Zuthar on you'd get trolls; no doubt about that so it's a risk I think they want to avoid. You can see servers gain so much popularity, but is it good popularity or shit? How long will retention of the players last? I doubt it'd last long. The developers and owners have a lot more juice left, what you see now is just the tip of the iceberg, and I think this just sums the thread up - it isn't dying, there have been threads about this in the past and it'll still go on. PERPHeads is officially dead when there are no players, no one looking to play PERP - in general, anymore.

Garry's Mod is dying in general, not the server. One thing that the server is lacking is friendliness, not going to lie but you go round the corner, someone just doesn't like you for whatever reason or think's they're sick.
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How can something that isn't alive, be dying?

On a serious note, no perp isn't dying.
The server became less active after a lot of notable members became either inactive due to lack of interest, or they've been banned for breaking the rules.

As daymon mentioned, we are still growing slowly, but the perp gamemode just isn't on the server list, which makes it hard to find for new players.

If you want to see the server grow, do something about it. Start streaming, post videos on youtube, post advertisements or something.

Edit: I realize I'm a fucking retard, and that I have already posted on this thread.
Cue the clapping.
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Maybe if the owners werent that ignorant with their staff members actions and actually cared to write some kind of guidelines for staff members to follow that just do whaterver they feel is right the server would not be as empty as it is right now. Dont blame it on the community but on those who lead it.
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I blame newfags for ruining PH with their shit ideas. People did not have fun when being raided, tf u mean newfag. That was literally the worst thing that could happen while powergrowing cuz it would mean that you lost money. People have always flamed but the newfAgs now did it worse. The rules now are kinda gay. We only respected ppl if they were friends or in same org. Ppl were competitors not friends back then. Now they just flame cuz fags think they can win btw

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California, United States of America
With aarons absoloutely barbaric memery and the general consensus that "perp is dying" (citation needed,) I feel like I must for one minute put aside the memes and try to explain my theory.

The key word here is respect (@Nade Alardin). Back when I joined, for the most part, things were similar to how they are now. People were raiding, basing and having a good time. The only difference is that everyone had respect for each other. Regardless of the outcome of a raid everyone had fun and that is what mattered. Not the victory, or the loss, or the potential rulebreaks. Just the fact that everything was done to have fun.

This sounds absurdly cheesy but I really feel like the players were united, they all had the same common goal which was to have fun and make some money. It was not the basing all day or the raiding that really made it fun though. It was the personalities that made perp. Fun orgs like marmite brought a new aspect to the server. Sure, it was not everyone's cup of tea but did they get constant hate the like of which some are throwing at olsen? No. They didn't. Why? Because people respected the way they played. People respected the players and the community worked together to create a fun but serious enviroment where people could come to hang out with friends and relax.

There was never any significant "serious" roleplay. The majority of what happened was jokey / light hearted stuff designed to ensure that everyone had a good time. People messed about and had fun, but everyone felt like they could laugh along because there were few OOC feuds. People used the limited tools of the source engine to be creative and ensure everyone was having a good time.

We stand now as a community heavily divided. People don't know each other like they used to and there's a lack of respect between players. Take this extremely cheesy and excessively long rant as whatever you want, but I just feel like I had to point this out.

The change to the community is not the fault of one person, but the way we view each other.
Not cheesy or too long, but Just Right and to the Point, Im new to Perpheads but not to perp I was an Avid PERP player on HZ(I dont know how yall feel bout HZ and frankly dont care) I played for years and gave up for about four(taking too much irl time) Well when I goto Perpheads I was hella excited that there was a New PERP continuing and actually had gotten Loads better(*The Mod*) with the creativity and realism applied in all these extra addons i.e. Customizable guns, sights, cars, etc.

Now me being somewhat experienced in the PERP gameplay I expected raids, I expected to be mugged, I even expected a Buddy system that would be there for certain players to certain admins, its just inevitable. Now, What I did not expect is, When I get mugged and I properly handle the situation in a RL aspect as far as I am concerned, and the mugging fails, Immediately Ill get an admin come to me ask kindly may i borrow you me "yeah sure watsup?" He says you failed.... Every damn time a low life fails at anything They run to an admin and they are SOO SOO Welcome to help the mingebag that cant seem to make his own by himself without infringing on another players hard work time or fun. This really got me BAD, I mean I got mugged at least 6 times in one day, and when I finally got fed up defended myself and Succeeded boom guess what Runs to an Admin accusing me of some simple fail thats ridiculous, (You would not MUGG someone in front of a Fucking drug dealer are you fucking retarded I would pull my gun out sooo fucking quick and pop you off even quicker for tryna fuck with my business are you fucking retarded THATS REAL LIFE from A REAL LIFE PERSON that Deals with Real Life DRUG DEALERs Real Life Criminals, so Dont tell me that its bullshit, whered you grow up Utopia the fuck?) And Yeah if I murdered someone on the Street IG and get asked by the Admin (IRL Would it be worth 10 years?) No absolutely not but I wouldnt get caught if that was the real case, PERP doesnt have Acid that you can pour into a bath tub with a dead body in it to destroy every piece of evidence there couldve been, We aint there yet. there are places in the US where people are murdered in Cold fucking Blood and never see a cop chase em, cuz they had no fucking clue in the first place. Sorry to rant you can delete it if you want but please just actually take your time read and discuss my opions and understand Why I get banned for 3 days is Cuz its Real, I would have fucked that guy up(I wouldn't have kill him No ofcourse not but this isnt Half-Life Serious RP now is it, its Pulsar Effect Role Play) and honestly I want that Image out there that In game, IF you Fuck with me, Im going to fuck With You. Thats THAT, NO god damn question about it, I may be low right now but your gonna see me up, and You will respect me. DEAD. lmfao
Not cheesy or too long, but Just Right and to the Point, Im new to Perpheads but not to perp I was an Avid PERP player on HZ(I dont know how yall feel bout HZ and frankly dont care) I played for years and gave up for about four(taking too much irl time) Well when I goto Perpheads I was hella excited that there was a New PERP continuing and actually had gotten Loads better(*The Mod*) with the creativity and realism applied in all these extra addons i.e. Customizable guns, sights, cars, etc. Now me being somewhat experienced in the PERP gameplay I expected raids, I expected to be mugged, I even expected a Buddy system that would be there for certain players to certain admins, its just inevitable. Now, What I did not expect is, When I get mugged and I properly handle the situation in a RL aspect as far as I am concerned, and the mugging fails, Immediately Ill get an admin come to me ask kindly ask may i borrow you me "yeah sure watsup?" He says you failed.... Every damn time a low life fails at anything They run to an admin and they are SOO SOO Welcome to help the mingebag that cant seem to make his own by himself without infringing on another players hard work time or fun. This really got me BAD, I mean I got mugged at least 6 times in one day, and when I finally got fed up defended myself and Succeeded boom guess what Runs to an Admin accusing me of some simple fail thats ridiculous, (You would not MUGG someone in front of a Fucking drug dealer are you fucking retarded I would pull my gun out sooo fucking quick and pop you off even quicker for tryna fuck with my business are you fucking retarded THATS REAL LIFE from A REAL LIFE PERSON that Deals with Real Life DRUG DEALERs Real Life Criminals, so Dont tell me that its bullshit, whered you grow up Utopia the fuck?) And Yeah if I murdered someone on the Street IG and get asked by the Admin (IRL Would it be worth 10 years?) No absolutely not but I wouldnt get caught if that was the real case, PERP doesnt have Acid that you can pour into a bath tub with a dead body in it to destroy every piece of evidence there couldve been, We aint there yet. there are places in the US where people are murdered in Cold fucking Blood and never see a cop chase em, cuz they had no fucking clue in the first place. Sorry to rant you can delete it if you want but please just actually take your time read and discuss my opions and understand Why I get banned for 3 days is Cuz its Real, I would have fucked that guy up(I wouldn't have kill him No ofcourse not but this isnt Half-Life Serious RP now is it, its Pulsar Effect Role Play) and honestly I want that Image out there that In game, IF you Fuck with me, Im going to fuck With You. Thats THAT, NO god damn question about it, I may be low right now but your gonna see me up, and You will respect me. DEAD. lmfao
I've mugged someone ONCE, Felt bad went back, offered it all back, he said no, he eventually killed me so what IDC, I dont like mugging its a Bottom feeder thing to do, your a low life when you stoop to such a Mingebag level, its DisHonorable, its dishonest, its just a Pussy Ass Thing to do! I dont like it, I get some people may be low and need money real quick cool, but Literally basing your entire PERP Existence on mugging on a day to day basis, is Lower than Low. Its FUCKING PATHETIC, I spent over a week tryna to put my foot in the door A God damn WEEK, thats Sad and Pathetic AS FUCK, Im INFURIATED at the Fact I still am not an Established or recognizable player, its because I dont really know the community which I look forward to getting to, and Muggers and Fail Cops getting away with their Fails and ME being to god damn lazy or uninformed as in How to handle demos( I gave up having a Vid Ready to be posted Right when I needed to figure out the stamps, I dont wanna put that much fucking thinking no matter how simple) I just want to Play PERP and have fun doing it, Not literally wanna find these faggots and legit murder them.(JK)N Sorry no more time to edit.
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