So as of recent i have noticed many things that i think are contributing to the "shit state of perpheads" and i have decided to make a post to get peoples opinions on what could be done to fix and what they feel is wrong with the state of perpheads as im going to be making a suggestion thread after this has been left for a while with everyones ideas.
From my experience there isnt really too much RP anymore. Yes i know this has been an issue for months now but go back a year or two and most of the server RPed and not just to be trolls doing "suicide RP" after running over a cop. There isn't Really an incentive to Passive RP all the server does is suggest that people either sit in their base growing drugs for hours on end. I know that criminal activites are going to be the most lucrative things to do but i feel there should be other alternatives for people who dont want to be a criminal.
On the oppersite end of the spectrum we have the PD who either just get really raid hungry and look for every small thing to try and raid over, The PD is taken far too seriously now dont get me wrong in SOME aspects this is a good thing im not just going to list the negatives about the PD here so lets look at some positives of this, We have people who know what they are doing (in most cases), IA cases get handled quickly and efficiently. However on the other end of that the PD can feel like a chore i can understand it should feel "authentic" however this can scare off new players from joining it.
all in all i feel there needs to be more stuff to make new players want to stay passive RP options, criminal options and even goverment wise as the whole PO thing everyone i have spoken to says they dont like it
This is just what i have noticed
From my experience there isnt really too much RP anymore. Yes i know this has been an issue for months now but go back a year or two and most of the server RPed and not just to be trolls doing "suicide RP" after running over a cop. There isn't Really an incentive to Passive RP all the server does is suggest that people either sit in their base growing drugs for hours on end. I know that criminal activites are going to be the most lucrative things to do but i feel there should be other alternatives for people who dont want to be a criminal.
On the oppersite end of the spectrum we have the PD who either just get really raid hungry and look for every small thing to try and raid over, The PD is taken far too seriously now dont get me wrong in SOME aspects this is a good thing im not just going to list the negatives about the PD here so lets look at some positives of this, We have people who know what they are doing (in most cases), IA cases get handled quickly and efficiently. However on the other end of that the PD can feel like a chore i can understand it should feel "authentic" however this can scare off new players from joining it.
all in all i feel there needs to be more stuff to make new players want to stay passive RP options, criminal options and even goverment wise as the whole PO thing everyone i have spoken to says they dont like it
This is just what i have noticed