Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

my personal take on this is there should be at least some sort of training. maybe bring the practical back. the written and multiple choice can easily be copied from the handbook and the t1 multiple choice is way too easy. requierments should be at least SO and maybe an OR if not they should reopen the training sessions and have it mandatory that you have attendet at least one before you can apply for RTFO.
show me ur best and go raid dont forget to clip it please

there must be +80 players on server

talking is easy but doing is the hard part where most of people dont do it

ask @Tyla Jai today when he raided with 4 ppl how bad it was or @ClumsySpyTTV when he did slums raid
This doesn’t sound like anything new though…. The limits haven’t changed, just more people have access.
show me ur best and go raid dont forget to clip it please

there must be +80 players on server

talking is easy but doing is the hard part where most of people dont do it

ask @Tyla Jai today when he raided with 4 ppl how bad it was or @ClumsySpyTTV when he did slums raid
We took down 17 of them but honestly they were like lemmings, we had to lockpick 3 apartments to hide and counter and just generally try not to be seen there was so many.
This doesn’t sound like anything new though…. The limits haven’t changed, just more people have access.
im not sure if you are trolling or real but raiding before that update was impossible (only if you where lucky no one made 911 call or no alarm went of etc ) atm after the update its extremely impossible that you win

today i was playing as cop every single 911 message include word "RAID" anyone can be tfu talk in the raido saying "gearing up and responding"

before i got my ban the tfu was limited not really much of people was geting it "not passing the practical" it was really good and it was fair maxum 4 tfu respond and it was rarely that you see 4+ since my ban over and i come back its almost every single raid even if its morning time 1-3 tfu at morning and at night it was hiting 4+ but now its almost every single shootout 6 tfu
"atm im not sure about morning bc i didnt try to raid this morning"

the thing that have been change is the availability as @Tilin said meaning that you have to fight many tfu so doing solo raid is impossible meaning you will need squad if it not more as what @Sharkster said he forgot to mention the defenders
Solo raiding on Low pop , medium pop , high pop is now literally impossible theres gonna always be RTFOs and usually always 1 TFO which just makes it so theres 4 TFOs with heavy armour gonna be able to respond to any kind of shootout not to mention theres still so many other Pistol cops andd REMINGTON COPS with insane sprint speed (330 Velocity) Light Gear TFUs with the same sprint speed as crim??? they literally have armour , flashbangs , c2 and other equipment they are carrying why are they the same sprint speed as us, there has not been a single zerg thats been winning raids 24/7 for the past 1-3 months there has been always more TFUs now there is gonna be even more on different kind of populations
taking over a property with defenders are already hard enough now you have to kill 6 tfus + remington cops which can camp anywhere and a bombarding rush of pistol cops yippie!
You guys are hating on the new recruit program but It's great, gives people opportunity to try and have fun as a TFU. Obviously It's going to shit right after release but at the same time It's the people that are being let onto the recruit program, inexperienced cops that lack brain knowledge, for example Mason Helms. Senior Officers+ should be the requirement in my opinion, just a better decision
Another issue I've seen;

Let's say you're at a raid, projex and slums are the biggest issues here and the raiders can't push out because there's so many PD outside, let's say they kill the TFU, what happens is the TFU who died have to gear down there's no longer an active situation for them so guess what happens, the cops still on scene can now gear up, so it's a never ending cycle of TFU.
The idea that the TFU practicals are a poor experience because you need experience actually doing the job is a very good point, and a very valid reason to make RTFOs a thing. I experienced this when I did a practical a while back.

In regards to the new open training sessions, of which I think only one or two were hosted before the RTFU update, I attended one and can speak on it. While they are helpful, it seems like there was no individual scoring or areas for improvement (unlike the real practical) and there was no super targeted feedback and retries to get stuff down to a standard that would pass the practical. In comparison, having RTFU allows that gain of experience to be a lot more than a one or two hour open training session, especially in the current state they were hosted in.

I don't understand why RTFU is a only-heavy-gear-deployment item that can self-deploy. A much, much, much better alternative would to have the restricted gearset and only allow light gear. They would require at all times to be deployed with a basic+ TFO in light gear, and they would not have the 3 billion HP that takes 20 headshots to remove from heavy armor that makes the balance so poor for raiders with the volume of TFOs right now. The light gear would allow them to patrol with said TFO normally and respond to incidents actively without requiring a complicated and up-to-interpretation policy for self-deployment and supervisor/highest-rank only otherwise.

The requirements should be tightened to at least requiring a short answer portion, with a difficult multiple choice requiring 100% score, and a minimum of Senior Officer or a normal Officer with 1-2 ORs (but this is a shoddy concept anyway - no red dot sight on pistol but can get a rifle?)

This solves a multitude of problems:
  1. The ultimate purpose of having recruit TFU is actually put in a much better picture - actually gaining experience for the basic practical. At all times they are gaining experience and being taught things while patrolling and responding to incidents with a basic+ TFO. At no point are they self deploying and being subjected to increased pressure and a lack of education if something goes wrong. RTFO is a position dedicated to actually advancing further in TFU to becoming a normal TFO.
  2. Gaining basic TFU could in fact not require a practical. It could be much more valuable to require 1-2 ORs from TFTOs+ while being a RTFO along with maybe some new short answer questions/command review. This would eliminate the aforementioned problems with the practical in the first place, and the real world experience is much more valuable than the artificial training map situations, along with being significantly less stressful and running into less scheduling issues.
  3. The slot issues and random RTFOs being deployed could be entirely circumvented, since they would only be able to deploy with normal TFO+ and the requirements would be stricter, leading to less of them.
  4. The light gear would mean less balancing issues from the health of heavy gear, and lead to less complaining when 6 raiders are onetapped and the RTFO has survived 6 head and chest shots.
The idea that the TFU practicals are a poor experience because you need experience actually doing the job is a very good point, and a very valid reason to make RTFOs a thing. I experienced this when I did a practical a while back.

In regards to the new open training sessions, of which I think only one or two were hosted before the RTFU update, I attended one and can speak on it. While they are helpful, it seems like there was no individual scoring or areas for improvement (unlike the real practical) and there was no super targeted feedback and retries to get stuff down to a standard that would pass the practical. In comparison, having RTFU allows that gain of experience to be a lot more than a one or two hour open training session, especially in the current state they were hosted in.

I don't understand why RTFU is a only-heavy-gear-deployment item that can self-deploy. A much, much, much better alternative would to have the restricted gearset and only allow light gear. They would require at all times to be deployed with a basic+ TFO in light gear, and they would not have the 3 billion HP that takes 20 headshots to remove from heavy armor that makes the balance so poor for raiders with the volume of TFOs right now. The light gear would allow them to patrol with said TFO normally and respond to incidents actively without requiring a complicated and up-to-interpretation policy for self-deployment and supervisor/highest-rank only otherwise.

The requirements should be tightened to at least requiring a short answer portion, with a difficult multiple choice requiring 100% score, and a minimum of Senior Officer or a normal Officer with 1-2 ORs (but this is a shoddy concept anyway - no red dot sight on pistol but can get a rifle?)

This solves a multitude of problems:
  1. The ultimate purpose of having recruit TFU is actually put in a much better picture - actually gaining experience for the basic practical. At all times they are gaining experience and being taught things while patrolling and responding to incidents with a basic+ TFO. At no point are they self deploying and being subjected to increased pressure and a lack of education if something goes wrong. RTFO is a position dedicated to actually advancing further in TFU to becoming a normal TFO.
  2. Gaining basic TFU could in fact not require a practical. It could be much more valuable to require 1-2 ORs from TFTOs+ while being a RTFO along with maybe some new short answer questions/command review. This would eliminate the aforementioned problems with the practical in the first place, and the real world experience is much more valuable than the artificial training map situations, along with being significantly less stressful and running into less scheduling issues.
  3. The slot issues and random RTFOs being deployed could be entirely circumvented, since they would only be able to deploy with normal TFO+ and the requirements would be stricter, leading to less of them.
  4. The light gear would mean less balancing issues from the health of heavy gear, and lead to less complaining when 6 raiders are onetapped and the RTFO has survived 6 head and chest shots.
i like the light gear idea but the problem is tfu slots are always going to be taken if we do this. if you are heavy you need to gear down, but in light you can literally be wherever you want. an easy way to counter this would be if you die while in gear you are gearbanned for 5/10 minutes (basically cant go in tfu gear) so it would allow other people to go in gear too
i like the light gear idea but the problem is tfu slots are always going to be taken if we do this. if you are heavy you need to gear down, but in light you can literally be wherever you want. an easy way to counter this would be if you die while in gear you are gearbanned for 5/10 minutes (basically cant go in tfu gear) so it would allow other people to go in gear too
It's a good idea, but I don't see the slots being a massive issue if the amount of recruits is more restricted. The only reason it's an issue now is because there's like over 70 of them or something who got accepted
Planned TFU Hotfix
These are the planned changes that have been discussed, I expect most if not all of these will be implemented but this list may change, I will update it as needed

Recruit Changes
  • Recruit will have their limit moved from 3 to 2
  • Recruit will have their total flashbang count reduced to 1
  • Recruit will no longer be able to spawn cars
  • Recruit will no longer be able to get into gear without a TFO+ being ingear
  • Upon respawn a Recruit will be demoted back out of TFU gear and will be given a 10m cooldown before they can re-gear
The requirements to become a Recruit will be updated and changed to the below
  • Senior Officer rank is now required.
  • 1 month since last infraction
  • 1 week since last application
  • 12 hours PD playtime ( 6 hours recent within the last month)
  • No taser certification
When 15 recruits have passed the application will be temporarily locked to handle the new influx
The application will have its command review removed so it is fully automated (new requirements will be coded to support this, we are automating TFU CMD out of a job)

TFTOs will be given some indicator of their status on their uniform

TFO slots will be reduced to the following;
  • 100+ 5
  • 80+ 4
  • 60+ 3
  • Less then 60, 2
The armed deployment mayor policy will add 1 to the limit

Basic certification will be renamed to just "Tactical Firearms Officer Certification"
This is more of a bug fix but all of the colors have been made far more readable

There is not a planned release date for these changes but they are being worked on