Travis' Enforcer Application V5

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NOTE: Much of this application is similar to my previous one, this is because most of what I said still stands. I have made the additions bold.

STEAM NAME: travis

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:179938847

AGE: 19


Ever since I was accepted as helper I strived to perform my best with the permissions and role I was given. My initial motive was to prove that I have changed and can handle authority when given. I feel like I have done so by answering help and support requests, being active in help chat and creating events all while using any power given appropriately. I am glad to see that the staff team is satisfied with my performance. Seeing as there has been a shortage of enforcers/moderators, I wanted to put myself forward to assist in running the server. I now currently live in Canada and am able to hop on the server at very late hours AND peak hours which can be a major advantage as I'm able to stay on for long periods of time.


As discussed in previous applications I would like to be an enforcer again to further this community by supporting and enhancing player experiences through enforcing the rules and making sure that everyone is playing in a fair and agreed-upon way. I also enjoy being part of a team that works towards a common goal, in this case, making sure that people abide by the rules so the server stays playable. Throughout my time as an enforcer before I've gotten to know many current and former staff members quite well and formed friendships that I will never forget. This helped me forge a sense of community and unity which I quite honestly enjoyed a lot. Despite there being hardships to this role such as dealing with stubborn or mingy people the good experiences I gain shadow all this as I'm able to make sure that any rule breaks that occur are dealt with fairly and sometimes collaboratively. I enjoyed dealing with things such as ARs and further deepening rule knowledge by consulting with others to make sure that the correct actions are taken. The great thing about enforcer is that I am able to not only help new players by guiding them to the appropriate resources, which I have been doing ever since I applied for helper, but you're also able to deal with those disruptive to people's experiences. With the addition of V5, there has been a noticeable influx in new players and opportunities to help such new players in-game, in OOC, and help chat. However, there has also been a proportionate increase in mingy situations with some of these new players. I'd like to bring my way of dealing with rule breaks forward to the community as I feel like it is reformative rather than disruptive. Elaborating on my previous point, my way of dealing with reports gives chance to some people who seem like they genuinely made a mistake to correct such mistakes and be a more productive community member. I do however stand in the way of those who seek to mess around and seem to not listen to advice and deal with them harshly. I would like to return to bringing forward my skills and rule knowledge to this community.

As an enforcer, a certain level of skills and attitude is expected from you as you do have a responsibility to the community and to your peers. I know that when the administration team evaluates a person for a role they look for a candidate who has enough professionalism and skills to, in the future, receive the rank of not just enforcer but moderator. Keeping this in mind I have been closely monitoring what I do to make sure that I demonstrate such skills which will be discussed in this section. I will admit that I was mingey at times but this does not reflect my overall character or my knowledge that such behavior is absolutely not tolerated as a staff member which is why I have been making sure that before, during, and after writing this application I continue to maintain a professional and decent attitude. The following list discusses the skills and character traits that I have developed and maintained to fit this role:

  • Persistence and resilience - I am a person who does not like to leave things undone and will go out of my way to continue to work towards a goal I want to achieve, whether that be minor or major.
  • Patience - Throughout many situations in the past, as a former staff member and as a police supervisor I have demonstrated patience with certain people who are more difficult to deal with. Some situations are also quite complicated and that also requires patience.
  • Friendliness and Professionalism - Whenever dealing with a situation I always maintain a cool temper, a good attitude, and professionalism. Regardless of who the person is I enjoy seeing a positive response to being helpful and reasonable.
  • Activity - In the past and recently I have been very active, staying on for many hours of the day and being available for reports and in-game situations. Because of this, I have been able to encounter all sorts of people from many different time zones and observe their behavior that being good or bad. As mentioned in previous applications I will soon be moving to Canada and will therefore be able to also be online during downtime where American players are on the server.
  • Rule Knowledge - My rule knowledge is quite good and I have demonstrated this by creating detailed reports/ARs for rule breaks that are common and some that are uncommon. I have also been closely monitoring recent rule changes such as the raiding rule, off-server transactions, and sexual roleplay rules among others. I am also experienced in dealing with rule breaks in the past and have been commended because of the way I dealt with reports.
  • Helpful - Although the rule of enforcer mostly consists of dealing with rule breaks I have been quite helpful as well as discussed earlier by guiding new players and informing them about server laws and rules to an accurate degree whether it be in-game or in the help/OCC chat. I believe quite a few current staff members have seen this demonstrated.
  • Accountability and Dedication - Because we are human we do have times where we need to withdraw for brief periods of time from certain roles to dedicate some time to real-life responsibilities. Thankfully, I haven't had to do so for too long but in case this happens I am always keen on informing the correct parties of such periods of inactivity. Most of the time, however, I have demonstrated dedication to any role I have been given and was quite motivated to continue and further myself in such a role.
Previous Experience
As it is quite widely known I have had experience in the staff team as both helper and enforcer and I believe this furthers my qualification for this role. Because of such experience, I was able to maintain excellent rule knowledge and keep in mind the level of professionalism needed to maintain such a role for the foreseeable future. I am also currently a helper and acted as event helper.

I have heard some concerns about my activity. I am fairly active and my activity is quickly going up. My activity went down in the previous month(s) as I was in the process of moving to another country. I have now settled down and have very good time management. I am spending most of my time playing with Mina, SamSN and Edisom however, I am also starting to play more Garry's mod and so my activity won't be an issue. Thank you for reading!

Previous Enforcer Applications:

Travis' Enforcer Application

Travis' Enforcer Application V2

Travis' Enforcer Application V3


In order for your application to be considered, you must meet the following three requirements:

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week. ✅
  • No recent in-game bans and warnings on record. ✅
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them. ✅
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server. ✅
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