Update Log - 02/05/2018

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God forbid it will take skill to kill criminals for once. Thats not in the PD's vocabulary is it?
Oh no, god forbid criminals have to face any challenge....

Let's take a look, shall we?
1x Joe Baggers
8x Criminals with auto rifles
1x Bearcat-like van ~2cm armor
8x G3A3s

Drive in
Baggers WASTED by regular assault rifles apparently penetrating 2cm of steel.

Ram in
Baggers WASTED by pd policy/regular assault rifles apparently penetrating 2cm of steel.

Drive in and get out
Baggers WASTED by firing squad of 8

Get out and snipe
Wait, Baggers got out and not WASTED?
1x Criminal WASTED
Oh wait, criminals have these time and space traveling cars that can get you to any point in the map in 10 seconds...
Baggers WASTED by car that snuck up on him while he was aiming his sniper rifle.

Yes, you definitely need SKILL to be able to beat 1v8, because that's not physically impossible, right...
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United Kingdom, Devon
Oh no, god forbid criminals have to face any challenge....

Let's take a look, shall we?
1x Joe Baggers
8x Criminals with auto rifles
1x Bearcat-like van ~2cm armor
8x G3A3s

Drive in
Baggers WASTED by regular assault rifles apparently penetrating 2cm of steel.

Ram in
Baggers WASTED by pd policy/regular assault rifles apparently penetrating 2cm of steel.

Drive in and get out
Baggers WASTED by firing squad of 8

Get out and snipe
Wait, Baggers got out and not WASTED?
1x Criminal WASTED
Oh wait, criminals have these time and space traveling cars that can get you to any point in the map in 10 seconds...
Baggers WASTED by car that snuck up on him while he was aiming his sniper rifle.

Yes, you definitely need SKILL to be able to beat 1v8, because that's not physically impossible, right...
I loved doing 1v8's as TFU, people need to remember its a game, games are fun and they aren't fun when you get mad over losing fucking nothing. Start risking 50k everytime you attempt to break a crime and have this pisstaking van ruining your day. = ) Honestly I wouldn't talk much until you have a lot of experience in both sides of rp. :)
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I loved doing 1v8's as TFU, people need to remember its a game, games are fun and they aren't fun when you get mad over losing fucking nothing. Start risking 50k everytime you attempt to break a crime and have this pisstaking van ruining your day. = ) Honestly I wouldn't talk much until you have a lot of experience in both sides of rp. :)
In this case poor Baggers just didn't have a single chance. I don't care about dying as long as I have an equal chance to win
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United Kingdom, Devon
In this case poor Baggers just didn't have a single chance. I don't care about dying as long as I have an equal chance to win
Equal chance? Honestly sometimes weigh out your chances and see if theres even a point in going. I remember @Garret_Pp stopping a couple of raids due to them massively out numbering us. From what I can remember @Chrissy was the same, when I was first PO he would constantly tell me to avoid conflict at all times and it was genuinely interesting to see how he approached certain things.
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Therefore I think a compromise would be to create a subtype of sniper ammo used by 50cals and have them pen the van from 2 mags but only the engine making it impossible to kill the tfu while he's still inside. That way the tfu has a chance to escape, the crims have a chance to kill him and we all live happily ever after
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Equal chance? Honestly sometimes weigh out your chances and see if theres even a point in going. I remember @Garret_Pp stopping a couple of raids due to them massively out numbering us. From what I can remember @Chrissy was the same, when I was first PO he would constantly tell me to avoid conflict at all times and it was genuinely interesting to see how he approached certain things.
Well I mean intentionally ignoring a shootout (which is a danger to public) really defeats the purpose of a cop, that's why I stand for police power
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United Kingdom, Devon
Therefore I think a compromise would be to create a subtype of sniper ammo used by 50cals and have them pen the van from 2 mags but only the engine making it impossible to kill the tfu while he's still inside. That way the tfu has a chance to escape, the crims have a chance to kill him and we all live happily ever after
This is asking for crims to pump more money into their weaponry and therefore risk even more. Criminals are tired of constantly risking things and having cops bitch whenever they die even though they literally risk a black screen. Just let the update be out so we can test it and then we can provide feedback to the developers, I'm sure they care what we think about said changes ::)))))))))))))))))
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This is asking for crims to pump more money into their weaponry and therefore risk even more. Criminals are tired of constantly risking things and having cops bitch whenever they die even though they literally risk a black screen. Just let the update be out so we can test it and then we can provide feedback to the developers, I'm sure they care what we think about said changes ::)))))))))))))))))
Well you always have ye'ole nade which is like what, 5k? :)
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United Kingdom, Devon
Well I mean intentionally ignoring a shootout (which is a danger to public) really defeats the purpose of a cop, that's why I stand for police power
So if a player storms the pd to prison break solo its 3.4 and unrealistic because "REALISTICALLY THERE WOULD BE SO MANY MORE COPS IN THERE" but if a cop goes into the same situation and is also outnumbered its seen as "CRIMS OP" "FUCKING ZERG" "GIVE ME AN M82 AS TFU", no. Your job as cop is to "fight" crime, not to throw yourself infront of bullets knowing you are going to die.
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United States of America
Boo Hoo, you cry about us killing you and you were 1 tfu against 8 people. OMG NEW UPDATE IS SO SHIT CIVS ARE TOO STRONG RIGHT NOW. We are not strong you are just not smart enough and you come alone and die alone. So get the fuck outta here with thanks for balancing.
You don't understand how difficult it is as PD in a shootout against you guys. There is literally no advantage that we have now. Before the update, we atleast had the swatvan so we could get CLOSE to the shootout without being fucked. Now, we have literally no advantages and we get fucked everytime. Cut it with your "just get better" bullshit because pistols v ARs is literally no fight. I'm tired of people making it seem like PD is OP. We have a limit of 16, atleast 4 of those now are always POs, usually 1-2 TFU that stand a chance, maybe let's say 3-4 with shotguns who stand no chance long range, and the rest are pistol cops. Now, take that and put it up against 10 guys with M4s and AKs plus 5 flankers who aren't even related to the situation. See the point?
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United Kingdom, Devon
Well you always have ye'ole nade which is like what, 5k? :)
5K, 100ish firearms to craft, skill and timing. The swat van was cancer and was complained about for years. If a driver saw you pull a grenade he'd drive in the opposite direction and then just loop around leaving you with a primed nade in your hand. NO-TY :)))))))
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Weeaboo headquarters
You don't understand how difficult it is as PD in a shootout against you guys. There is literally no advantage that we have now
Body armor, numerical superiority, a better form of communication other than org TS, medics, free supplies such as spike strips, barricades and cones, the ability to restrain anyone you deem a possible threat (atleast when i was cpt)

the 10 defender, 5 unrelated flanker theory in this day and age is like being a flat-eather. you can spout all the nonsense you want, but its simply not true.
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United Kingdom, Devon
Body armor, numerical superiority, a better form of communication other than org TS, medics, free supplies such as spike strips, barricades and cones, the ability to restrain anyone you deem a possible threat (atleast when i was cpt)

the 10 defender, 5 unrelated flanker theory in this day and age is like being a flat-eather. you can spout all the nonsense you want, but its simply not true.
Lucky Olsen aren't here to abuse the new swat van, feng been praying for that shit for like 4y
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United Kingdom
Criminals have better management of the resources available to them. Criminals get smarter over time with experience.

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I'm seeing a decrease in realism when it comes to criminal activity.
It's plain in the open, nobody is trying to hide their activity what so ever. Suppressors are here for a reason, sniper rifles too. If you can't go through the front door silently, take them out via their window first, then move on to their property door. A raid isn't meant to be a bumrush spray and pray which it is now. You're meant to be paying close attention to what you're doing, plan ahead, scout the area silently and try not to attract police attention while you're breaking in.
Take out anyone with an un-suppressed weapon and you have yourselves a silent raid.

Get in, get out ASAP. I've done this many times and I've cared none for leaving DNA if I went loud, I'm in it for the profit, not to sit 100 meters away from the incident to then flank cops because "OH NO MY DNA IS HERE, BETTER FLANK SO I DONT GET FOUND OUT" only to die literally 4 seconds later because you bumrushed back in to clear out cops.

If any of my friends get left behind, fuck them, their unfortunate end, I'm not going back in only to die moments later.

The TFU van was close to immortal for a reason, it being bulletproof was the point. When a bunch of you guys bunch up like this now that the TFU van is nerfed the PD stand literally no chance.
We're being cancer with the van because it was our only hope in actually accomplishing our goals at times when 10 people in an organization raiding a property was a norm.

At this point the city we would find ourselves in would have brought in APCs if it was to be a real life situation, these raids happen literally every 15-30 minutes. Anyone see a pattern yet? Yeah, a PD that apparently has an under-performing budget which forces it to remove 90% armor on the SWAT van so it doesn't kill off the PD due to the constant re-spawns of the van.
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United Kingdom, Devon
If you can't go through the front door silently, take them out via their window first, then move on to their property door. A raid isn't meant to be a bumrush spray and pray .
Yep enjoy the ban for 2.5 if you even CONSIDER it.

Get in, get out ASAP.
Swat van update will help this alot, you have to remember most people base Slums and its 2 seconds away from PD, the response time from shots fired is incredible with the new TFU system (constantly patrolling). In theory "get in, get out asap" I agree with but actually executing it with a base with other 2 people in it isn't possible.

If any of my friends get left behind, fuck them, their unfortunate end, I'm not going back in only to die moments later.
weak ass mind set, noted. :kappa:

The TFU van was close to immortal for a reason, it being bulletproof was the point. When a bunch of you guys bunch up like this now that the TFU van is nerfed the PD stand literally no chance.
its literally been out for like 12 hours, time will tell if it works and it will be adjusted accordingly. (I assume)

We're being cancer with the van because it was our only hope in actually accomplishing our goals at times when 10 people in an organization raiding a property was a norm.
Yea lets watch people leave the scene whilst just running over some unfortunate fellah in the process. Being cancer in the van doesn't do anything, infact it defeats your earlier argument of "be quick". :)

At this point the city we would find ourselves in would have brought in APCs if it was to be a real life situation, these raids happen literally every 15-30 minutes.
It's perp, not a real life simulator. Merely a game that people care about way too much, pushing realism doesn't help player count (as proven with the recent decline of players etc) and I wouldn't compare perp to real life with pretty much every situation.

@Creepis Passive aggressive smilies inc.

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United Kingdom, Southampton
Oh no, god forbid criminals have to face any challenge....

Let's take a look, shall we?
1x Joe Baggers
8x Criminals with auto rifles
1x Bearcat-like van ~2cm armor
8x G3A3s

Drive in
Baggers WASTED by regular assault rifles apparently penetrating 2cm of steel.

Ram in
Baggers WASTED by pd policy/regular assault rifles apparently penetrating 2cm of steel.

Drive in and get out
Baggers WASTED by firing squad of 8

Get out and snipe
Wait, Baggers got out and not WASTED?
1x Criminal WASTED
Oh wait, criminals have these time and space traveling cars that can get you to any point in the map in 10 seconds...
Baggers WASTED by car that snuck up on him while he was aiming his sniper rifle.

Yes, you definitely need SKILL to be able to beat 1v8, because that's not physically impossible, right...

I don't need a full on post match analysis, its like fucking MOTD. He showed no skill in driving into 8 people. He could have waited for police re-enforcements and picked them off one by one. Guerilla warfare!
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